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Who won what on Saturday March 21st. And so it continues.

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480


Virus fatalities in the UK continued their relentless climb yesterday, and Online Poker continued to boom. Just a few short weeks ago, whoever could have imagined those two things could happen & be correlated? It's an utterly bizarre relationship, in that the worse the virus gets the more online poker booms.

There's plenty more pain & gain in the pipeline, but we just have to cling to the hope that in a month or so the virus will be under control, which of course will mean that this short online poker boom will end. For sure, if we can beat the virus, we'd all be very happy indeed to see online poker revert to it's normal levels.

So, onto last night, & we saw the recent traffic levels maintained, the Big Six beating their aggregate prize pools by 95%. Incidentally, forum posts are matching that almost exactly, & are running at double the previous run-rate, as is readership of the Results Threads. A small silver lining in a very dark sky.

On Friday evening, as you know, the software had caused some problems - or as they are known in the customer facing corporate world, issues - so it was certainly a relief to see that the smoothness of the site last night was of baby bum class.

On we go.

£1,000 BH @ 7.30pm £2,120

£10,000 Sharpshooter Main £19,560

£2,500 Sharpshooter Mini £4,750

£2,500 Sheriff £5,150

£1,500 Quickdraw £2,350

£1,000 Midnight Ex £2,080


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480
    edited March 2020

    £1,000 BH @ 7.30pm (£2,120)

    TheEnigma0 won this. His Sharky graph is very odd - it only seems to have horizontal or vertical lines. Inexplicable really.

    The CodFella was 2nd, he's won Quickdraw twice in the past week, but more memorably was accused by @chrisdonkb of sun-running every comp he plays, Cod bless him.

    Lord Crush ran 4th, & the miserable old boy himself, Solack, was 6th. He got lucky in an MTT a few nights ago & I made the mistake of being nice to him. Won't happen again, trust me.

    @TheEnigma0 318000 1 £296.27 + £134.46 Head Prizes 5

    @destinycod 0 2 £180.73 + £77.15 Head Prizes 6

    @Mossrose 0 3 £111.30 + £67.64 Head Prizes 6

    @loololollo 0 4 £89.57 + £58.71 Head Prizes 5

    @Tiffytime 0 5 £76.32 + £26.36 Head Prizes 2

    @SoLack 0 6 £65.72 + £60.48 Head Prizes 5
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

    £10,000 Sharpshooter (£19,560)

    This super-sized Main went to roytheboy7 who collected a most handsome £3,000 or so.

    Those who have been playing poker in & even before the boom years will remember that "Roy the Boy" was the nickname of a chap called Roy Brindley. What a run he had. He'd been homeless, in trouble with the police, a greyhound owner & trainer & then he found poker & got himself sorted out.

    He also married Mags, who was the cardroom supervisor at the amazing Merrion Poker Club in Dublin, which was just 200 yards from the Firtzwilliam Poker Club which I believe closed recently.

    Roy lived in Ireland after he got married, but I've not seen him face to face for some years. He still sends me e-Mails though, usually with Sports Betting tips, mainly on stuff like F1 where his angle is to take a contrarian view.

    His book "Life's a Gamble" is well worth a read if you see a copy on Amazon or whatever.

    Roy was a Site Pro for Ladbrokes for many years, & in around 2005 Ladbrokes used to run poker cruises in the Caribbean. Somehow I found myself on one of these in the guise of a "poker journalist" (I could bluff big time in those days) and because I was travelling solo, Roy always invited me to join him for dinner every evening. You might think that's a small gesture, but it was a very thoughtful one, so God bless Roy.

    @roytheboy7 6520000 1 £2445 + £557.41 Head Prizes 10

    @ValueJL 0 2 £1369.20 + £402.57 Head Prizes 11

    @NUTSNBOLTS 0 3 £807.83 + £140.85 Head Prizes 6

    @Jaymer1970 0 4 £640.59 + £294.06 Head Prizes 16

    @maza8311 0 5 £537.90 + £181.07 Head Prizes 10

    @TBEPooky44 0 6 £435.21 + £191.34 Head Prizes 10

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

    £2,500 Mini Sharpshooter (£4,750)

    Last night's Mini attracted a staggering 950 runners, which by Sky Poker standards is a very big number indeed.

