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poker etiquette and chip dumping

porter1989porter1989 Member Posts: 20
edited March 2010 in Poker Chat
I've just been playing a £100 guaranteed tournament. I made the final table as chip leader, and came into the last 3 in 2nd, although one player was away. As this player got blinded out, the big stack - XXX decided that rather than make up his small blind (which was more than the big blinds stack) he would fold every hand, and then proceed to 4 raise every hand when im in the big blind. I think something needs to be done about this because for as long as players think its ok to play like this its an absolute joke! On pokerstars as soon as you get shorter than the blind and are away you're automatically knocked out!

EDIT - SKY RICH - please do not name players in your posts. if you would like to report a player, please use the appropriate channels and contact customer


  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited March 2010
    In Response to poker etiquette and chip dumping:
    I've just been playing a £100 guaranteed tournament. I made the final table as chip leader, and came into the last 3 in 2nd, although one player was away. As this player got blinded out, the big stack - 'sooty17' decided that rather than make up his small blind (which was more than the big blinds stack) he would fold every hand, and then proceed to 4 raise every hand when im in the big blind. I think something needs to be done about this because for as long as players think its ok to play like this its an absolute joke! On pokerstars as soon as you get shorter than the blind and are away you're automatically knocked out!
    Posted by porter1989
    I Don't think you are automatically knocked out on stars. Does it not just automatically call if the small blind is bigger than the remaining chips of the big blind rather than make you call and get the excess returned?
  • DAVEYZZDAVEYZZ Member Posts: 1,651
    edited March 2010
    In Response to poker etiquette and chip dumping:
    I've just been playing a £100 guaranteed tournament. I made the final table as chip leader, and came into the last 3 in 2nd, although one player was away. As this player got blinded out, the big stack - 'sooty17' decided that rather than make up his small blind (which was more than the big blinds stack) he would fold every hand, and then proceed to 4 raise every hand when im in the big blind. I think something needs to be done about this because for as long as players think its ok to play like this its an absolute joke! On pokerstars as soon as you get shorter than the blind and are away you're automatically knocked out!
    Posted by porter1989
    why didnt YOU raise the away players blind? and sooty's for that matter???
  • -Dino66--Dino66- Member Posts: 106
    edited March 2010
    If you folded to his 4X raise every time it was perfect tactics to keep the absent player in.
  • porter1989porter1989 Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2010

    sorry thats what i meant about stars, it does automatically call. having said that, lets not get away from the point this dumping of chips happened over about 15 hands it was no 2 or 3 hand coincidence!

  • porter1989porter1989 Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2010
    if you cant do it in a casino, why should you be allowed to do it on here!
  • DAVEYZZDAVEYZZ Member Posts: 1,651
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: poker etiquette and chip dumping:
    if you cant do it in a casino, why should you be allowed to do it on here!
    Posted by porter1989
    surely you do not HAVE to complete your sb into a bb even in a casino,

    the fact is this guy was using tactics and you let him him (bully you)/get away with it.
    if its me i would be all-in every hand that oi am 1st to act in and see how he likes a taste of his own medicine
  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: poker etiquette and chip dumping:
    sorry thats what i meant about stars, it does automatically call. having said that, lets not get away from the point this dumping of chips happened over about 15 hands it was no 2 or 3 hand coincidence!
    Posted by porter1989
    If I understand your OP correctly, he wasn't "chip dumping" he was just choosing not to steal the blind from the away player.
    As has already been pointed out, this seems like good tactics if he felt that he could severely reduce your chip stack while you were trying to hold on to place higher than the away player.

    I had this happen to me on the bubble of a satellite once and I played it so badly that I ended up missing out on a seat.
  • porter1989porter1989 Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2010
    why would i risk my whole stack when this other guy should have been blinded out? why should he have a free ride to another 15 quid more than me on the back of this other bloke at my expense? i just thought it would be worth highlighting the fact that something needs to be done about this!
  • porter1989porter1989 Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2010

    what happened mate was the big blind has less chips than the small blind - so he would of had the chips he played to make up back plus however many more he had than the short stack already from his small blind. that isnt tactical its just stupid because hes already commited those chips and then given them away

