Bad news I'm afraid, Rose gets it all-in with the A-J & bumps into Queens & gets no help on flop or turn so does the full patented Irish Rose Stand Up, Put Coat On, Pick Up Handbag, Order Taxi routine.
Omg nearly had a heart attack. Hahahahaha goaaaaaaan Roseeeeee xxxxx
Unlucky Tony. Played Friday, wasted a decent position by playing two hands really badly, before exiting from Mr Eubank Jr's table. Then having lost twelve thousand on the river, on the third hand of Saturday, I proceeded to not play particularly well until getting knocked out around about the time Kane got Spurs second goal. I might have to face up to the fact that I am just not very good at poker. Really enjoyed meeting up with everybody again, will look forward to Nottingham once I stop feeling sorry for myself.
V unlucky. Saw you leave a bit sharp-ish, Nick. We all play hands badly, and all think we have when the result goes against us, but it's all part of the game. I was short today, shoved with AJ, and walked into Mr Channing's big pair. And we all know they never win. Particularly as I forgot to stand up and put my coat on
Unlucky Tony. Played Friday, wasted a decent position by playing two hands really badly, before exiting from Mr Eubank Jr's table. Then having lost twelve thousand on the river, on the third hand of Saturday, I proceeded to not play particularly well until getting knocked out around about the time Kane got Spurs second goal. I might have to face up to the fact that I am just not very good at poker. Really enjoyed meeting up with everybody again, will look forward to Nottingham once I stop feeling sorry for myself.
V unlucky. Saw you leave a bit sharp-ish, Nick. We all play hands badly, and all think we have when the result goes against us, but it's all part of the game. I was short today, shoved with AJ, and walked into Mr Channing's big pair. And we all know they never win. Particularly as I forgot to stand up and put my coat on
That's Groggs in Seat 1, Roses arms in seat 2, DW-R opposite the Dealer, & Sam at the far end, still throwing a rueful "how could you?" look in DW-R's direction.
Unlucky Tony. Played Friday, wasted a decent position by playing two hands really badly, before exiting from Mr Eubank Jr's table. Then having lost twelve thousand on the river, on the third hand of Saturday, I proceeded to not play particularly well until getting knocked out around about the time Kane got Spurs second goal. I might have to face up to the fact that I am just not very good at poker. Really enjoyed meeting up with everybody again, will look forward to Nottingham once I stop feeling sorry for myself.
V unlucky. Saw you leave a bit sharp-ish, Nick. We all play hands badly, and all think we have when the result goes against us, but it's all part of the game. I was short today, shoved with AJ, and walked into Mr Channing's big pair. And we all know they never win. Particularly as I forgot to stand up and put my coat on
The (very pleasant) young lady who was in Seat 1 in this photo, taken just a few minutes ago, is no longer sat there, or anywhere else, so we are down to 13 now.
Fella makes it 100,000 at 12k-24k/24k & groggy, playing over 4 million quietly says "All-In".
Villain thinks for ever & eventually folds.
Groggs, who is a "selective show-er", shows the lovely A-K suited. So he did have it. This time.
Saw you leave a bit sharp-ish, Nick. We all play hands badly, and all think we have when the result goes against us, but it's all part of the game.
I was short today, shoved with AJ, and walked into Mr Channing's big pair. And we all know they never win. Particularly as I forgot to stand up and put my coat on
Players are on break, this was Groggs stack just prior to the break.
Next pay jump is when there are 12 left.
Here's the remaining prize money;
WINNER £18,300
2nd £11,269
3rd £8,070
4th £6,160
5th £4,670
6th £3,570
7th £2,630
8th £2,120
9th £1,700
10th – 12th £1,360
13th – 15th £1,100
BIG pot goes off between DW-R & @Sky_SamT
Board is 4 clubs & includes an Ace. Sam has an ace.
DW-R bets big on the river, & Sam goes into the tank, most unlike him he usually acts quickly.
He eventually folds, & DW-R shows......
Play has re-started, blinds now 16k-32k/32k.
That's Groggs in Seat 1, Roses arms in seat 2, DW-R opposite the Dealer, & Sam at the far end, still throwing a rueful "how could you?" look in DW-R's direction.
The (very pleasant) young lady who was in Seat 1 in this photo, taken just a few minutes ago, is no longer sat there, or anywhere else, so we are down to 13 now.
Don't have his name, but the gentleman to Sam's right, barely visible here, is now completely invisible, as he was busted by Seat 9.
So that's 12 left, & a pay-jump to £1,360.