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Who won what on Wednesday February 12th. kalin68 is running HOT

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

Nothing like as good as Tuesday, & the Main missed by the merest of tads, but overall not a disaster.

£6,000 Predator Main (£6,000)

£1,500 Mini Predator (£1,765)

£2,000 Sheriff (£2,150)

£1,000 Quickdraw (£1,150)

£1,000 Midnight Ex (£1,180)


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

    £6,000 Predator Bounty Hunter (£6,000)

    What a run kalin68 is enjoying, this was his 6th win since mid December, comprising Sheriff x 2, Midnight Ex x 2 & now Predator Main to add to Marksman.

    MAXALLY ran 3rd, easily his best result of 2020. We can't rely too much on Sharky's accuracy, but it suggests he's now in profit this year. Stoke City lost again last night, so he probably needed cheering up.

    There's surely a limerick for 6th placed Mr Tucker, but I'm struggling to come up with one that's Forum compliant.

    In 6th was MrTucker,

    Who's a lucky little.......

    @kalin68 985000 1 £829.76 + £198.43 Head Prizes 4

    @POKEOFFU 0 2 £497.86 + £107.26 Head Prizes 6

    @MAXALLY 0 3 £304.50 + £240.62 Head Prizes 8

    @Sharki0 0 4 £239.03 + £190.06 Head Prizes 10

    @SamNorris 0 5 £204.01 + £50.80 Head Prizes 2

    @MrTucker 0 6 £171.74 + £71.20 Head Prizes 5
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

    £1,500 Mini Predator (£1,765)

    Bailiffman seized the Mini, ahead of azaro who only returned in January after a 6 month MTT sabbatical.

    @Bailiffman 706000 1 £222.83 + £54.22 Head Prizes 7

    @azaro 0 2 £129.73 + £34.74 Head Prizes 8

    @swampy858 0 3 £78.54 + £21.51 Head Prizes 5

    @Jenna86 0 4 £62.83 + £8.08 Head Prizes 3

    @Merilo 0 5 £52.95 + £26.30 Head Prizes 9

    @LiamRynn 0 6 £43.15 + £5.27 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

    £2,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£2,150)

    PBKR won last night's Sheriff to add to his Midnight Ex win on January 10th. .

    @PBKR 215000 1 £430 + £249.40 Head Prizes 5

    @wasylm2003 0 2 £268.75 + £125.68 Head Prizes 5

    @DrRunGood 0 3 £161.25 + £75 Head Prizes 3

    @loololollo 0 4 £118.25 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1

    @PABS28585 0 5 £96.75 + £60.06 Head Prizes 2

    @father55 0 6 £60.94 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

    £1,000 Quickdraw (£1,150)

    Braycorp83 seems to like the late night stuff, in February alone he has won Sheriff twice & now Quickdraw.

    @BrayCorp83 115000 1 £287.50 + £228.11 Head Prizes 5

    @kenmillon 0 2 £172.50 + £23.44 Head Prizes 1

    @wineli 0 3 £115 + £79.69 Head Prizes 4

    @LFCChris86 0 4 £46.88 Head Prizes 2

    @SenorBegs 0 5 £18.75 Head Prizes 1

    @grinddd 0 6 £84.38 Head Prizes 4
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

    £1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,180)

    Playing his first MTT in a week, Midnight Ex went to @wildwest. If only he'd won Sheriff it would have been Pun City.

    Lord Crush was 2nd to add to 4th in Sheriff. Probably only firing on 3 cylinders by his standards.

    @wildwest 177000 1 £218.30 + £139.59 Head Prizes 7

    @loololollo 0 2 £129.80 + £116.53 Head Prizes 10

    @polskiiii 0 3 £88.50 + £7.50 Head Prizes 1

    @smilin2 0 4 £64.90 + £18.75 Head Prizes 2

    @Bakerboy07 0 5 £47.20 + £22.50 Head Prizes 3

    @jakebobc 0 6 £41.30 + £7.50 Head Prizes 1
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    Hello Teeks, just a reminder for you m8.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480
    edited February 2020

    Hello Teeks, just a reminder for you m8.


    Thanks Pommy, but mirsculously, I had not forgotten & it's already sorted.

    Sadly - for you - you have to share the lobby with @HAYSIE
  • DEL560DEL560 Member Posts: 487
    @Tikay10 Who won the most Mains in 2019 and how many?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480
    DEL560 said:

    @Tikay10 Who won the most Mains in 2019 and how many?


    Was it me?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480


    More seriously.

    I don't really have a way of checking, I don't have access to Sky Poker's "back-end".

    However, even though Sharky is not 100% reliable - far from it - the two most profitable Sky Poker MTT-ers in 2019 were @loololollo ($66,561) & @MattBates ($66,278), so my guess is that it was one of those two. The next most profitable were @cpfc_2010 & @SenorBegs both of whom earned $20,000 less in profit.

    So it's Lord Crush or The Bates for me.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited February 2020
    It wont be me, don't think my main record was particularly good. Looking at scope I had 2 x £33bh wins, am sure one was on a Sunday so not a main. Won Sunday main once. 0 Friday main wins.

    Looking at scope, not spent ages looking so is possible I made an error.

    Lool had a £33bh win and a Sunday main win.
    Melt a £33bh win and a Friday win.
    Begs has a ukops main win, 2 x £33bh main wins.
    cpfc has 3 x £33bh wins (inc a ukops one)

    Haysie may be the man! 2 Sunday wins, 2 33bh wins.

    Not sure who but reckon someone else may of won 4 mains. Think will be quite a lot with 2 wins.

    Think it might be Luckme002 with 6 wins. 1 Friday, 5 £33bh wins.
  • DEL560DEL560 Member Posts: 487
    Wow impressive stuff ^

    TY @Tikay10 & @MattBates for research
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