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This has to be the worst commentary EVER!!

bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
edited March 2010 in Poker Chat
The PRIMO  Final  Table screened  tonight, did anyone do  any research for this programme , Mark Banning kept calling SUPERNONA    "He" "Him" "His"  even DP joined in  ..Supernova  is  a Lady player guys .. (doh) 

Did the producers  not  research it either ?  (doh)

Just  goes to show  how much  attention  goes into  this programme   !!

 Bring  back  "Compo" he at  least looks as if  he knows  what  he's talking about, 

Sorry   ....  SkyPoker, tonight's  show  was "abysmal" as far as  research  goes and also  showed  up Mark for his play  analysis as  less than average !!



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,887
    edited March 2010

    None of the Producers, Presenters, Analysts, or anyone else on Channel 865 have access to players "real" names, nor should they - that'd be a serious breach of protocol, quite improper, & in breach of the DP Act. So it's not "abysmal research - doh" at all, it would be quite improper if Producers or front-of-camera staff had access to that data. The only clue they have - unless they know the player personally - is their Avatar, & quite often, players use reverse gender Avatars, &/or names.
    I cannot comment upon Mark's commentary, as I never saw the Show or heard the commentary, but he's a very accomplished player, as you well know.

    If Sharon was offended by it - & I'd be surprised if she were - I'll apologise personally to her when I next see her, but I would think she understands the position.

    PS - Mark's surname is "Banin", not "Banning", but an easy mistake to make.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,887
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!!:
    LOL,didnt see it myself,but can believe it,theres been a few times iv wondered how some people are actually on the tv(no names),as 'poker xspurts',or even just 'tv personalities'..wondering what lewd acts theyv had to perform to get a shot at tv...
    Posted by philmenow
    Sir, is that really called for?
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!!:
    LOL,didnt see it myself,but can believe it,theres been a few times iv wondered how some people are actually on the tv(no names),as 'poker xspurts',or even just 'tv personalities'..wondering what lewd acts theyv had to perform to get a shot at tv...
    Posted by philmenow
    IMO I believe that the majority of them are good 'poker xspurts' as you put it. I can't say I agree with everything that they say all of the time but come off it they have no real time to analyse hands and occaionally slip up. No need for this response, at the end of the day they are employed by sky to do a job and imo they do a very good one. I can't comment on all the analysts on the show but you can see through tikay that he puts a lot of hours in to analyse hands and give advice to any of us and im sure the others would be just as responsive if you were to ask.
  • Seagull158Seagull158 Member Posts: 1,100
    edited March 2010
    There's a couple of "gents" in this thread who should be apologising and Tikay isn't one of them!
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2010

    My first post on the forum was having a pop at one of the analysts. Last night I hard him on sky sports commentating alongside Danny Negreanu!! - How much fun must that be!!! lol

    Anyway - it wasnt a clever thing to do having a go at him, and have regretted it eva since - it was only 1 hand I was moaning about - so yeh as loadsa people reminded me at the time - everyone makes mistakes :(

  • philmenowphilmenow Member Posts: 617
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!!:
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!! : Sir, is that really called for?
    Posted by Tikay10
    probably not,lol,wasnt necessarily commenting on skys xspurts,and im sure none of the presenters here(other than orford maybe,only joking Rich)have had to perform any such deviancy to get where they are 2day...but tv as a whole is littered with people who i see as having no talent and/or no personality and makes me wonder how they got there...other than having the now obligatory speech impedement..
  • philmenowphilmenow Member Posts: 617
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!!:
    There's a couple of "gents" in this thread who should be apologising and Tikay isn't one of them!
    Posted by Seagull158
    lol,are skypoker recruiting forum police at the mo'?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,887
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!!:
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!! : probably not,lol,wasnt necessarily commenting on skys xspurts,and im sure none of the presenters here(other than orford maybe,only joking Rich)have had to perform any such deviancy to get where they are 2day...but tv as a whole is littered with people who i see as having no talent and/or no personality and makes me wonder how they got there...other than having the now obligatory speech impedement..
    Posted by philmenow
    So which particular "poker xspurts" were you referring to, if I may ask? You said, & I quote.....

