The last UKOPS was much enlivened by the various challenges, especially that duel between
@miniman88 & the other chap, I've forgotten his name I'm afraid.
We also had some really good Diaries around the various UKOPS stuff.
Anyone up for adding a bit of fizz to UKOPS this time round? We might just have some well good stuff.
I will do a Diary just for the length of UKOPS
Great stuff Phil.
Can you, well, not to put too fine a point on it, try to make it interesting?
Great stuff NOSTRI, thank you. Should be a good read.
Don't forget guys, UKOPS starts in 3 days time.
I'll also donate 20% of any UKOPS profits to a local charity helping out elderly/vulnerable people during the Corona outbrak
Sky used to run leaderboards, and pay out money based on ability/luck (delete as applicable) in return for exactly the sort of publicity generated by this sort of side action.
I appreciate that there are bragging rights involved. But, at some level, it is at the expense of other players. If this is going to run instead of a leaderboard involving everyone every time, then I do not think it is the right way forward.
Rant over. Good luck