Whilst I may be reaching an age where senility is an issue, I'm probably not alone in this

The problem I have is with the MTT's that get added to the highlighted/featured section at the top of the MTT lobby. I tend to order the lobby by 'status' so I can view tournaments by start time, which generally means I have scrolled down the page a little and the highlighted section is out of view. Although I'm generally mindful of the headline events that get highlighted at the top (Main, Mini, Sheriff etc.), there are some smaller events that get placed up there which often escape my attention - I simply forget to keep checking the top part of the MTT lobby as the day/evening goes on.
I don't know if it's possible but the ideal solution for me would be if those MTT's that get highlighted could also still appear further down in the regular listings for us folks who would like to just get a view of everything by order of start time - list those events twice in the lobby in essence.
Regardless of whether anything can/will be done, I thought it was at least worth mentioning that it can be an issue for some players, which also means Sky misses out on some extra rake here and there of course.
Thanks for that very reasoned feedback
GuitarHat Bloke.I doubt there is anything than can be done about that, but I'll certainly pass it up to Big Cheese Towers.
I've passed that up to the Office, they are looking at it now.
The Office have settled the MTT based on ICM.
At this point, I don't know what the problem was, they will look at it later.
Apologies again.
As far as I am aware, no other MTT's are affected at this stage.
On it.