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Who won what on Tuesday 11th February

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,481

Tuesday is Summit night, so the Big 5 Guarantees total £16,000, quite a lot for a small poker site such as Sky Poker, so it's pleasing to report last night's Prize Pools beat Guarantees by 20%.

The star turn, for sure, was the £6,000 Summit, which came in at £7,700, though Quickdraw, which covered by 45%, did well too.

More of the same would be just the job.

£6,000 Gold Rush Main (£6,480)

£2,000 Gold Rush Mini (£2,260)

£6,000 Summit (£7,700)

£1,000 Quickdraw (£1,450)

£1,000 Midnight Ex (£1,280)


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,481

    £6,000 Gold Rush (£6,480)

    fishhhhh seem to be very consistent, he featured no less than 12 times in January;'s Results thread, though his only Big 5 win was Midnight Express. Last night's Main was, by some distance, his best result of 2020. Plenty more to come, I suspect.

    Danny, with one eye on his new baby, was 3rd, & the super-prolific casher Super_Oli was 6th.

    @fishhhhh 2160000 1 £874.80 + £519.72 Head Prizes 17

    @rossybee16 0 2 £528.12 + £120.26 Head Prizes 6

    @Itsover4u 0 3 £319.14 + £80.34 Head Prizes 4

    @Gambelo 0 4 £251.10 + £93.16 Head Prizes 5

    @JCordy 0 5 £213.84 + £110.92 Head Prizes 5

    @Super_Oli 0 6 £178.20 + £59.94 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,481

    £2,000 Mini Gold Rush (£2,260)

    Arrogant won Quickdraw a week ago, & on Sunday ran 8th in the first £10,000 Stack Builder.

    The name that jumps off the page is rabdeniro, one of the most amusing members of this Forum. He does not play MTT's every night, he single-tables, this was his first for 4 days & only his 7th in February, so it will have tasted very sweet indeed. Well done bud.

    @Arrogant 4520000 1 £282.50 + £73.44 Head Prizes 9

    @Han94x 0 2 £158.20 + £43.43 Head Prizes 9

    @rabdeniro 0 3 £93.34 + £15.17 Head Prizes 5

    @BazookaJoe 0 4 £74.02 + £18.99 Head Prizes 4

    @pricey00 0 5 £62.15 + £10.02 Head Prizes 3

    @Archie182 0 6 £50.28 + £39.12 Head Prizes 11
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,481

    £6,000 Summit Bounty Hunter (£7,700)

    jordz16 took the honours, his first win since Sheriff January 20th, and I'm sure you are all familiar with him.

    The Bates, who is enjoying a good run of results, was 3rd.

    Doobs plays very little volume here, but still sits at 9th in the 2020 Sharky Sky Poker profit Leaderboard.

    6th was Lord Crush.

    @jordz16 385000 1 £1155 + £383.83 Head Prizes 2

    @twistedole 0 2 £770 + £654.65 Head Prizes 9

    @MattBates 0 3 £462 + £121.88 Head Prizes 3

    @clubking1 0 4 £385 + £295.31 Head Prizes 7

    @Doooobs 0 5 £308 + £339.99 Head Prizes 7

    @loololollo 0 6 £250.25 + £46.88 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,481

    £1,000 Quickdraw (£1,450)

    Well I can't tell you a word about the winner, his name does not show up on Sharky, & he's never posted or been mentioned on this Forum. Until now...

    In 3rd, easyjet67 seems to have only recently returned from a 6 month MTT sabbatical.

    Ledon1, in 5th, made an early start this morning & has already played a bunch of £50 HU Hypers. No hiding place in them.

    @arsh11 145000 1 £362.50 + £245.69 Head Prizes 5

    @luckme002 0 2 £217.50 + £94.93 Head Prizes 4

    @easyjet67 0 3 £145 + £150 Head Prizes 7

    @heddoh18 0 4 0

    @LeDon1 0 5 £37.50 Head Prizes 2

    @DUTCHESS62 0 6 £23.44 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,481

    £1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,280)

    Another victory for my favourite Sky Poker alias.

    Pleased to see @ctbn in 2nd, such a shame he was not at SPT Manchester. Hopefully he'll make Brighton.

    @BooBooTheB 192000 1 £192 + £120.84 Head Prizes 7

    @ctbn 0 2 £128 + £80.24 Head Prizes 5

    @heddoh18 0 3 £76.80 + £38.44 Head Prizes 4

    @W1SHB0NE 0 4 £64 + £57.20 Head Prizes 5

    @UrSoSweet7 0 5 £51.20 0

    @YOKERFACE 0 6 £41.60 0
  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,524
    edited February 2020
    Cheers Tikay it will taste very sweet today with a bottle of Russia's finest (although I think it's brewed in Glasgow now) & Scotland's famous Curries lemonade.
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