Sharkscope told me I had won 14 in a row at the £11s. What would the difference between how the leaderboards are worked out and sharkscope?
I believe Sharkscope lists games in the order they finish, whereas the leaderboard will be counting games in the order that they started.
Since you busted the game ending 690, the games ending 659, 687 and 677 won't be part of the streak as they started before. Likewise, you busted the game ending 789, so the games ending 832, 808 and 821 won't be in your win streak as they started afterwards.
Therefore, you have an 8 game streak, not the 14 game streak that Sharkscope is telling you.
Sharkscope told me I had won 14 in a row at the £11s. What would the difference between how the leaderboards are worked out and sharkscope?
I believe Sharkscope lists games in the order they finish, whereas the leaderboard will be counting games in the order that they started.
Since you busted the game ending 690, the games ending 659, 687 and 677 won't be part of the streak as they started before. Likewise, you busted the game ending 789, so the games ending 832, 808 and 821 won't be in your win streak as they started afterwards.
Therefore, you have an 8 game streak, not the 14 game streak that Sharkscope is telling you.
That makes sense. Thanks for taking the time to clear it up for me.
£1.10 Leaderboard
1 @TrishK 10
1 @1-DAY 10
3 @madders 7
3 @HayleyR27 7
3 @asmithx 7
6 @Harrydonk 6
6 @win4finley 6
6 @hazelwoo05 6
6 @steedman1 6
6 @metz7 6
6 @Fozzy1700 6
6 @McQueen 6
£2.20 Leaderboard
1 @mondo1985 10
2 @chrisdboy 8
3 @HitOnRiver 7
3 @sircryptic 7
3 @buzka 7
6 @Coneski 6
6 @raggy94 6
6 @theyoungy 6
9 @Torres987 5
9 @Harness97 5
9 @Novak 5
9 @tommyv282 5
9 @Needers 5
9 @porter1989 5
9 @gregkdy82 5
£3.30 Leaderboard
1 @Manley08 9
1 @Lams183 9
3 @hazelwoo05 8
3 @hasthenuts 8
6 @ian1976 7
6 @benhur7200 7
6 @supercrazy 7
6 @gpc70 7
6 @robtim 7
£5.50 Leaderboard
1 @Cammykaze 12
2 @Manley08 10
2 @KirstyG 10
4 @bigfatfish 9
4 @Aerionz 9
6 @sighcall 8
6 @denty765 8
9 @johnmonty 7
10 @LiamRynn 6
10 @supercrazy 6
10 @JingleMa 6
10 @hasthenuts 6
10 @loura 6
10 @RichArt 6
£11.00 Leaderboard
1 @phillips58 9
2 @bigfatfish 8
3 @wilson0247 7
3 @RichArt 7
3 @POKER80Y 7
3 @mnolan8317 7
3 @scousestar 7
3 @TTayseer 7
10 @TimmyRaRa 6
10 @bromley04 6
10 @dessie1950 6
Since you busted the game ending 690, the games ending 659, 687 and 677 won't be part of the streak as they started before. Likewise, you busted the game ending 789, so the games ending 832, 808 and 821 won't be in your win streak as they started afterwards.
Therefore, you have an 8 game streak, not the 14 game streak that Sharkscope is telling you.
Think @EvilPingu has probably nailed it. Here's the relevant T & C from the Streak Week Promotion page;
9. The time the first hand is dealt on the DYM will be used to determine the order of results.