The less said about traffic last night the better. The Main missed, but only by 2 entries, so that won't raise any eyebrows, but the Summit was more like a valley, missing by an eye-watering £900. Definitely don't want to see that too often. Tonight will be fun too, with the Manchester derby live on TV. Thursday has no televised football though, so that might help.
What a lovely business model SB&G have. Whilst poker suffers from big televised sporting events, Sky Bet is loving life. We are like Jack Spratt & his missus.
£6,000 Gold Rush Main (£6,000)
£2,000 Gold Rush Mini (£2,150)
£6,000 Summit (£6,000)
£1,000 Quickdraw (£1,200)
£1,000 Midnight Ex (£1,360)
0 ·
lolollipop, more usually seen at much lower stakes, popped up with a surprise win here after running 4th in mini Hitman last week.£6,000 Gold Rush (£6,000)
2nd was tonyp142, who was 3rd in the Xmas UKOPS 06.
@lolollipop 1980000 1 £825.67 + £347.21 Head Prizes 9
@tonyp142 0 2 £495.41 + £107.73 Head Prizes 5
@Sicoe77 0 3 £303 + £76.65 Head Prizes 5
@Sara4373 0 4 £237.85 + £41.39 Head Prizes 3
@Ciders1d 0 5 £203.01 + £233.66 Head Prizes 10
@Super_Oli 0 6 £170.89 + £94.93 Head Prizes 7
£2,000 Mini Gold Rush (£2,150)
squeak13 completed an unusual double, winning Gold Rush Main last night to go with his victory in Gold Rush Mini in November.
The highly-rated & profitable neenio, who we don't see as much these days, was 2nd.
@squeak13 4300000 1 £268.75 + £83.20 Head Prizes 11
@neenio 0 2 £150.50 + £16.20 Head Prizes 4
@metz7 0 3 £88.80 + £26.97 Head Prizes 7
@funtime69 0 4 £70.41 + £41.94 Head Prizes 13
@Kev1892 0 5 £59.12 + £12.62 Head Prizes 3
@steveysee 0 6 £47.84 + £4.34 Head Prizes 2
£6,000 Summit Bounty Hunter (£6,000)
One for the heavy-hitters here, with Alvez taking the spoils ahead of lucky Tim Tim Timmy, with miniman 3rd, Dog Bloke 5th & wineli 6th. Hopefully we'll see most of them at next week's SPT Manchester, although only miniman amongst them has so far qualified. I doubt Timmy will be there though, more's the pity.@Alvez11 255000 1 £1276.50 + £699 Head Prizes 8
@TimmyRaRa 0 2 £759 + £294.73 Head Prizes 4
@miniman88 0 3 £517.50 + £206.26 Head Prizes 5
@MasherMan 0 4 £379.50 + £75 Head Prizes 2
@rspca12 0 5 £276 + £159.38 Head Prizes 4
@wineli 0 6 £241.50 + £168.75 Head Prizes 4
£1,000 Quickdraw (£1,200)
john1916 seems to have moved up the stakes, though it's a goodly while - almost 4 years - since his name popped up in a results thread.@john1916 120000 1 £300 + £328.12 Head Prizes 9
@luckme002 0 2 £180 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1
@MikeyW94 0 3 £120 + £42.19 Head Prizes 2
@cmorry67 0 4 £37.50 Head Prizes 2
@Jessieak 0 5 £18.75 Head Prizes 1
@Alvez11 0 6
£1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,360)
A 4th FT in January for DUTCHESS62, though his first win as far as I can see.
Sunderland fan cowhead, who has played a bunch of volume in January was 2nd.
Just sneaking into the Final was PKRPar who is going along nicely in his excellent Unicorn Challenge.
@DUTCHESS62 204000 1 £204 + £105.27 Head Prizes 4
@cowhead 0 2 £136 + £56.86 Head Prizes 5
@bigfatfish 0 3 £81.60 + £56 Head Prizes 4
@COGADOG 0 4 £68 0
@rossybee16 0 5 £54.40 + £7.50 Head Prizes 1
@PKRPar 0 6 £44.20 + £89.07 Head Prizes 9
SPT Manchester Semi (11 entries)
jenars won his first sPT Manchester seat, whilst Titan won his 2nd.
@jenars 24390 1 SPT Manchester Seat
@Titan9062 8610 2 SPT Manchester Seat
@ColinDent 0 3 £44
Very sorry to hear Mrs Neenio has been unwell, good vibes sent.
I personally feel the whole sat tree may need looking at/tweaking. Without getting into the whole 'sats for cash' debate, more often than not a lot of these are won by players already playing the target event. This obv includes the pros and ex site pros. Therefore, that doesn't ADD players to the event.
Maybe the take over will level the playing field slightly and sats will get a makeover. Maybe.
I like the idea of the 3 seats from the freeroll being a regular thing for the summit
I don’t think that there is a cash for sats debate though
You don’t like it.
Pretty much everyone else thinks it’s just fine