Hi All,
So it's Monday night at my local Grosvenor and I'm playing the £20 + £3 and as usual its self deal until the final table.
I allow myself to be bribed into dealing, usually it's a meal voucher but this time I hold out for a pint as well, as there's only 3 or 4 of us who deal regularly and competently and 2 of them are missing.
About 6 levels in I look down at Ac Ad on the button and have 2 all ins announced in front of me. I call, I have both well covered. The blinds fold, I pull their cards in and........ oh flip, manage to pull mine into the muck as well.
Now I'm not going to make an issue and just put it down to one of those things when to my surprise the table says call the floor and if he can retrieve them you can play them. Ok its not in the rules but then again neither is self dealing, or playing out of a rack which the dealer has to do to keep his chips separate from the pot etc.
Floor is called and as there's no more action I tell him my cards. On hearing this one of the all in players decides that hes had a change of heart and that my hand is dead, whilst the other is like " I had to hit to win anyway so it changes nothing for me, I'm happy for your cards to be live".
I decide to play by the rules and tell the floor its ok my hand is dead and the players reveal J J against K K (Mr mindchange like we all couldn't guess his hand anyway).
Now whilst mucking my Aces pre was my fault and mine alone, I must admit to a smirk as a J hit the flop and then the as guy rivered quads I may have permitted myself a satisfied smile.
For the record I busted the F.T. on the bubble with a hand I usually wouldn't (A J suited) but the bb ante system really does loosen the ranges from the bb especially when youve already put 24,000 chips in from a stack of 130,000. Personally I prefer the button ante but hey what the W.S.O.P. does has to be right yeah?
Have fun and rungood
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Why are you self dealing at the Grosvenor when Gentings is virtually opposite with dealers most tournaments?...
(good 'fold' by the way)
Wasn't a fold though Id already verbaled all in so my chips were lost.
1 - you were the third player to call all in
2 - the issue has arisen due to you having to deal on behalf of everyone else
But I know we can’t expect sanity/charity in such situations!
Elaborate card protector for the next tournament GL