Can't see this info so I thought I would just ask.
Was planning to perhaps play SPT Notts coming up. What time does play start on 1a and 1b? Can't see this anywhere or maybe I am blind?
If I don't satty in can I just come and pony up the buy in, or is it restricted only to qualifiers like your Vegas tourney was?
Finally is it re-entry?
Thanks in advance!
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play starts at 4pm on the Friday (Day 1a) and usually finishes around 1am if you run good
play starts at 2pm on the Saturday (Day 1b) and finishes around 11pm..... then it's Beer o'clock
if you don't manage to Sat. into tourney you can turn up on the day and pay the £220, but it's defo worth getting there an hour before play starts to make sure you don't have to wait to sit and play..... and finally you get one re-entry per flight, so max/ 4 in total.
Would be great to see you there 'coz they are always great events, and it's so good to meet the players who you play against regularly.
Good Luck......
You can just rock up but I would get there in plenty of time to guarantee a seat
If you look here at tournament details & structure you can see timings
Everything @MISTY4ME & @MattBates has said is correct, but the link that Mr Bates provided does not seem to work, so here it is again;
Any more questions, just ask.
Be great to see you there.