I haven't got the time or inclination to start a diary, but I thought it would be an idea to start a thread where we can all find out a bit more about the person behind their alias. Hopefully others will participate.
So I've played on this site quite a while, I've won some bits, lost more but enjoyed myself in the process.
Why Poker? I love a gamble, I love cards, I love sports. My childhood memories are all the 'blokes' playing cards during our family gatherings on Boxing Day, I loved it, still do. At a young age I was taught how to play cribbage which is a great game if you've never had the opportunity to play. Then it was Blackjack at the casino and then from nowhere (it seemed) came online poker.
About me - So I'll be 50 this year. I'm married, two daughters, one who was recently 21, my youngest soon to be 18, not turning out to be the best year for significant birthdays! I work in financial services and for my sins I'm a Stoke City season ticket holder, have been for years. I know that a few other Stokies play on here
@TIMBER @stokefc and I'm sure there are others. I've wanted to catch up with some of these guys at an SPT event which is still on my to do list. I love sport, I used to play a lot of football but I've had numerous knee ops, including ACL reconstructions to both knees. So now I play tennis (badly) to get some fitness. Being a member of a tennis club does have some perks as I ticked off one of my bucket list items by going to the Wimbledon Mens Final a few years back (Federer vs Cilic), if you ever get a chance to go Wimbledon do it, it's a fantastic day.
My nemesis - There are so many good players on here these days who make significant profits but we've all got that one player who's our nemesis. In the early years I hated being up against
@Angie1980 but sadly don't see her on here much these days.
@Solack has always been a bit a pain

but the my number one nemesis as got be
@MattBates. I used to think he was a 'lucky' player but his stats are just immense and clearly he is an excellent player with a wonderful boom switch

So that's just a little bit about me, happy to answer any questions but it would be great if others join in.
See you on the tables.
Simon AKA Lightwood
Already learning stuff-had no idea Stoke still played football
Genuinely love SPTs-long may they continue. I may even cash in 1 one day.
Too many people focus on their nemesis, without noticing the reverse.
I too run terribly v @MattBates whereas I seem to run like God v @TommyD . Almost feel sorry for him, sometimes. Sure ickle Matt would say the same.
Good luck
I too hope the SPT' continue as would love to do one