Ever remember the first time you played online poker?
You register for a low stake DYM and the window pops up. Thoughts race through your head. It feels like everyone else MUST be a seasoned player and the pressure is straight on you. The timer is counting down. You can’t even pick out where you’re sat, never mind rotating the table to suit your OCD / lucky seat choice. You’re holding 7-2 off. You recall something you read in a book. Are they the best hole cards you can have? Hmm… you need to press a button fast, so you don’t look like a rookie. Here goes…
The table window closes. Not that one, I guess.
After closing down all the other windows you have open, e-mail, Facebook, Sky Bet (natch), POF (unlucky at cards, etc..), you manage to re-open the table. You’re down to 825 chips. Two other players are ‘All-in’, whatever that means. They must have both been up all night. One has a pair of Queens. The other has AT suited. The cards play out, one of them wins. The other disappears from the table, probably off to write a new ‘bad beat’ post.
A few more hands play out. Your check-fold strategy seems to be working. You’re losing chips a lot slower now.
It’s nearly time to go all-in (a quick check of Wikipedia has cleared that one up for you).
All-in – An action taken by a poker player when they are nearly blinded out or the Amazon guy is at the door with something he can’t fit into the silver bin.
Speaking of which, if you order a silver bin off Amazon, where does the delivery guy leave it?
It’s finally time to go all-in. You’ve stalled and stalled. You have one big blind left. You’re about ten big blinds too late. The deal comes and your hole cards are revealed to be 7-2 off. Please be right about what it said in that book…
You win 1 poker point.
That’s your first ever ‘proper’ game out of the way. You’ve made it through. You lost. You’re not quite sure if you'll ever play again, but you
can see opportunities to improve your game.
You click ‘Register’.
Hmm.... Surprise, surprise 7-2 off.
It’s all a fix…

Blimey, what memories.
The software in those days was incred, & we were all on dial-up....
Where you couldn't use the phone at the same time as the internet, and a good deal was paying 1p a minute to be online.
Should I quit now....
Where have I been, you ask?
After 2 years of my divorce taking me down the toilet (My decree absolute was completed on 4th July 2018 - Yes. Independence day), I kinda lost myself.
However, life will not let me dwell in my misery. After meeting someone new, late 2018, I have now got engaged. It's so much easier than to have to use the term girlfriend, at age 53.
And so here I am. After a rather dull patch in my life, I've taken up ballroom dancing and air pistol shooting. I also get out and away a lot more than previously*.
And so, back to poker.
(*current three weeks excepted)
Oh, and Hi, BTW.
Oh my, that sounds great, but only if it were one sport....... ;-)
The TV programme "Take Me Out" would have been immeasurably better with a gun.
The London Marathon would be so much more watchable if they shot the last 10 every mile