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Who won what on Sunday April 19th, a major Major night

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,457

A very good Monday morning to you.

Another week of lockdown ends & it's encouraging to see that across the globe they are starting to ease restrictions. Our turn is a few weeks away yet - minimum - but come it will. We all just to hang in there & stay safe until then.

Meanwhile, poker continues to thrive, & we saw another set of sparkling numbers last night. Pick of the bunch was undoubtedly the Major, more of which later.

OK, off we go.

£3,000 Bounty Hunter @ 7pm £3,800

£10,000 Bounty Hunter @ 7.30pm £14,670

£20,000 Sunday Major £29,500

£4,000 Mini Major £4,880

£2,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter £3,700

£3,000 Sheriff £4,450

£3,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter £4,770

£1,500 Quickdraw £2,250

£1,500 Midnight Express £2,540


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,457

    £3,000 Bounty Hunter (£3,800)

    We start with the £3,000 BH @ 7pm which went to @jakescol who beat off some very decent players in the Final as well as @mattprawn.

    miniman88 FT bubbled, with Lightwood close behind.

    @jakescol 380000 1 £570 + £252.90 Head Prizes 5

    @railtard11 0 2 £380 + £168.16 Head Prizes 5

    @SenorBegs 0 3 £228 + £121.87 Head Prizes 3

    @mattprawn 0 4 £190 + £23.44 Head Prizes 1

    @blodwin08 0 5 £152 + £207.43 Head Prizes 8

    @AAACal 0 6 £123.50 + £107.82 Head Prizes 5

    @miniman88 0 7 £104.50 + £107.82 Head Prizes 5

    @Lightwood 0 9 £66.50 + £23.44 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,457

    £10,000 Bounty Hunter (£14,670)

    This one has quite a background, earlier this year it was a £6,000 affair, which was upped to £8,000, before it was switched off for UKOPS. It returned last night wearing it's new £10,000 coat & went on to make an impressive £14,670. This was more than the Sunday Major made most weeks pre-boom.

    I can't find a single previous mention of the winner on the Forum, so this is his debut, & what a start it is, collecting ~£2,250.

    Runner-up kenmillon has 4 previous 2020 mentions, including 2nd in Marksman Main in February.

    twistedole & wineli arew thread regulars of course.

    In via a satellite & collecting £300 shows mint knows how to make money.

    @djmickyb12 2445000 1 £1833.75 + £419.65 Head Prizes 8

    @kenmillon 0 2 £1026.90 + £406.04 Head Prizes 15

    @twistedole 0 3 £605.87 + £75.94 Head Prizes 6

    @wineli 0 4 £480.44 + £153.90 Head Prizes 7

    @cconvery 0 5 £403.43 + £271.15 Head Prizes 13

    @Bruceb75 0 6 £326.41 + £183.72 Head Prizes 11

    @mint2210 0 7 £253.06 + £49.04 Head Prizes 3

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,457

    £20,000 Sunday Major (£29,500)

    The Major has had quite a year. It was £12,000 to start with & was just about covering most weeks, before being bumped to £15,000 & peaking at an all-time high of £28,400 on March 29th. It was then turned off for UKOPS & returned last night wearing it's £20,000 badge & ended up with a new Sunday Major record of £29,500.

    For those who are interested in such things, it was a single rebuy, with 252 uniques, plus 43 who availed themselves of a second chance.

    stack_u, who we see at most of the SPT's ended up with the lot, a juicy £7,670. I had a look at his Twitter feed this morning - @stack_u - and he's been inundated with well-wishers.

