Our winner has 6,032 SNG's to his name, almost all Heads Up, but just 55 MTT's, of which only 5 were in 2019, then suddenly popped up last night with a win in the Main. How do these things happen? Most of his HU games are tenner jobs, so collecting almost £1,400 is like winning 140 HU games on the spin. Much more time-efficient.
You know all there is to know about most of these, except perhaps RobRenzi & IKR69.
RobRenzi certainly had a good day, having begun the day by winning Midnight Express, then 24th in the Main, 5th in this, & then went on to win a 118 runner Turbo BH.
@Super_Oli 270000 1 £499.50 + £275.09 Head Prizes 5
£8,000 Sharpshooter Main (£8,700)
Our winner has 6,032 SNG's to his name, almost all Heads Up, but just 55 MTT's, of which only 5 were in 2019, then suddenly popped up last night with a win in the Main. How do these things happen? Most of his HU games are tenner jobs, so collecting almost £1,400 is like winning 140 HU games on the spin. Much more time-efficient.
In 2nd, barfoot12 managed 18 Bounties.
@ZAHIR 2900000 1 £1152.75 + £276.37 Head Prizes 5
@barfoot12 0 2 £687.30 + £444 Head Prizes 18
@anjie1970 0 3 £413.25 + £78.58 Head Prizes 4
@Birdy70 0 4 £326.25 + £271.08 Head Prizes 15
@redmanwalk 0 5 £276.23 + £57.83 Head Prizes 4
@isla28 0 6 £230.55 + £85.79 Head Prizes 5
£2,000 Sharpshooter Mini (£2,450)
The winner has played more MTT's on Sky Poker in 2019 than anyone else, even The Bates. Does pretty well, too.
By contrast, 3rd placed Webby80 has just 7 MTT's to his name in 2019.
@luckme002 4900000 1 £306.25 + £85.64 Head Prizes 14
@123gotcha 0 2 £171.50 + £13.99 Head Prizes 4
@Webby80 0 3 £101.19 + £19.42 Head Prizes 4
@KWESI 0 4 £80.24 + £24.99 Head Prizes 4
@karina27 0 5 £67.38 + £10.25 Head Prizes 3
@shire40 0 6 £54.51 + £16.88 Head Prizes 5
£2,000 Sheriff (£2,700)
You know all there is to know about most of these, except perhaps RobRenzi & IKR69.
RobRenzi certainly had a good day, having begun the day by winning Midnight Express, then 24th in the Main, 5th in this, & then went on to win a 118 runner Turbo BH.
@Super_Oli 270000 1 £499.50 + £275.09 Head Prizes 5
@SoLack 0 2 £297 + £76.17 Head Prizes 3
@chrisdonkb 0 3 £202.50 + £139.74 Head Prizes 4
@scotty77 0 4 £148.50 + £79.69 Head Prizes 4
@RobRenzi 0 5 £108 + £32.81 Head Prizes 1
@IKR69 0 6 £94.50 + £89.07 Head Prizes 4
£1,000 Quickdraw (£1,400)
Mostly Usual Suspects, with luckme002 adding a 3rd here to his win in the Mini earlier.
@miniman88 140000 1 £350 + £235.93 Head Prizes 6
@Haydenx37 0 2 £210 + £42.19 Head Prizes 2
@luckme002 0 3 £140 + £117.18 Head Prizes 4
@skyflyer 0 4 £145.32 Head Prizes 7
@Makaka 0 5 £18.75 Head Prizes 1
@POKEOFFU 0 6 £23.44 Head Prizes 1
SPT Brighton Semi (9 runners)
Really disappointing turnout for this, just 9 runners.
The Hippo won his 3rd SPT Brighton seat in 4 attempts - how? - & Essexphil, who bubbled one earlier in the week, booked his Brighton deckchair.
@ctbn 17743.75 1 SPT Brighton Seat
@Essexphil 5835 2 SPT Brighton Seat
@wineli 3421.25 3 SPT Brighton Seat
Congrats to the guys above on getting Brighton seats.