  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: poker etiquette and chip dumping:
    In Response to Re: poker etiquette and chip dumping : surely you do not HAVE to complete your sb into a bb even in a casino, the fact is this guy was using tactics and you let him him (bully you)/get away with it. if its me i would be all-in every hand that oi am 1st to act in and see how he likes a taste of his own medicine
    Posted by DAVEYZZ
    In a casino as on stars you would not make up your Small blind, you would already have enough money in for the call and then the hand would automatically play. so lets say blinds are 1000 - 2000 but the player in the big only has 999. You would already have that covered by the 1k small blind so the call is automatic. I beleive what the OP is annoyed by is that even this was the case SKY makes you call the 2k and have 1001 returned. This means that even though you have more chips in than the BB you can fold and pass your SB to that player - As there would be no additional risk in calling all that is happening in this case is the SB is passing chips to the BB. (or thats how i read the OP anyway)
  • DAVEYZZDAVEYZZ Member Posts: 1,651
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: poker etiquette and chip dumping:
    why would i risk my whole stack when this other guy should have been blinded out? why should he have a free ride to another 15 quid more than me on the back of this other bloke at my expense? i just thought it would be worth highlighting the fact that something needs to be done about this!
    Posted by porter1989
    nothing can be done about this because no wrong was done...
    you were happy to be bullied so you could ladder up and get another £15 i would not of been happy with that i would want to win the tourny for the extra £25 or so?

    what was the final outcome did you get 2nd place?
  • porter1989porter1989 Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: poker etiquette and chip dumping:
    In Response to Re: poker etiquette and chip dumping : In a casino as on stars you would not make up your big blind, you would already have enough money in for the call and then the hand would automatically play. so lets say blinds are 1000 - 2000 but the player in the big only has 999. You would already have that covered by the 1k small blind so the call is automatic. I beleive what the OP is annoyed by is that even this was the case SKY makes you call the 2k and have 1001 returned. This means that even though you have more chips in than the BB you can fold and pass your SB to that player - As there would be no additional risk in calling all that is happening in this case is the SB is passing chips to the BB. (or thats how i read the OP anyway)
    Posted by ACESOVER8s
    that exactly it, i cant see why you would ever want to play it like that when there is no risk attached? the small blind is losing more by not playing the hand. wheres the logic?
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: poker etiquette and chip dumping:
    why would i risk my whole stack when this other guy should have been blinded out? why should he have a free ride to another 15 quid more than me on the back of this other bloke at my expense? i just thought it would be worth highlighting the fact that something needs to be done about this!
    Posted by porter1989

    Sounds like he used the prize jump from 2nd to 3rd to pressurise you quite well!

    Having said that I don't really understand what you mean about the blind and how much he had.
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited March 2010

    I'm supprised by the responses to this, i think it's perfectly reasonable to expect that a player with more money invested than the BB to see the cards play out, they can't lose anything. If this was 2 players who were known to each other playing against the OP then there would be collusion posts and consipiracy theories all over this thread.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,887
    edited March 2010

    Nobody, nowhere, is EVER forced to "make up" the SB, be they absent or not. That would be against all universal rules of poker.

    The Big Stack played this absolutely optimally, & he did nothing wrong. He wants YOU out, then his Heads-Up duel is easier! It's basic poker strategy, & any player, 3 handed & in this situation, would do this.

    When an odd situation arises - such as "last 3, but one is disco'd", it's up to the other two players to re-assess how they handle this, & find the optimal strategy. That is exactly what the Big Stack did.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,887
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: poker etiquette and chip dumping:
    In Response to Re: poker etiquette and chip dumping : Sounds like he used the prize jump from 2nd to 3rd to pressurise you quite well! Having said that I don't really understand what you mean about the blind and how much he had.
    Posted by beaneh
    I used the modern forum expression "/end thread" in a similar situation yesterday, & a Gentleman told me off saying I had "no right to end threads".......

    But Beaneh sums it up perfectly, & "kills" the debate.
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: poker etiquette and chip dumping:
    In Response to Re: poker etiquette and chip dumping : Sounds like he used the prize jump from 2nd to 3rd to pressurise you quite well! Having said that I don't really understand what you mean about the blind and how much he had.
    Posted by beaneh
    as per my other post this is what OP means by the blind situation

    lets say blinds are 1000 - 2000 but the player in the big only has 999. The Small Blind would already have that covered by the 1k small blind so the call on most sites would be automatic.SKY however operates differently and makes you call the 2k and have 1001 returned. As the system won't register the bet as called unless you call 2k (not the 999 bet) then you can fold here and pass 1k to the BB even though he only had 999 left. This in my opinion is an error on the sky site and if the Small Blind forced bet covers the remaining chips of the BB then the call should be automatic by the system as the amount bet by the BB has already been matched by the small blind
  • porter1989porter1989 Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2010
    thats exactly it acesover8s, not only that, but at one point, blinds were at 500, 1000, bb has 60 chips and he folds his 500. Can people still not see why im annoyed?
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited March 2010
    Easy answer to this - if he has only 60 left in the BB ans the SB keeps folding - just shove your chips from the button - simple!!
  • zxghostxzzxghostxz Member Posts: 482
    edited March 2010
    i dont see wat the problem is...its a good tactic to keep the small stack in so you can bully the other one...ive don it . the problem is you showed weakness and he jumped all over you.nex time make a stand . at least go down in the future ....
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