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STRANGE request at being asked to leave

mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,333


  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    Seems like its mates wanting to play against each other. May be annoying but is lots of action lately so I would just pick another table and let them get on with it.
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,333
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    what it is 2 b popular
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,333
    I was going to quit table..but then the insults came.
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,333
  • Allan23Allan23 Member Posts: 877
    Mates wanting to play with each other, which I think is fine as long as they ask politely if you they can play their own game...when they speak like that, its no surprise they can't find a 6th mate.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited March 2020
    Yeah looks like friends wanting a private game. But if people want private games, go create a Stars home game club.

    It's a d*ck move thinking you're entitled to a private game on public tables - especially if they don't have exactly six people and they think they can just ask people to leave when someone takes the empty seat - but I'd leave them to it if they explained what they were trying to do and were being decent human beings about it.

    The way they speak to you here, the threat to collude, and that they seemingly haven't told you they're trying to have a private game, is really sh*tty.

    If they spoke to me like that and one of their group is on the WL, I'd definitely be sitting out but waiting for the software to kick me off the table :)

    Finally, I don't recognise the other names, but I'd certainly expect Rosiedog to know better than to make threats to collude, and to treat other players with more respect.
  • K0BAYASHlK0BAYASHl Member Posts: 2,029
    Rosie likes to troll lol
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,333
    yea, there was no harm done.

    Like I said, I was quitting and clicked the leave big blind button, I told them this and then insults start`ed flying. So I unticked it and stayed longer.

    They then took an age and let the timer tick down thinking it would bother me, I was multi tabling, so whatever.

    I did shove AA pre when when it looked like I was quitting, I got paid.

    Rosie got the last word tho, when she apologised, I clicked leave table.

    Then she retracted the apology and it was too late , I was booted.

    Sky really need a retract leave table request reversal button on the next software update.

    It was an enjoyable episode and I look forward to round 2 tonight.

  • DoooobsDoooobs Member Posts: 243
    I have been asked to join a couple of private games on stars. One is mainly people who used to play back in the day stuck in their houses having a laugh. If a few mates just want a laugh on the cash tables amongst themselves right now, I don't see much harm in it. It clearly isn't high stakes and there are likely other tables. Given what is happening outside, just let them have their fun. Yeah, they shouldn't really do it, but so what?

  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,463
    mumsie said:

    yea, there was no harm done.

    Like I said, I was quitting and clicked the leave big blind button, I told them this and then insults start`ed flying. So I unticked it and stayed longer.

    They then took an age and let the timer tick down thinking it would bother me, I was multi tabling, so whatever.

    I did shove AA pre when when it looked like I was quitting, I got paid.

    Rosie got the last word tho, when she apologised, I clicked leave table.

    Then she retracted the apology and it was too late , I was booted.

    Sky really need a retract leave table request reversal button on the next software update.

    It was an enjoyable episode and I look forward to round 2 tonight.

    You're a bigger man than me mummy (??) I would have stayed just to p iss them off.....esp when the insults started....then wait for the premiums hands-AA, 27 off- then only bet them
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,787
    I'm assuming that you have made a note of who they are.

    I would just follow them around sitting in every game they have going just for **** n giggles, keep timing out with junk and generally being a pain in the ****.

    But then youre probably more mature than me.
    Noticed 3 'private' games going last night. The first one they were abusing LARSON7 and when he left they started abusing me so I just kept playing and ignored them. The second one I saw them politely ask haidyboy to leave and he did, so I didn't take the seat either to leave them to it. Third one was 5 mates and a sky reg and they were sound too.

    Catch more flies with honey as they say....
  • H3nryH3nry Member Posts: 39
    Hi mumsie.
    I’ve had a couple of similar requests. I left on both occasions once I’d confirmed their locations were geographically similar.
    I agree there is no need to be rude but unfortunately that is the way of the online world. There is a lot other tables at the moment and as regular players I think it is in our interest to make new players experience as good as possible in the hope that when the world returns to normal a few newbies forced into the game fall in love with it and stay.
    Just wish sky poker would do their bit and lower microstakes take giving new players at least a chance to build a bankroll and a future in the game.
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,333
    Great post @H3nry , yes the 7.75 rake could be lowered at this is a very lean time and fat time.

    I remembered , this happened Friday night too, I just said ok and upped and left.
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,463

    I'm assuming that you have made a note of who they are.

    I would just follow them around sitting in every game they have going just for **** n giggles, keep timing out with junk and generally being a pain in the ****.

    But then youre probably more mature than me.

    certainly a lot more mature than me as well...I'm just glad I'm off secondary school at the moment oz i've got my gsce's coming up soon... :p
  • DoooobsDoooobs Member Posts: 243
    I agree with @H3nry too. If all these new players enjoy the game and start afresh and come back it is good for all of us.

    I don't care if these players are good, bad, want to play private games or whatever, the game seems to be becoming a bit more enjoyable again. And I think we all need that.

    As an aside, the O8 games were dying on Stars, with a good proportion not running at all. It is great to see bigger fields again, and even better to see so many joining at the start and not picking the best seat just before late reg finishes.


  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    just had the same 5/10cash rockingham 3 from Liverpool telling me were to go didn't respond until one of then told me to die amongst other things
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    Buckingham not rockingham
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