Hi guys.
Well it ended "14 ALL"
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSHaDOD-szydVMJvJ6MoZ4GiPz19gacUKdNSg8hURM6APb05IenwkVwnjrp8HHL7D2z-c6t74A-ruYw/pubhtmlFirstly I want to thank everyone who has supported it. Charity donations can now be made to either or both charities below:
https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/SOUTH CHARITY: (SHELTER) - VIA JUST GIVING PAGE BELOW
https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/memoryoftimcarterI know people have participated for various different reasons, and even some that have busy schedules (probably would have "preferred" not to play) but gave up their time anyway out of loyalty, friendship and support of the initiative.
Others have very much enjoyed all the games and their enthusiasm is great to see.
I have to especially thank my fellow captain
@MAXALLY who has always been a loyal supporter of this and other charity initiatives. It has not always been easy for Alan and myself to keep the enthusiasm going, particularly with a lot of people being out in Vegas. So especially towards the end player availability is a bit sparse.
This is the first time we have ever attempted the FULL FORMAT and the number of games people have played etc, has very much been appreciated, sorry if it has dragged on too long for anyone.
So what is it really about?For me, it is a way to remember my brother Tim, and raise some funds for good causes in his memory. Unfortunately we all experience suffering and loss in one way or another at times during our lives and I hope these events are opportunities to remember those we love past and present.
I have fond memories of both ICE_TIGER and SIR-GARY who played previously in these initiatives and were two great people who are sadly no longer with us. They are missed very much by their loved ones and the SkyPoker community.
There are also people in our teams right now that are going through some very tough times, and my heart goes out to them.
Poker is often a game of EGO's and INDIVIDUALS so I hope this initiative has bought about some team spirit and togetherness that we don't always see in the game.
Having said that, this forum on SkyPoker is something special, as are the people that use it and those that support things like this.
All the best!
Will save my speech and thanks once the victory has been secured
Well done to you 2 guys two, a lot of hard work went into this, & most of us appreciate it.
This is very apt, & touching, too;
"There are also people in our teams right now that are going through some very tough times, and my heart goes out to them."
What am I doing?
Still need one more player (new or existing) to come forward for the SOUTH.
Ideally able to play this Saturday afternoon/evening.
Don't forget that most of the boys will be flying home from Vegas tomorrow Graham. (But not Essexphil). So maybe a few more options there?
Hopefully if I still need a player they will post their availability on here.
Although first come first served atm.
Bearing in mind it is 13-13 whoever plays will have a key impact as to where the trophy goes.
I already have my "ANCHOR MAN" for match 28, so just need a player for match 27.
If you have SOUTHERN credentials, we'd love to have you play this crunch game for us.
As per bottom (2nd last match) of sheet below it would be MATCH 27 at 5.15pm this Saturday.
Would that be OK?
Great stuff, thanks for "stepping up"
5.15pm Saturday is your game.
@MAXALLY I guess our team is no surprise now.
MATCH 27: 5.15pm Saturday 15th @Snuffer
MATCH 28: 7.15pm Saturday 15th @tomgoodun
Any luck with your team @MAXALLY ?
Remarkably it ended 14-14 with honours even.
As such people can choose either of the two charities, or indeed split their donations between the two.
The charities are CANCER RESEARCH UK and SHELTER via the links below:
Many thanks for the sporting way that everyone conducted themselves, THE SOUTH managed to "cling on" to the trophy after a mighty effort by both teams.
All the best!
An amazing effort by the organisers & Captains, well done chaps.
Is £10 for each ok?
Thanks again for running the comp, was a really good laugh. Suppose I should congratulate the South for coming back from the dead
Huge debt to Graham for organising and Alan for his work It was an honour to be a part of it.
crying.Yes, I do need to keep eating some of this...
Firstly, a HUGE THANKS to Graham @StayOrGo for all his organising of this. He must have done about 80% of the work to put this all on along with a lot of other stuff at the same time. I salute my fellow captain and congratulate him and his whole team (apart from Tikay) on the 'Win' (draw really, but lets not worry about detail
Secondly, a massive thanks to all my Team who participated in this. It was appreciated very much. Cheers. I think both Teams played this in great spirits and it was nice to be a part of that. It is what the Forum should be like.
Finally, please can EVERYONE give to one/two or even both of the very worthwhile chosen charities. It really does not have to be much, and anything is better than nothing.
Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for your support!
I decided to make my donation to @MAXALLY 's chosen charity Cancer Research UK. Confirmation below: (GREAT CHARITY CHOICE ALAN!)
Thank you Graham for your donation of £50.00 in memory of Tim Carter
Your gift will help us continue our life-saving research in the fight against cancer.
Donations made in memory of a loved one are very special. We hope that you can take some comfort in knowing that your donation will go towards groundbreaking research to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.
Your donation has been processed successfully and you should receive a receipt by email from us in the next hour.
Need help?
Your reference number is 2PN4R3T91XJ
Thanks again to all who supported it!
All the best.
Today, your donation of £25.00 made a difference.
You are part of a movement of people who’ve come together to beat cancer sooner. Thanks to donations like yours, cancer survival is improving and has doubled in the last 40 years in the UK.
Knowing that we can count on your support allows us to invest in research for the long term. Thanks to donations like yours, cancer survival is improving and has doubled in the last 40 years in the UK. Together, we will beat cancer.
Thanks for your donation
Donor AvatarFundraiser AvatarShelter
Donation reference: D233005669
Just a gentle reminder to those yet to make their donations, please could you do so when you can.
Many thanks,