    @stack_u 2950000 1 £7670

    @Raggy08 0 2 £4425

    @LoLs 0 3 £2596

    @jimbo66 0 4 £2006

    @p4uls_1 0 5 £1681.50

    @Marcusb169 0 6 £1386.50

    @Sharki0 0 7 £1062
    @kidadam 0 8 £708
    @mnolan8317 0 9 £501.50
    @morpheus10 0 10 £383.50
    @TONY509 0 11 £383.50
    @macca710 0 12 £383.50
    @Graveltrax 0 13 £383.50
    @DONATE2ME 0 14 £383.50
    @B33CHY 0 15 £383.50
    @grinddd 0 16 £280.25
    @libchijake 0 17 £280.25
    @bracewell1 0 18 £280.25
    @CharlieF29 0 19 £280.25
    @gac123 0 20 £280.25
    @shirley02 0 21 £221.25
    @Rock561 0 22 £221.25
    @flexystash 0 23 £221.25
    @mcg899 0 24 £221.25
    @THEGRID 0 25 £221.25
    @Grimpy2711 0 26 £191.75
    @barton09 0 27 £191.75
    @Burger306 0 28 £191.75
    @same1 0 29 £191.75
    @SenorBegs 0 30 £191.75
    @TheDart 0 31 £177
    @posh92 0 32 £177
    @GREGGER01 0 33 £177
    @Joey898 0 34 £177
    @lfirk 0 35 £177
    @chrisdonkb 0 36 £162.25
    @luckme002 0 37 £162.25
    @stocks09 0 38 £162.25
    @Mitchv94 0 39 £162.25
    @The_Sweede 0 40 £162.25

    Managed to find a bad photo of the winner, left, nearest camera. Opposite end of the table, wearing a lampshade, is Mean Machine, seated next to none other than @Sky_SamT

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,457

    £4,000 Mini Major (£4,880)

    488 entries for the £11 Mini Major, & great to see it went to "147 Challenge" @NoEa5yCa5h

    It was a decent evening for Team goldnballz too, as Paula won the Daily Forum Comp a few hours earlier in quite extraordinary fashion. And I doubt she even knows yet.

    @NoEa5yCa5h 2440000 1 £1195.60

    @goldnballz 0 2 £671

    @jonirhythm 0 3 £409.92

    @Cooler86 0 4 £312.32

    @Foxsht 0 5 £263.52

    @KirstyG 0 6 £214.72

    @KemnalKid 0 7 £161.04
    @nishg 0 8 £107.36
    @BlufferV92 0 9 £70.76
    @stocks09 0 10 £53.68
    @tonyp142 0 11 £53.68
    @Gerrycurl 0 12 £53.68
    @trebor10 0 13 £53.68
    @CoxyMate 0 14 £53.68
    @ShArKfIsH2 0 15 £53.68
    @bigstack75 0 16 £39.04
    @loololollo 0 17 £39.04
    @THETANK 0 18 £39.04
    @slipster14 0 19 £39.04
    @OldTimer99 0 20 £39.04
    @mps66 0 21 £24.40
    @legenddd 0 22 £24.40
    @gotubeat19 0 23 £24.40
    @Onyerway 0 24 £24.40
    @Potsymoore 0 25 £24.40
    @Blondechik 0 26 £19.52
    @hutchb 0 27 £19.52
    @Garv1 0 28 £19.52
    @DONTPAYTAX 0 29 £19.52
    @Allan23 0 30 £19.52
    @AMD68 0 31 £18.06
    @GlenH 0 32 £18.06
    @Bbhoy1888 0 33 £18.06
    @jimHFX 0 34 £18.06
    @BRUTAS 0 35 £18.06
    @andyzican 0 36 £17.08
    @gavpidge 0 37 £17.08
    @hotflush32 0 38 £17.08
    @GuyL2 0 39 £17.08
    @JammThis 0 40 £17.08
    @jimster863 0 41 £16.59
    @KNAWSTAIN 0 42 £16.59
    @MAXALLY 0 43 £16.59
    @Sophiemcd 0 44 £16.59
    @tomo50 0 45 £16.59
    @godfishy 0 46 £16.59
    @Cameronpa 0 47 £16.59
    @mark68 0 48 £16.59
    @wilsonho34 0 49 £16.59
    @Milhouse77 0 50 £16.59
    @barbecue6 0 51 £16.10
    @MARK277 0 52 £16.10
    @chrisdonkb 0 53 £16.10
    @mnolan8317 0 54 £16.10
    @tempest1 0 55 £16.10
    @GEZZA79 0 56 £16.10
    @akf1984 0 57 £16.10
    @8wizard8 0 58 £16.10
    @1SUPERNOVA 0 59 £16.10
    @Daveeboy 0 60 £16.10
    @RogueCell 0 61 £15.62
    @rbutler555 0 62 £15.62
    @thisltedu 0 63 £15.62
    @nixioni 0 64 £15.62
    @cal69 0 65 £15.62
    @kid21 0 66 £15.62
    @Doooobs 0 67 £15.62
    @Difghgvjh 0 68 £15.62
    @djbuttdawg 0 69 £15.62
    @Still888 0 70 £15.62
    @Toffeeandy 0 71 £15.62
    @Keegs 0 72 £15.62
    @Gambelo 0 73 £15.62
    @Itsover4u 0 74 £15.62
    @comesee 0 75 £15.62
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,457

