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Sky Poker Back Ground Image critique

This background image of the four suit symbols has been bugging me for some time now.

Anyone at Sky Poker wanna own up to letting their 8yo download and tinker with Blender?

The lighting is terrible, the polygons are a total mess, the "colour scheme" if you can call it that lacks any thought or imagination ,the composition is almost random, the smoothing is pretty bad and the render is very poor quality.

This image looks amateur and that makes Sky Poker look amateur and we don't want that do we?

Here's my advice, download some free models of the suit symbols, do a few tutorials on lighting, polygon shading and smoothing, composition etc. Don't let an amateur or your kiddywinkle, (no matter how cute and proud of the child you are) do artwork for a professional website.

If you want me to recommend someone to do the work I can I know some great 3D artists and I'm not too bad either.


  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,461
    Hey, speak your mind, don't hold could be worse, we could be offered the most childlike of Avators like Unibet for one
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