I have a number of free tokens that I'm saving up until the first one expires in a couple of months with the view of using them for a higher buy in mtt. However I won £5 tokens in the ftt comp and these expire on Monday.
I tried buying into a £5 BH using free tokens but it automatically took the tokens that didn't expire until last. So unless I use all of my tokens before Monday I will lose the ones I won on the ftt games.

Is there a way of choosing which tokens you would like to use when buying in? If not is it possible to extend the expiry date of the tokens I won in the ftt games? Otherwise I will just lose them on Monday.
If so, use all the other tokens to buy into tournaments that don't start for a while.
Then use the tokens you want, for the tournament you require.
Finally dereg all the others.
I think that may work if they are used in that order.
I hope that makes sense.
Ha, so sneaky.
Much admiration for the first martyr that risked his first token with this epic hack.