More of the same last night, though typical of a Saturday numbers for the headline MTT's we report on were slightly more subdued compared to Friday, coming in 35% above guarantees.
Tonight might be interesting, with the Sunday Major bumped up to £20,000, & it's baby brother to £4,000.
A day or so ago I mentioned that both Unibet & Party had suffered software crashes on the same evening, with Party having 2 in 3 days. It emerged yesterday that the Unibet problem was due to a DDOS attack, & it seems that there have been quite a spate of them in the last few weeks. Quite what the perpetrators hope to gain from these tactics is a bit of a mystery to me. Operators can & do guard against DDOS attacks by various means, but it's a constant battle as the attackers continually refine their methods. Scary.
£3,000 BH @ 7pm £3,750
£10,000 Big Weekend £13,000
£15,000 Sharpshooter Main £20,280
£4,000 Sharpshooter Mini £5,190
£2,000 Megastack £3,220
£3,000 Sheriff £3,450
£3,000 BH @ 10pm £4,530
£1,500 Quickdraw £1,900
£1,500 Midnight Express £2,620
0 ·
£3,000 Bounty Hunter @ 7pm (£3,750)
2018 SPT Vegas winner Granite89 took the opener, adding £890 to the £3,300 he earned for 4th in the £50,000 UKOPS Main last Sunday.
Gambelo, who won Sheriff on Friday, was runner-up, ahead of Super_Oli & the in-form cabbaz.
In 5th was TIMBER, followed by Arrogant.
@Granite89 375000 1 £562.50 + £329.34 Head Prizes 7
@Gambelo 0 2 £375 + £79.68 Head Prizes 2
@Super_Oli 0 3 £225 + £159.96 Head Prizes 6
@cabbaz 0 4 £187.50 + £42.19 Head Prizes 2
@TIMBER 0 5 £150 + £56.25 Head Prizes 3
@Arrogant 0 6 £121.88 + £106.22 Head Prizes 4
£10,000 Big Weekend Bounty Hunter (£13,000)
This made £13,000, compared to Friday when it came in at £16,300, but I suspect that's just the usual Friday/Saturday dynamic.
I have no knowledge or data on the winner, though I see he regularly dabbles in the £55 Turbo DYM's.
2nd was Kidpoke450, who won that £5,000 Turbo BH on March 31st & then had a couple of UKOPS cashes.
lfirk, who won the Mini on Friday, was 3rd, with mattprawn balancing his ledger in 6th.
mnolan8317 seems tro be enjoying his return to Sky Poker & poker generally, & ran 7th for decent money.
@trip_andy 650000 1 £1816.75 + £914.92 Head Prizes 8
@Kidpoke450 0 2 £1108.25 + £236.71 Head Prizes 4
@lfirk 0 3 £682.50 + £346.89 Head Prizes 7
@johnny_e 0 4 £549.25 + £771.40 Head Prizes 13
@Danny2309 0 5 £468 + £37.50 Head Prizes 1
@mattprawn 0 6 £403 + £322.41 Head Prizes 4
@mnolan8317 0 7 £334.75 + £356.84 Head Prizes 7
£15,000 Sharpshooter (£20,280)
Over £20,000 for Sharpshooter, proper monsta.It's 2 years almost to the day since auldbast made the results thread, though that's mainly as he is an infrequent visitor to the Sky Poker shores. It's an interesting alias, perhaps more familiar to our Scottish readers, and I fancy it's the sort of name a Liverpool or Man City would call Sir Alex Ferguson.
In 3rd was NAILSO1197, a veteran of over 25,000 DYM's's here, mainly high end Turbos.
extraman, who won UKOPS 45 last autumn, was 5th. If you are reading this mate, I do hope you are keeping well, it's been too long since we chatted.
Chasing them home in 6th was arkle, named after that brilliant steeplechaser who you all remember. You DO remember Arkle, don't you?
@auldbast 6760000 1 £2433.60 + £562.84 Head Prizes 13
@POKERANT 0 2 £1328.34 + £68.37 Head Prizes 3
@NAILS01197 0 3 £785.85 + £232.53 Head Prizes 8
@BBORU7 0 4 £623.61 + £135.50 Head Prizes 6
@extraman 0 5 £517.14 + £281.24 Head Prizes 12
@arkle 0 6 £415.74 + £126.38 Head Prizes 6
£4,000 Mini Sharpshooter (£5,190)
With no re-entries permitted, I imagine 1,038 entries & a £5,190 prize pool is as big as sharpshooter Mini can ever get. From a Guarantee perspective, £4,000 is ambitious, with lots of downside & not much upside.
