In times of adversity the good and bad of people comes to the fore,there are those who want to help and those who want to prosper.In my area there's been a surge in 'pop up' stalls selling what most would deem necessaries,bread,milk,eggs,potatoes etc. Sack of spuds £25, Tray of eggs £10, Tray of sausages £12, Loaf of bread £2, Milk £2. I'm all for entrepreneurship but some of those prices are outrageous. These are 'down south' prices,is it like that in the rest of the country?
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Just pure greed.
Seen lots on Faceache being named and shamed.
My local Romanian run corner shop in Bournemouth has good stock and no price increases.
Not sure if there are any ships coming from Ireland.
I did get some Spanish strawberries earlier, so something is moving.
I presume most of EU food comes via ferry or the channel tunnel.
The consumer is King at the end of the day.