Friday is a testing night for Guarantees, as the Avenger Rebuy is £10,000, & the Mini is £4,000, so all things considered, last night was not too bad, with Prize Pools coming in 14% above the line. This was despite the Main beating it's £10,000 target by a mere £100.
£10,000 Avenger Rebuy Main (£10,100)
£4,000 Avenger Rebuy Mini (£4,570)
£2,000 Sheriff (£2,850)
£1,000 Quickdraw (£1,500)
£1,000 Midnight Ex (£1,520)
0 ·
£10,000 Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter (£10,100)
This was the best result PRhack93 has had since he won Sharpshooter on August 3rd for ~£1,700, beating scotty77 heads up. Once again scotty77 made the Final with him, though just 6th this time.
In 4th was ApplesJade, which would be a good name for a hurdling race mare. It was only ApplesJade's 2nd outing in December, so that's a nice strike rate.
@PRhack93 1136000 1 £1338.25 + £581.91 Head Prizes 15
@tech34 0 2 £797.90 + £159.55 Head Prizes 6
@henners10 0 3 £479.75 + £157.29 Head Prizes 6
@ApplesJade 0 4 £378.75 + £135.83 Head Prizes 6
@LFCChris86 0 5 £320.68 + £76.09 Head Prizes 3
@scotty77 0 6 £267.65 + £179 Head Prizes 8
£4,000 Mini Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter (£4,570)
I understand that the finalists decided to have an argument instead of playing poker. Once that was agreed, there could only be one-winner, as HAYSIE outclassed them all in the argue stakes. It's not that he is better at arguing, it's just that he outlasts them all, & just chunters on & on. World class chunterer is HAYSIE.
MynaFrett was making a 2nd Mini FT in 4 nights.
@HAYSIE 2212000 1 £571.25 + £147.35 Head Prizes 11
@AIRWAVE 0 2 £319.90 + £54.40 Head Prizes 7
@MynaFrett 0 3 £188.74 + £71.30 Head Prizes 7
@Smileshud 0 4 £149.67 + £28.83 Head Prizes 8
@shire40 0 5 £125.67 + £54.03 Head Prizes 7
@heelsie724 0 6 £101.68 + £48.50 Head Prizes 6
£2,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£2,850)
macca710 booked the win, he also won the Sunday night £6k BH on October 6th, & was 5th in Avenger Rebuy Main last Friday.
longjob is a Sheriff C & D specialist, he won it 3 weeks ago & has a few podium finishes too.
@macca710 285000 1 £527.25 + £366.86 Head Prizes 10
@longjob 0 2 £313.50 + £120.04 Head Prizes 5
@ZAHIR 0 3 £213.75 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1
@kimpet 0 4 £156.75 + £80.57 Head Prizes 2
@peiratis88 0 5 £114 + £38.37 Head Prizes 1
@TIMBER 0 6 £99.75 + £37.50 Head Prizes 2
£1,000 Quickdraw (£1,500)
A 2nd Quickdraw win in less than 2 months for RobRenzi, he also had a few small UKOPS cashes recently.
3rd was LFCChris86, who had a spiffing November, with a whole bunch of cashes, topped off by a £4,000+ score for winning the Sunday Major on November 10th.
@RobRenzi 150000 1 £300 + £207.92 Head Prizes 5
@BRUTAS 0 2 £187.50 + £110.53 Head Prizes 4
@LFCChris86 0 3 £112.50 + £44.53 Head Prizes 2
@skyflyer 0 4 £82.50 + £104.59 Head Prizes 4
@Cumpa8 0 5 £67.50 + £37.50 Head Prizes 2
@barfoot12 0 6 £80.86 Head Prizes 4
£1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,520)
@MAGPIETYKE 228000 1 £220.40 + £160.37 Head Prizes 8
@Super_Oli 0 2 £144.40 + £41.89 Head Prizes 3
@guardsman 0 3 £89.30 + £62.60 Head Prizes 6
@darkX 0 4 £72.20 + £16.88 Head Prizes 2
@Mchall 0 5 £58.90 + £47.81 Head Prizes 5
@Vskyshark 0 6 £49.40 + £18.75 Head Prizes 2