Numbers have been in the doldrums for a week or so, but a much better night last night. The Main, which has been on a bad run, sailed over, while Quickdraw & Mid Ex covered by 55% & 42% respectively.
Happy days.
Vegas stuff starts on Monday, which always generates a bit of buzz, so fingers crossed that goes well. We'll add all pertinent Vegas results to the thread of course.
£1,000 BH @ 7.30pm (£1,120)
£6,000 Hitman Main (£7,050)
£1,500 Hitman Mini (£1,750)
£2,000 Sheriff (£2,300)
£1,000 Quickdraw (£1,550)
£1,000 Midnight Ex (£1,420)
I only have to see this sign to get excited.
£1,000 Bounty Hunter @ 7.30pm (£1,120)
Don't have much data on SHYBOY51, no mentions or posts on the Forum ever. Perhaps the clue is in the name.
avix was 5th. I had the dubious pleasure of sharing tables with him at SPT Manchester. "pleasure" as he's a smashing bloke, "dubious" as he took my pants down all day. A delight to watch but not much fun to play against.
As Chairman of the Veronica Brill Fan Club I was pleased to see SzaryPolak final, as it gives me the excuse I need to post another photo of Ms Brill.
@SHYBOY51 168000 1 £207.20 + £120.29 Head Prizes 5
@peiratis88 0 2 £123.20 + £47.81 Head Prizes 5
@GFKIJKLL 0 3 £84 + £38.44 Head Prizes 3
@albaking 0 4 £61.60 + £56.24 Head Prizes 6
@avix 0 5 £44.80 + £38.43 Head Prizes 4
@SzaryPolak 0 6 £39.20 + £48.76 Head Prizes 6
£6,000 Hitman Bounty Hunter (£7,050)
What a strange alias the winner has. Think if someone addressed me as "ufud" I might just be offended. He won Predator Mini back in November, so he's taken a step up in class. WP Mr Fud, you were certainly on a different level to runner-up storrie1.
Boring Accountant was 3rd, which adds up, & good old trevil25, with whom I've shared hundreds (thousands?) of PLO8 tables with over the years, was 4th. Well done lads.
@ufud 1175000 1 £946.82 + £350.87 Head Prizes 9
@storrie1 0 2 £565.06 + £135.46 Head Prizes 8
@mattprawn 0 3 £336.99 + £71.02 Head Prizes 3
@trevil25 0 4 £265.08 + £217.45 Head Prizes 11
@JMC1975 0 5 £225.60 + £98.62 Head Prizes 5
@MITCH38 0 6 £188.94 + £103.06 Head Prizes 3
£1,500 Mini Hitman (£1,750)
_Smoothe_ took the win, I well recall him having a decent Xmas UKOPS back in 2016.
Runner-up was @MynaFrett. What a shame we don't see him on the Forum these days, though of course I don't blame him, we all have so many ways to spend our leisure time. He was such a great Forum member though, started threads & engaged a lot with others, proper conversation starter.
miniman88 ran 5th with 1 eye on the TV as the Arsenal crashed out of Europe against some bubble & squeaks.
@_Smoothe_ 700000 1 £220.94 + £34.38 Head Prizes 4
@MynaFrett 0 2 £128.62 + £15.75 Head Prizes 3
@Paddynolik 0 3 £77.88 + £43.22 Head Prizes 9
@ReeceY0710 0 4 £62.30 + £29.97 Head Prizes 8
@miniman88 0 5 £52.50 + £25.58 Head Prizes 6
@NIPPER1234 0 6 £42.79 + £32.57 Head Prizes 7
tomgoodun ran very deep, just ahead of a long-time friend of mine Catsnap, who is more usually seen at the PLO8 tables.
@tomgoodun 0 9 £17.50 + £4.91 Head Prizes 2
@Catsnap 0 10 £17.50 + £11.85 Head Prizes 5
£2,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£2,300)
avian was flying & looked sure to win this, but SenorBegs clipped his wings.
pizzled ran 3rd, Melty 4th, appendicitis 5th & The Bates 6th.
@SenorBegs 230000 1 £460 + £219.44 Head Prizes 4
@avian 0 2 £287.50 + £175.57 Head Prizes 5
@pizzled1 0 3 £172.50 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1
@chicknMelt 0 4 £126.50 + £154.69 Head Prizes 7
@peiratis88 0 5 £103.50 + £135.06 Head Prizes 6
£1,000 Quickdraw (£1,550)
GREGSTER booked his passage via £12 satellite & a few hours later had turned it into ~£500.
Both The Bates & Melty made it back to back finals.
@GREGSTER 155000 1 £310 + £183.48 Head Prizes 4
@Arrogant 0 2 £193.75 + £100.49 Head Prizes 3
@Super_Oli 0 3 £116.25 + £111.33 Head Prizes 4
@MattBates 0 4 £85.25 + £103.13 Head Prizes 5
@chicknMelt 0 5 £69.75 + £28.13 Head Prizes 1
@luckme002 0 6 0
£1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,420)
bignath90 was winning Midnight Ex for the 2nd time in 8 days.
@bignath90 213000 1 £205.90 + £184.95 Head Prizes 10
@LALLY310 0 2 £134.90 + £87.19 Head Prizes 8
@assassin61 0 3 £83.42 + £89.07 Head Prizes 8
@chillipete 0 4 £67.45 0
@MrDooWop 0 5 £55.02 0
@BrettFavre 0 6 £46.15 + £24.38 Head Prizes 3
Made up for not FT this one by winning the £3 PL08 tournament, It’s fab that Skypoker put these type of tournaments on, gives us lesser mortals a chance to make a bit of cash whilst having fun along the way, what’s not to like? ❤️
I'm not sure you can self-exclude from the Forum, but either way, I hope he's OK, he seems a good guy to me.
@trevil25 @Enut
Ha, sorry I've cut off your side income boys.
Seriously, I miss playing here more than I can possibly say. Thing is, when 'Stars bought the shop, the rules about someone in my position playing on the site changed, so I'm not 100% sure I'm permitted to.
When chance permits, I'll have a word with one of the Big Cheeses & see what they say.
PS - thanks for the kind words.