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Who won what on Friday February 28th

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

Friday evenings are always a tester, with the Main & Mini carrying Guarantees that total £14,000, but it all went rather well, & everything covered. The £4k Mini beat guarantee by 39%, whilst Sheriff, Quickdraw & Midnight Ex all covered by 50% or more.

Lovely job. More of that over the weekend will do nicely.

£1,000 BH @ 7.30pm (£1,080)

£10,000 Avenger Main (£10,440)

£4,000 Avenger Mini (£5,560)

£2,000 Sheriff (£3,000)

£1,000 Quickdraw (£1,550)

£1,000 Midnight Ex (£1,580)


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

    £1,000 Bounty Hunter (£1,080)

    Fourhorses got his due rewards after finisging 5th in it a week earlier, ahead of a whole brigade of heavy artillery in Senorbegs, JessieaK, miniman88 & gac123.

    In 5th was Monty15, & it's certainly worth a Milk Monitor badge at the very least that he made 4 Finals last night - 5th in the 7.30 BH, 2nd in the Mini, 6th in Quickdraw & 6th in Midnight Ex. For good measure he was 2nd of 35 in a £20 BH at 6pm & won an All-In Sat to Quickdraw.

    @Fourhorses 162000 1 £199.80 + £71.69 Head Prizes 2

    @SenorBegs 0 2 £118.80 + £51.54 Head Prizes 3

    @Jessieak 0 3 £81 + £58.13 Head Prizes 6

    @miniman88 0 4 £59.40 + £45.01 Head Prizes 5

    @Monty15 0 5 £43.20 + £73.61 Head Prizes 8

    @gac123 0 6 £37.80 + £13.13 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

    £10,000 Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter (£10,440)

    God bless Solly, who seems to get better with age. It's the 2nd time this year he has won Avenger Main, & don't forget he took down Sunday Major for £3,416 a few days ago too.

    gac123, in 5th, made it back-to-back FT's as he was 6th in the 7.30.

    @SoLack 1202000 1 £1362.42 + £629.64 Head Prizes 14

    @harry18110 0 2 £803.88 + £123.99 Head Prizes 5

    @Max_Bear 0 3 £482.85 + £95.60 Head Prizes 4

    @Gonnaw1n1 0 4 £382.10 + £183.46 Head Prizes 9

    @gac123 0 5 £323.64 + £127.03 Head Prizes 7

    @tonyglfc 0 6 £268.83 + £71.88 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

    £4,000 Mini Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter (£5,560)

    leeroy105 has not won much since he took down Hitman Main in October, but we can't always rely on Sharky, as it makes no mention at all of last night's result as far as I can see.

    @leeroy105 2676000 1 £695 + £184.68 Head Prizes 14

    @Monty15 0 2 £389.20 + £26.12 Head Prizes 3

    @dmkuk1 0 3 £229.63 + £61.38 Head Prizes 9

    @Simotay 0 4 £182.09 + £29.28 Head Prizes 7

    @Lotusuk 0 5 £152.90 + £92.38 Head Prizes 13

    @235467 0 6 £123.71 + £45.18 Head Prizes 8
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

    £2,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£3,000)

    Pokagod111, 4th in Avenger Main in December, booked the win, with humberfish 4th & Tim Tim Timmy 6.

    @Pokagod111 300000 1 £555 + £372.04 Head Prizes 8

    @dilley 0 2 £330 + £145.90 Head Prizes 5

    @woody207 0 3 £225 + £60.94 Head Prizes 3

    @humberfish 0 4 £165 + £23.44 Head Prizes 1

    @Ross1485 0 5 £120 + £159.37 Head Prizes 6

    @TimmyRaRa 0 6 £105 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1

    I noticed Doooobs in 8th, he usually pops in & collects his wages in the Sunday Major, but he was only 4th for £767 last Sunday so he was maybe on a recovery mission.

    @Doooobs 0 8 £89.07 Head Prizes 4
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

    £1,000 Quickdraw (£1,550)

    humberfish can't stop cashing, he made 3 finals a few nights ago, & made another 2 last night.

    @humberfish 155000 1 £310 + £283.31 Head Prizes 8

    @59pockets 0 2 £193.75 + £58.96 Head Prizes 2

    @jackbeur 0 3 £116.25 + £46.88 Head Prizes 2

    @Pazza001 0 4 £85.25 + £67.09 Head Prizes 3

    @SR10 0 5 £69.75 + £43.36 Head Prizes 2

    @Monty15 0 6 £18.75 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

    £1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,580)

    Dustolucko has been a little quiet of late but returned to form with a bang. He's in Sunday's Stack Builder, keep an eye on him, he's handy.

    MAXALLY ran 5th & that man Monty15 just about made his 4th FT of the evening.

    @DustoLucko 237000 1 £229.10 + £210.89 Head Prizes 13

    @COBWEBSJ 0 2 £150.10 + £15.93 Head Prizes 1

    @mantas1984 0 3 £92.83 + £42.01 Head Prizes 3

    @SirLeeroy 0 4 £75.05 + £32.93 Head Prizes 2

    @MAXALLY 0 5 £61.23 + £71.72 Head Prizes 9

    @Monty15 0 6 £51.35 + £33.76 Head Prizes 4
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