With the finger nail biting my parents were on my case about it from the age of 10 or so. Got to a point that they bought a gel in which if you start biting the taste is awful. Didn't last long as it does make you sick which i guess was the point.
I was not the one to feel sick however as mum was testing it out and forgot to wash her nails after applying the lotion. She then proceeded to make a sandwich and got a taste of the substance. She was pretty sick for a bit after that and it was decided that they could not use it on their son.
Maybe if the sandwich wasn't eaten that day I would not be biting to this day.
No idea why as both have been since childhood.
With the finger nail biting my parents were on my case about it from the age of 10 or so. Got to a point that they bought a gel in which if you start biting the taste is awful. Didn't last long as it does make you sick which i guess was the point.
I was not the one to feel sick however as mum was testing it out and forgot to wash her nails after applying the lotion. She then proceeded to make a sandwich and got a taste of the substance. She was pretty sick for a bit after that and it was decided that they could not use it on their son.
Maybe if the sandwich wasn't eaten that day I would not be biting to this day.