The victory went to Dajr1982, who mainly confines himself to buy-ins at around this level, so over £600 is likely a PB for him.
@Dajr1982 10380000 1 £544.95 + £72.25 Head Prizes 6
@alfarch30 0 2 £311.40 + £30.71 Head Prizes 7
@Cobbie23 0 3 £188.14 + £61.25 Head Prizes 10
@roberts197 0 4 £150.51 + £29.80 Head Prizes 7
@dryden97 0 5 £123.26 + £68.74 Head Prizes 19
@mattfolds 0 6 £97.31 + £31.91 Head Prizes 6
£2,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£3,220)
This mid-evening Mega Stack seems to be quite popular, topping £3,000 each night.
chrisdonkb seems to enjoy it, 6th on Frifday & then booking the win last night.
MAXALLY enjoyed a good run in 3rd. And yes, MAXALLY was the correct answer to yesterday'a quiz, as he won the Super Roller back in February 2015 for some £5,400, which I would guess goes a very long way in Stoke.
@chrisdonkb 1610000 1 £438.73 + £214.34 Head Prizes 9
@posh92 0 2 £263.24 + £98.08 Head Prizes 6
@MAXALLY 0 3 £161 + £13.71 Head Prizes 1
@Citrine11 0 4 £126.39 + £85.07 Head Prizes 7
@LoLs 0 5 £107.87 + £103.03 Head Prizes 9
@Rosscotra9 0 6 £90.80 + £43.59 Head Prizes 5
£3,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£3,450)
SHYBOY51 has a bit of a streak going, this is his 3rd consecutive appearance in the Results Thread, following 4th in the £3k BH on Thursday & 3rd in Sheriff on Friday.
Swimmr, 4th in Sheriff on Thursday, was 2nd this time.
@SHYBOY51 345000 1 £517.50 + £226.58 Head Prizes 5
@Swimmr 0 2 £345 + £158.27 Head Prizes 5
@cassiedyla 0 3 £207 + £71.49 Head Prizes 2
@Gambelo 0 4 £172.50 + £133.60 Head Prizes 5
@mkdave67 0 5 £138 + £117.25 Head Prizes 4
@StayOrGo 0 6 £112.12 + £105.76 Head Prizes 4
£3,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter @ 10pm (£4,530)
Cash1no, with no less than 5 cashes in the recent UKOPs, & 3rd in Friday's £3,000 BH @ 7pm, got the win at last. When the current poker "surge" began at the end of March, he won Marksman Main for north of £2,600, & this was his best subsequent score.
scotty77, seemingly ever-present in the thread of late, was 2nd with chrisdonkb making his 2nd final of the session in 3rd.
@Cash1no 755000 1 £622.88 + £368.88 Head Prizes 12
@scotty77 0 2 £375.99 + £199.77 Head Prizes 13
@chrisdonkb 0 3 £231.03 + £122.53 Head Prizes 7
@Tonyzya 0 4 £183.47 + £81.57 Head Prizes 6
@POKEY2011 0 5 £156.28 + £44.69 Head Prizes 3
@Filet0fish 0 6 £131.37 + £101.43 Head Prizes 5
£1,500 Quickdraw (£1,900)
Arrogant, 6th in the opener, won this time, with cabbaz who also finalled the opener 3rd here.
luckme002 has been quiet on the results front lately - by his standards. He played an eye-popping 48 satellites yesterday, plus 20 MTT's, & managed a sprinkling of cashes, this being the best.
Standing dishes StayOrGo & wineli were 5th & 6th.
@Arrogant 190000 1 £380 + £342.66 Head Prizes 8
@nottoofar 0 2 £237.50 0
@cabbaz 0 3 £142.50 + £60.94 Head Prizes 3
@luckme002 0 4 £104.50 + £90.53 Head Prizes 4
@StayOrGo 0 5 £85.50 + £98.44 Head Prizes 5
@wineli 0 6 £42.19 Head Prizes 2
£1,500 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£2,620)
This went to arGument, not to be confused with Arrogant, or for that matter HAYSIE.
LiamRynn managed to spare some time away from DYM's to be 2nd here. He has played an impressive number of DYM's in the last 24 hours, something approaching 100 of them.
@arGument 393000 1 £360.25 + £146.38 Head Prizes 7
@LiamRynn 0 2 £217.46 + £62.67 Head Prizes 4
@Mickey83 0 3 £133.62 + £76.30 Head Prizes 4
@loololollo 0 4 £106.11 + £45.62 Head Prizes 4
@mitzis123 0 5 £90.39 + £95.27 Head Prizes 8
@dee2014 0 6 £75.98 + £68.45 Head Prizes 7