The "isolation surge" continues, & despite several of yesterday's Guarantees being hiked (Main from £6k to £8k, Sheriff from £2k to £2.5k & Quickdraw from £1k to £1.5k) the prize pools exceeded the revised Guarantees by some 38%. There's no glee in Sky Towers about these numbers (& remember, Sky Bet is barely doing ANY business), just a wish, shared with everyone, that this horrible virus would go away. It will go away eventually, of course, but not before it has well & truly left it's mark. A report released yesterday by the Imperial College Covid-19 Response Team stated;
"in an unmitigated epidemic, we would predict approximately 510,000 deaths"
Those numbers are for GB ONLY. Think about that.
So everyone needs to do their bit, self-isolating & generally being responsible. Even if we do, it will be a very long time indeed before any semblance of normality returns.
OK, after that sombre note, on we go.
£1,000 BH @ 7.30 £1,760
£8,000 Predator £10,560
£2,000 Predator Mini £2,735
£2,500 Sheriff £3,700
£1,500 Quickdraw £1,900
£1,000 Midnight Ex £1,440
0 ·
£1,000 Bounty Hunter (£1,760)
Dog Bloke is off the leash & causing havoc. He won Quickdraw on Tuesday, & the 7.30 BH last night, & in between ran 3rd of 35 in a £400 BH.Solack was 5th & Ironpump1 6th.
@rspca12 264000 1 £250.80 + £195.12 Head Prizes 9
@Rept267 0 2 £161.04 + £70.79 Head Prizes 7
@Blaiseee 0 3 £100.32 + £55.32 Head Prizes 4
@Gonnaw1n1 0 4 £81.40 + £76.88 Head Prizes 9
@SoLack 0 5 £66.44 + £26.25 Head Prizes 3
@Ironpump1 0 6 £55.44 + £37.02 Head Prizes 3
£8,000 Predator Bounty Hunter (£10,560)
The main made a whopping £10,560, with MStott, who collected some loose change last week after running 5th in Midnight Ex, collected a very handsome £1,830. Oh yes.
2nd, after K-J could not hold v K-8 for all the chips (what would misterpj say?) was Shelley7, despite not taking a single Head. @Shelley7 keeps an excellent "Building a Bankroll" Diary HERE
@MStott 1760000 1 £1372.80 + £458.01 Head Prizes 9
@Shelley7 0 2 £792 0
@JBuckyyy 0 3 £480.48 + £92.20 Head Prizes 6
@devil_tear 0 4 £385.44 + £242.12 Head Prizes 11
@fishface99 0 5 £327.36 + £58.54 Head Prizes 3
@Melle 0 6 £269.28 + £137.64 Head Prizes 7
George just missed the FT. I do hope that Mr & Mrs Glencoe Lad are both well & looking after themselves in these grim times. Some years ago they were very kind to me when I was in a very bad spot 5,000 miles from home, & I'm eternally grateful to them.
@glencoelad 0 7 £211.20 + £69.92 Head Prizes 4
£2,000 Mini Predator (£2,735)
Except that he has a clever alias, I know nothing of the winner at all I'm afraid, except that if can win this anyone can the can.
In 5th was Swimmer, who had such a good session exactly a week earlier, taking 5th in the 7.30 BH & 2nd in the Main.
@SoozeeQ 1094000 1 £341.88 + £82.79 Head Prizes 11
@leeroy105 0 2 £191.45 + £36.47 Head Prizes 10
@j99uan 0 3 £112.96 + £20.30 Head Prizes 4
@BloomDog 0 4 £89.57 + £38.37 Head Prizes 8
@Micky382 0 5 £75.21 + £18.11 Head Prizes 6
@Swimmr 0 6 £60.85 + £6.47 Head Prizes 2
£2,500 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£3,700)
Sheriff made £3,700, extraordinary.Pleased to see wineli win this, he's such a pleasant chap, & he was due a win after loads of FT's in the minor places.
newdaddy (2nd) is still going along nicely, & we had some crazy aliases on the FT - "fishfush" "imabonhead" & "MattBates".
@wineli 370000 1 £684.50 + £311.96 Head Prizes 5
@newdaddy 0 2 £407 + £63.28 Head Prizes 3
@fishfush 0 3 £277.50 + £147.67 Head Prizes 6
@imabonhead 0 4 £203.50 + £237.52 Head Prizes 8
@clubking1 0 5 £148 + £123.93 Head Prizes 4
@MattBates 0 6 £129.50 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1
Dog Bloke & Stand Up Sit Down crossed the line hand in hand, no prize money but 8 heads between them.
@rspca12 0 7 £120.70 Head Prizes 5
@IrishRose 0 8 £56.25 Head Prizes 3
£1,500 Quickdraw (£1,900)
pharaoh1 ruled this one, with another FT for wineli.
It was all uphill for alpine made the FT but got zilch.
@pharaoh1 190000 1 £380 + £243.19 Head Prizes 5
@Sharki0 0 2 £237.50 + £104.97 Head Prizes 4
@wineli 0 3 £142.50 + £80.86 Head Prizes 4
@Raef 0 4 £104.50 + £79.69 Head Prizes 3
@POKEOFFU 0 5 £85.50 + £40.21 Head Prizes 1
@alpine 0 6 0
£1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,400)
The winner is not a player we see too often in these threads, but he's a Sky Poker veteran, having played almost 12,000 MTT's here. Many have played more than that, but just think about that number - on a "straight line" that's 3 MTT's per day every day for 10 years. Amazing how many players stay loyal to this site.
@Lee_Boy 216000 1 £208.80 + £153.94 Head Prizes 8
@STEW5471 0 2 £136.80 + £98.18 Head Prizes 8
@RobRenzi 0 3 £84.60 + £16.88 Head Prizes 2
@kellerman 0 4 £68.40 + £57.11 Head Prizes 5
@SIREZ 0 5 £55.80 + £9.38 Head Prizes 1
@dazza8688 0 6 £46.80 + £55.90 Head Prizes 6
SPT Vegas Quarter (13 entries)
wineli ended a very solid evening with a seat in Sunday's SPT Vegas Semi, & great to see tai-gar there too.
@magicdaz 20010 1 SPT Vegas Semi
@wineli 10320 2 SPT Vegas Semi
@tai-gar 8670 3 SPT Vegas Semi
Increasingly, I am starting to enjoy the awful/amusing little puns.
A small glimmer of normality in these dark times.
Thank you @Tikay10 for your efforts.
Good luck all.
Very kind of you, thank you.