Hi all, (sorry if this not allowed). I am going to start offering coaching for MTT players. I would be aiming this service at people who are losing players, breakeven players and smallish winners who are looking to improve their results. My main games are MTTs ranging from £2.20 to £33 buyins and as you will see in the photo attached I have a strong record in these games, especially in the last year after working on my game. I have been playing on Sky for around 5 years now so am very familiar with how the games play. I could never commit to a high volume of games due to university and a career, but poker serves as a nice supplement to my income. In 2019 I made £7260 in MTT's ranging from £2.20-£33. This from only playing in evenings and some weekends I would be looking to charge £15 per hour. P.M me if you are interested.