Champions League football takes place tonight, but of the 12 Teams involved, I've never heard of 11 of them, & could not even guess what country they represent. Shkendija v Nomme Kalju? Pass.
Ditto Europa League, hard to imagine who Banants v FK Cukaricki might appeal to.
In Scotland, the League Cup is up & running. Alloa Athletic v Elgin City anyone? Thought not.
So we'll stick with the horses again, & go up to Southwell, which is in Nottinghamshire. Bit of a "gaff", it has AW (all-weather) track & a turf track, & thankfully the jump racing takes place on the latter. Backing horses on AW is a short cut to Carey Street & is a dreadful product.
Southwell it is then, for the 9pm "Bumper".
What is a "bumper"? It's a flat race run under NH Rules for horses that have never run on the flat. Essentially, its a way of getting horses with a career over hurdles or fences ahead of them an introduction to racing. Some very big gambles have been landed in Bumpers down the years, especially at Cheltenham.
As it happens, tonight is Southwell's inaugural "Military Meeting". I have no idea what that means, but it sounds wonderfully worthy.
Here's the League Table after Day 1, & we have 8 entries who backed yesterday's 4/1 winner sitting proudly at the top, & the rest of us all on - £1.
@eon1961 +£4.00
@FCHD +£4.00
@lufc333 +£4.00
@MattBates +£4.00
@PKRPar +£4.00
@safc71 +£4.00
@tai-gar +£4.00
@1981MATT - £1.00
@bbMike - £1.00
@belsibub - £1.00
@Boxster - £1.00
@Brrrrrrr - £1.00
@DoyleBrun - £1.00
@Duesenberg - £1.00
@EdNo - £1.00
@edrich - £1.00
@engy - £1.00
@Essexphil - £1.00
@freeatlast - £1.00
@Glenelg - £1.00
@goldnballz - £1.00
@gpc70 - £1.00
@HANSON - £1.00
@ikelly - £1.00
@jwrighty - £1.00
@lawro10 - £1.00
@lfccarl - £1.00
@MAXALLY - £1.00
@millwise11 - £1.00
@MISTY4ME - £1.00
@mkgunner - £1.00
@mondo1985 - £1.00
@NoEa5yCa5h - £1.00
@or8treacle - £1.00
@pompeynic - £1.00
@rabdeniro - £1.00
@SidV79 - £1.00
@Snuffer - £1.00
@taylor00 - £1.00
@TheEdge949 - £1.00
@Tikay10 - £1.00
@tmc460 - £1.00
@tomgoodun - £1.00
@waller02 - £1.00
@wrongjohn1 - £1.00
@wynne1938 - £1.00
@zadoc - £1.00
21.00 @ Southwell
Prices are indicative only.
No Quarter Asked (S Bowen) @ 13/8
Heart Of A Lion (Tom Cannon) @ 15/8
Rory And Me (A P Cawley) @ 5/2
Nomountainhienough (B S Hughes) @ 10/1
Champagne Vintage (Brendan Powell) @ 40/1
Friends Don't Ask (L P Aspell) @ 40/1
Wbee (C Brace) @ 40/1
Alneel (Colm McCormack) @ 50/1
Canneyhill Bob (Henry Brooke) @ 200/1
Here's Tom Cannon, who rides Heart Of A Lion. He's something of a Fontwell specialist, having been Champion Jockey there 3 times on the spin, but he does OK at most tracks.
If you have a mere 38 seconds to spare, have a look at this remarkable performance by Colm McCormack. A win for Colm tonight would be even more remarkable, as he rides Alneel, who is a 50/1 shot, but you never know with this man.....
Due off at 9pm, so let's draw the line at 8.45, which will be time enough for everyone except @dragon1964