    ".......LOL,didnt see it myself,but can believe it,theres been a few times iv wondered how some people are actually on the tv(no names),as 'poker xspurts',or even just 'tv personalities'..wondering what lewd acts theyv had to perform to get a shot at tv...
  • philmenowphilmenow Member Posts: 617
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!!:
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!! : So which particular "poker xspurts" were you referring to, if I may ask? You said, & I quote..... ".......LOL,didnt see it myself,but can believe it,theres been a few times iv wondered how some people are actually on the tv(no names),as 'poker xspurts' ,or even just 'tv personalities'..wondering what lewd acts theyv had to perform to get a shot at tv...
    Posted by Tikay10
    hows about Grub Smith,12 steps to poker heaven..ffs,if he aint ever been a pawn star id be suprised..but expert he aint....since when has the word po rn been offensive?
  • philmenowphilmenow Member Posts: 617
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!!:
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!! : No forum Police, just people who are trying to point out that you made an awful comment........
    Posted by emilyegg
    lol,people are dying all over the world and ur worried that sum1 who is being paid to talk about poker, but 'aint all that' might actually G A S about what sum1 has 2 say about them..some people need to get a grip on reality.
  • emilyeggemilyegg Member Posts: 3,408
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!!:
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!! : lol,people are dying all over the world and ur worried that sum1 who is being paid to talk about poker, but 'aint all that' might actually G A S about what sum1 has 2 say about them..some people need to get a grip on reality.
    Posted by philmenow
    Not worried in the slightest at what the analysts are saying m8, I for one enjoy watching 865........ seemless link between lewd acts performed by tv presenters and the worlds problems though......

    Not sure what you are getting at either.
  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited March 2010
    I can't say that I always agree with Mark Banin's hand analysis but I think that it would be a very strange world if I did.
    In any case, Mark could always point to his successful career in poker and wonder what right I have to criticise his work.

    I am pretty sure though that Supernova would not be offended in the least by the gender confusion from two people who have never met her; I'm sure that the £3.8K prize money will definitely more than make up for this.

    So, let's not get things out of perspective, please!
  • philmenowphilmenow Member Posts: 617
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!!:
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!! : Not worried in the slightest at what the analysts are saying m8, I for one enjoy watching 865........ seemless link between lewd acts performed by tv presenters and the worlds problems though...... Not sure what you are getting at either.
    Posted by emilyegg
    thank you
  • Seagull158Seagull158 Member Posts: 1,100
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!!:
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!! : lol,are skypoker recruiting forum police at the mo'?
    Posted by philmenow
    Couldnt help myself after reading Benny's rant and your derogatory comments.
  • Action_DanAction_Dan Member Posts: 341
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!!:
    None of the Producers, Presenters, Analysts, or anyone else on Channel 865 have access to players "real" names, nor should they - that'd be a serious breach of protocol, quite improper, & in breach of the DP Act. So it's not "abysmal research - doh" at all, it would be quite improper if Producers or front-of-camera staff had access to that data. The only clue they have - unless they know the player personally - is their Avatar, & quite often, players use reverse gender Avatars, &/or names.   I cannot comment upon Mark's commentary, as I never saw the Show or heard the commentary, but he's a very accomplished player, as you well know. If Sharon was offended by it - & I'd be surprised if she were - I'll apologise personally to her when I next see her, but I would think she understands the position. PS - Mark's surname is "Banin", not "Banning", but an easy mistake to make.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Quality - sometimes one line can speak volumes! It's all pot, kettle, black...and rather pointless so as Tikay said, if the person in question doesn't mind, why should anyone else care? You can't come on here slating people for making simple mistakes and then make schoolboy error yourself by getting Mark's name wrong - you have more information on him (name plastered across the TV) than he does on Supernova or anyone else for that matter so just cut him some slack!
  • Lisa_MarieLisa_Marie Member Posts: 759
    edited March 2010
    That Supernova is a nice bloke.
  • philmenowphilmenow Member Posts: 617
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!!:
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!! : Couldnt help myself after reading Benny's rant and your derogatory comments.
    Posted by Seagull158
    experts who are paid for their expertise should at least be able to do the basics,like being able to read and being able to talk some sense on the subject of their expertise(and on the whole they are able to talk some sense) original reply to the OP mentioned no1s name/names.
  • BowieBoyBowieBoy Member Posts: 266
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!!:
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!! : lol,people are dying all over the world and ur worried that sum1 who is being paid to talk about poker, but 'aint all that' might actually G A S about what sum1 has 2 say about them..some people need to get a grip on reality.
    Posted by philmenow
    vice versa......
  • MadHorseMadHorse Member Posts: 257
    edited March 2010
    If you dont like Skypoker, you know where the door is rodney.
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: This has to be the worst commentary EVER!!:
    PS - Mark's surname is "Banin", not "Banning", but an easy mistake to make.
    Posted by Tikay10
    But he's definitely a guy... right?
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