An amazing set of numbers last night, & despite there being a £10,000 Main & at £4,000 the week's biggest Mini, Prize Pools exceeded aggregate guarantees by a whopping 41%.
For context, the Main came in at £12,660, which is greater than the g'tee on the Sunday Major, & the Mini came in at £6,105, which is bigger than the g'tee on 4 of the Main Events. Sheriff & the late night stuff all did exceptionally well too.
This, of course, was not unexpected, though I was surprised how big the numbers are. The virus will have a ripple effect on SO many things, almost all of them bad. There will be isolated pockets of good news though, & Online Poker should see a bit of an uplift.
I bet Warren Buffett is rubbing his hands together over in Omaha, Nebraska. Last I heard, his Berkshire Hathaway were sitting on a mahoosive $122 billion in cash, plus of course (almost) unlimited access to much much more. He has an Everest-sized cash mountain, & there are about to be hundreds of "distressed" businesses on the market. He'll be just fine, though at the age of 89 he needs to be careful.
Meanwhile, nearer home, I confess to being slightly uncomfortable that the virus seems to have been the peg upon which many, even on this forum, are hanging jokes on every day. In the UK alone, there will be many deaths, & perhaps almost as bad, tens or even hundreds of thousands of folks will lose their job as businesses shut down or downsize. I get that humour is a great antidote, but so far I'm struggling to see anything virus related as funny. Maybe I'm just a miserable git.
Whoa there. Where did all that come from? I've no idea. But if folks can come on this Forum almost daily suggesting Sky Poker really want to diddle them whilst they play 50p DYM's, I'm going to permit myself the occasional outpouring.
On we go.
£1,000 BH @ 7.30pm (£1,420)
£10,000 Avenger (£12,660)
£4,000 Mini Avenger (£6,105)
£2,000 Sheriff (£3,000)
£1,000 Quickdraw (£1,800)
£1,000 Midnight Ex (£1,740)
0 ·
£1,000 Bounty Hunter (£1,420)
I know very little indeed about the winner, except that this was just his 2nd MTT in March, & he's only played a handful in 2020.
Nice to see MP33 have a decent cash in 3rd, we don't see him on the Forum much these days.
@Luckygit2 213000 1 £205.90 + £124.23 Head Prizes 4
@kennyaky19 0 2 £134.90 + £76.09 Head Prizes 7
@MP33 0 3 £83.42 + £37.03 Head Prizes 4
@tiddley123 0 4 £67.45 + £39.38 Head Prizes 5
@cmorry67 0 5 £55.02 + £18.75 Head Prizes 2
@Claytov 0 6 £46.15 + £24.37 Head Prizes 2
£10,000 Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter (£12,660)
There's a sort of poetic justice that one of the site's best MTT-ers should take this on a night when it made so much money. Well done Andy.
@chicknMelt 1454000 1 £1652.13 + £372.43 Head Prizes 7
@Jeffter 0 2 £974.82 + £323.01 Head Prizes 10
@stuart43 0 3 £585.52 + £108.06 Head Prizes 3
@BIGMAN790 0 4 £463.36 + £342.31 Head Prizes 10
@jdogg88 0 5 £392.46 + £88.60 Head Prizes 5
@nishg 0 6 £326 + £205.40 Head Prizes 10
£4,000 Mini Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter (£6,105)
At over £6,000, this was the biggest Mini seen on Sky Poker for some time, & I was chuffed to bits to see it go to @tai-gar who is one of our Forum regulars & rarely misses the Daily Comp. On Tuesday he ran 2nd in the Gold Rush Main for ~£720, and last night's Mini win was ~£938. By his standards - in fact by any standards - that's a great week. Well done mate.
@tai-gar 2900000 1 £732.60 + £205.80 Head Prizes 18
@Paulzie 0 2 £399.88 + £70.59 Head Prizes 7
@ronny707 0 3 £236.57 + £64 Head Prizes 8
@MITCH38 0 4 £187.73 + £71.59 Head Prizes 10
@markrose22 0 5 £155.68 + £30.09 Head Prizes 5
@weedgi 0 6 £125.15 + £42.05 Head Prizes 5
£2,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£3,000)
Once again Team Big Boy dominated Sheriff, with Super_Oli taking the win & Melty, who won the Main, 3rd this time.@Super_Oli 300000 1 £555 + £158.35 Head Prizes 2
@bracewell1 0 2 £330 + £250.04 Head Prizes 8
@chicknMelt 0 3 £225 + £142.67 Head Prizes 5
@gac123 0 4 £165 + £110.15 Head Prizes 5
@BrettFavre 0 5 £120 + £102.84 Head Prizes 4
@posh92 0 6 £105 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1
As I'm in a sort of weird mood today, & I put a lot of time into these threads, permit me the luxury on tenuous grounds ("Sheriff" is the clue) of hoping some of you will treat yourself to 9 minutes of wonderful music here. Oh, & for a little quiz, name the keyboard player wearing a hat.
£1,000 Quickdraw (£1,800)
BHudson, 5th in the Main the previous night for £340, added another ~£720 here. Nice work.
@BHudson 180000 1 £360 + £257.21 Head Prizes 5
@bracewell1 0 2 £225 + £93.75 Head Prizes 5
@fishhhhh 0 3 £135 + £185.75 Head Prizes 7
@peiratis88 0 4 £99 + £42.19 Head Prizes 2
@nkm 0 5 £81 + £142.97 Head Prizes 7
@ForeSight 0 6 £37.50 Head Prizes 2
£1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,740)
alfarch30 took the win, 2nd was AliButt (should that alias have a question mark behind it?) with fully licensed at-it-merchant AKAScotty 3rd.
@alfarch30 261000 1 £247.95 + £185.72 Head Prizes 10
@AliButt 0 2 £159.21 + £31.89 Head Prizes 3
@AKAscotty 0 3 £99.18 + £86.95 Head Prizes 9
@darius1993 0 4 £80.47 + £7.50 Head Prizes 1
@Kerrnal 0 5 £65.69 + £74.72 Head Prizes 7
@dicko121 0 6 £54.81 + £7.50 Head Prizes 1
SPT Vegas Quarter (13 entries)
Very small field for this, just 13, smallest yet I think.
@BlairReid 19573.75 1 SPT Vegas Semi
@heddoh18 15163.75 2 SPT Vegas Semi
@gez_bear 4262.50 3 SPT Vegas Semi
Correct, Paul Carrack of Mike & The Mechanics, Roxy Music, Squeeze, The Eagles, Ringo Starr's All-Star Band, & many many more. He plays on the Clapton Tours too, self-evidently.
A vastly underrated member of the music business - songwriter, composer, vocalist and he plays more than just keyboards. Not many like that still around.
Absolutely. He's recorded some great tracks, Looking Back.
What a life he's had, too.
PS - You ever seen him without a hat? Don't think I have.