How do you know how many points you have? obviosuly it runs differently to the weekly points, and the "my account" section doesn't appear to work? <using the search function
How do you know how many points you have? obviosuly it runs differently to the weekly points, and the "my account" section doesn't appear to work?
Is it just scrolling back to January that doesn't work? Clicking on the days or manually typing in the dates works for me.
scrolling and clicking on the dates didn't work. On Firefox on a MacBookPro if that affects anything. Typing the dates out fully works though 120 points to go
But only if you have Opted In of course.....
DD_MMM_YYYY (e.g. 31 Jan 2020)
Always works for me, even when clicking the days doesn't work properly.
I used 31/1/20 and it says the following;