Hey folks this is Marlsss.I have moved from Ireland to the UK. Sky wasnt able to change my banking account from euros to sterling so i was required to create a new account,I would of incurred lots of bank charges on every deposit and withdrawal if i continued under my Marlsss account
Marlsss account is now closed.My new username im playing under is TMP33570705.Not my choice of username but it seemed to be auto made for me
Anyway i felt it was only right to let people know who they are playing against.See you all at the tables
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Must admit i never told anyone when i wanted to play cash and Sky said i could have a 2nd account for it and i became AlanCarr12
@Tikay10 Can you investigate this please? Two names showing up? One in lobby,one on tables
If i am able to use Marlsss name or similar name would be great,thanks
Issue seems to be solved now,welcome back Marlsss
I'm just surmising here, as I don't get to see this side of things, but I suspect what has happened here is just the process of swapping the account.
It's not possible to have 2 accounts with the same screen-name, so presumably the new Account was set up with a Temporary alias. (Just guessing, but "TMP........" probably stands for Temporary).
When the new Account has been activated, the old one is "killed".
Then, once the player logs back on with the "new" account, either he or the Office then change the Temporary name back to the original Account alias of "marlsss".
That's not official, but I'm guessing that's what's happened.
Well done all for handling it sensibly.
No problem bud.
I did refer the thread to the Office when you first posted it & they sort of suggested it was likely to be as I described it.
I'll speak with them again in the morning & confirm it, but I think it's all sorted now, & case dismissed.
Not sure about your Forum Alias, maybe the Forum Software has not caught up yet, or perhaps it can't be synced, but I don't think that's a big deal, we are all grown-ups & know the score.