    How about putting some context to that number though? Later today, Sky Poker's corporate step-dad, PokerStars, are running an "Anniversary" edition of the Sunday Million to celebrate 14 years of Sunday Millions. It has a $12.5 millball guarantee and needs 62,500 entries to cover. Think about THAT. Sixty two thousand five hundred. Oh my.

    Anyway, last night's Mini winner was gingerbb5, a name that rarely graces this Forum, but has been here a good while & played over 9,000 MTT's.

    @gingerbb5 9500000 1 £558.12 + £142.13 Head Prizes 15

    @MCFC04 0 2 £298.06 + £32.41 Head Prizes 9

    @Super_Oli 0 3 £178.12 + £24.91 Head Prizes 6

    @SENO 0 4 £144.88 + £17.57 Head Prizes 5

    @cal69 0 5 £118.75 + £7.61 Head Prizes 3

    @S4MPS 0 6 £95 + £44.07 Head Prizes 8
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

    £2,500 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£5,150)

    Back to back wins for appendecitis, who won Sheriff last night & Quickdraw the previous night.

    Runner-up The_Sweede won the Sunday Major last weekend for which he took home £4,510. Handy.

    The Bates ran 3rd, ahead of Ludacris who was playing his first MTT here for 22 months, BooBooTheB & FuzzyDare.

    Incidentally, this was the 2nd straight night that Sheriff has topped the £5,000 mark.

    @peiratis88 515000 1 £733.88 + £380.97 Head Prizes 7

    @The_Sweede 0 2 £471.23 + £253.58 Head Prizes 7

    @MattBates 0 3 £293.55 + £79.69 Head Prizes 4

    @Ludacris 0 4 £238.19 + £100.85 Head Prizes 3

    @BooBooTheB 0 5 £194.41 + £174.61 Head Prizes 7

    @FuzzyDare 0 6 £162.22 + £125.69 Head Prizes 5
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

    £1,500 Quickdraw (£2,350)

    djsnorlax already had 3 FT's in March but this was the maiden win.

    The final table was populated by heavy hitters including Lord Crush, scotty77, f3nix35 & SenorBegs, not to mention nishg, who I just mentioned.

    @djsnorlax 235000 1 £434.75 + £238.36 Head Prizes 4

    @loololollo 0 2 £258.50 + £222.66 Head Prizes 8

    @scotty77 0 3 £176.25 + £51.57 Head Prizes 2

    @nishg 0 4 £129.25 + £103.13 Head Prizes 4

    @f3nix35 0 5 £94 + £56.25 Head Prizes 3

    @SenorBegs 0 6 £82.25 + £93.75 Head Prizes 5
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

    £1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter

    bigfatfish, with 2 FT's to his credit already this week, made it a hat-trick & got the win this time.

    @bigfatfish 312000 1 £290.68 + £133.73 Head Prizes 4

    @dabobs18 0 2 £177.32 + £107.82 Head Prizes 9

    @Bomber69 0 3 £109.20 + £111.68 Head Prizes 9

    @Illoganboy 0 4 £87.88 + £48.76 Head Prizes 5

    @beefmyster 0 5 £74.88 + £22.50 Head Prizes 3

    @harry1988 0 6 £64.48 + £21.09 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,480

    SPT Vegas Quarter (16 entries)

    Seats in tonight's SPT Vegas Semi Final went to MISTY, aaron105 & Melty, with HANSON collecting the spare change.

    @MISTY4ME 28752.50 1 SPT

    @aaron105 10477.50 2 SPT

    @chicknMelt 8770 3 SPT

    @HANSON 0 4 £18.80
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,634

    TheEnigma0 won this. His Sharky graph is very odd - it only seems to have horizontal or vertical lines. Inexplicable really.
    9\10 v. Good

  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,922
    The traffic has been immense there were 185 in the 2.15 deepy I couldn't believe it
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