..that you have been neglecting\ putting off\ cannae be ersed ..but have had time to do\ continue\finish due to..u know..
Me..guitar, when i was a lad, i was quite a good guitarist, (think thin lizzy, etc) not held one in anger for ages but really enjoying the ability to relearn via youtube etc .
Also, mrs is fceking jigsaw mad...
Oh and...keep it clean..
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So much subtext once you delve beyond the words.
Finished 2 so far.
Some brilliant stuff here and probably worth several study sessions. 66 chapters where he foretells of the destruction, exile and eventual salvation that is coming down on Gods people.
Wow really dark, covering the turning from God of Jerusalem and Judah and Gods subsequent annihilation of both, including the Babylonian Exile. 52 chapters of death destruction and mayhem.
Probably need to re read both at least half a dozen times to look for various comparisons with other scripture, make notes, confer with others etc. So that's me occupied until next Month.
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay at home.
I played poker
Then they tidied the conservatory that took a day
I played poker
They then did the kitchen a complete overall took me a age to find the cups
Poker for me
The daughters bedroom was done, another day while I played poker
I cut the grass when the weather was nice
Built a bridge
Cleaned and tidied the greenhouse
Built and planted up a small veggie patch
Repaired the stables (Big clumsy horse put its hoof through the side)
Repaired the edging to the parking area (delivery drivers are sometimes awful drivers)
Put a new roof on my 'man cave'
Tidied up 'man cave'
Repaired main gate
Detailed both cars
Still on the list
Dig drainage pipes in to feed house downpipes into pond
Sort out leaking main pond
Landscape island etc on main pond
Clean windows
Replace faulty pump on small pond
And probably umpteen smaller jobs that I will be told about when I think I've finished.
Erm, yes, well the gardener anyway. One cannot do without a butler you know, one is not a heathen.