After that worrying blip on Wednesday when Sheriff missed by a mile, it was BAU last night as all 4 Headline MTT's covered comfortably, with Sheriff going from a £400 overlay to covering by £800 & even Quickdraw doing well.
The win by peiratis88 makes him the 15th most profitable Sky Poker MTT-er in 2019.
Runner-up shazan22 is having a decent week after running 2nd in a tenner BH a few nights earlier, while Glendag123 was 3rd having been 6th in the 7 @ 7 the previous night & then 7th in a £7.50 BH which started just before this.
4th was neely0y0 - not to be confused with Neilio123 who Finalled the Main.
6th was borofan-. Oh my, how bad does he run? Tough gig being a 'Boro supporter.
@peiratis88 786000 1 £248.08 + £90.41 Head Prizes 14
£6,000 Hitman Main (£6,420)
MAGPIETYKE has been playing MTT's on Sky Poker for 11 years, & I believe this was his biggest ever result, or nearly so.
No real surprises otherwise, very much one for the Big Boys last night.
@MAGPIETYKE 1070000 1 £866.70 + £303.05 Head Prizes 6
@GFKIJKLL 0 2 £523.23 + £124.17 Head Prizes 7
@chicknMelt 0 3 £316.19 + £42.90 Head Prizes 3
@MattBates 0 4 £248.78 + £84.61 Head Prizes 5
@Neilio123 0 5 £211.86 + £219.93 Head Prizes 12
@alancarr12 0 6 £176.55 + £86.33 Head Prizes 6
Three familiar names all finished close up, too;
@mattprawn 0 9 £78.65 + £51.50 Head Prizes 4
@GREGSTER 0 11 £53.29 + £29.53 Head Prizes 2
@BooBooTheB 0 12 £53.29 0
£1,500 Hitman Mini (£1,965)
The win by peiratis88 makes him the 15th most profitable Sky Poker MTT-er in 2019.Runner-up shazan22 is having a decent week after running 2nd in a tenner BH a few nights earlier, while Glendag123 was 3rd having been 6th in the 7 @ 7 the previous night & then 7th in a £7.50 BH which started just before this.
4th was neely0y0 - not to be confused with Neilio123 who Finalled the Main.
6th was borofan-. Oh my, how bad does he run? Tough gig being a 'Boro supporter.
@peiratis88 786000 1 £248.08 + £90.41 Head Prizes 14
@shazan22 0 2 £144.43 + £61.93 Head Prizes 14
@GlendaG123 0 3 £87.44 + £23.98 Head Prizes 10
@neely0y0 0 4 £69.95 + £13 Head Prizes 5
@cpfc_2010 0 5 £58.95 + £23.22 Head Prizes 6
@borofan- 0 6 £48.04 + £18.73 Head Prizes 7
£2,000 Sheriff (£2,800)
5ausages mashed the final table, but spare a thought for runner-up Cash1no who was looking to win Sheriff for the 2nd night on the spin.3rd was kidwiz1 who usually just single-tables, as he did last night. Each to their own, but I'd struggle to single table Online MTT's.
@5ausages 280000 1 £518 + £405.04 Head Prizes 10
@Cash1no 0 2 £308 + £100.79 Head Prizes 4
@kidwiz1 0 3 £210 + £90.24 Head Prizes 3
@GFKIJKLL 0 4 £154 + £121.88 Head Prizes 6
@Super_Oli 0 5 £112 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1
@scotty77 0 6 £98 + £91.41 Head Prizes 4
The Bates & lool just missed the Final.
@MattBates 0 7 £23.44 Head Prizes 1
@loololollo 0 8 £98.44 Head Prizes 3
Blimey, how about this for a hot final table?£1,000 Quickdraw (£1,750)
@rspca12 175000 1 £350 + £369.91 Head Prizes 10
@chicknMelt 0 2 £218.75 + £46.88 Head Prizes 2
@GFKIJKLL 0 3 £131.25 + £120.70 Head Prizes 5
@scotty77 0 4 £96.25 + £42.19 Head Prizes 2
@cpfc_2010 0 5 £78.75 + £42.19 Head Prizes 2
@Cleis 0 6 0
SPT Brighton Semi
THENUTS636 became the first player to win 2 seats for SPT Brighton, winning them on consecutive nights. What price the hat-trick tonight?
@smith1408 32182.50 1 SPT Brighton Seat
@THENUTS63 13097.50 2 SPT Brighton Seat
@Alfie20 5720 3 SPT Brighton Seat
@SenorBegs 0 4 £88