    £2,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter(£3,700)

    This MegaStack has quickly established itself & now has a firm grip on the 8.45pm slot.

    What a result, too, Mearsyy returned to Sky Poker MTT's last week after a 7 year sabbatical and soon had things sorted.

    A very fine 3rd for the straight-talking & well-travelled NOSTRI, he's playing off a fairly limited 'roll so this was huge for him.

    One of the nicest guys I've ever met here is James, aka @LmfaoAllin who just missed the FT.

    @Mearsyy 1850000 1 £499.50 + £224.75 Head Prizes 10

    @macdaddy12 0 2 £301.55 + £94.96 Head Prizes 5

    @NOSTRI 0 3 £182.22 + £22.58 Head Prizes 2

    @Samzmad 0 4 £143.38 + £63.12 Head Prizes 4

    @hhamza162 0 5 £122.10 + £15 Head Prizes 2

    @geniusread 0 6 £101.75 + £96.46 Head Prizes 8

    @LmfaoAllin 0 7 £82.33 + £9.38 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,457

    £3,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£4,450)

    The winner has a Sharky graph to die for & added another £1,277 spike last night.

    @peiratis88 445000 1 £645.25 + £632.30 Head Prizes 15

    @POKEY2011 0 2 £422.75 + £82.03 Head Prizes 3

    @NooGooood 0 3 £261.44 + £23.44 Head Prizes 1

    @snoxx11 0 4 £211.38 + £142.47 Head Prizes 6

    @bedders007 0 5 £172.44 + £46.88 Head Prizes 2

    @Curt360x27 0 6 £144.62 + £61.22 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,457

    £3,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£4,770)

    The winner returned recently after an 8 month hiatus with a small UKOPS cash before taking this one down for £970.

    2nd was jordz16 who has been printing here for the best part of 8 years, & I was pleased to see him make a rare appearance on the Forum yesterday.

    3rd was Ambo, who has had a few nice binks recently, with EASYFIX a fine 4th ahead of the in-form Swimmr & Danny.

    @nnm83 795000 1 £655.88 + £314.80 Head Prizes 9

    @jordz16 0 2 £395.91 + £108.63 Head Prizes 6

    @NChanning 0 3 £243.27 + £155.04 Head Prizes 8

    @EASYFIX 0 4 £193.19 + £91.41 Head Prizes 5

    @Swimmr 0 5 £164.56 + £63.46 Head Prizes 3

    @Itsover4u 0 6 £138.33 + £99.85 Head Prizes 7
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,457

    £1,500 Quickdraw (£2,250)

    mvg899 had a terrific 2019 but has been a little quiet of late bounced back to form with a good win here.

    @mcg899 225000 1 £416.25 + £327.82 Head Prizes 7

    @duncan1979 0 2 £247.50 + £42.19 Head Prizes 2

    @ozzieowen 0 3 £168.75 + £98.44 Head Prizes 5

    @gac123 0 4 £123.75 + £33.98 Head Prizes 1

    @Ricksta85 0 5 £90 + £87.01 Head Prizes 2

    @Arrogant 0 6 £78.75 + £37.50 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,457

    £1,500 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£2,540)

    Pascello puts in most of his volume at the £20 & £30 Turbo DYM's but took a break last night & took this one down, and in doing so denied miniman the win.

    @Pascello 381000 1 £354.96 + £205.37 Head Prizes 9

    @miniman88 0 2 £216.53 + £64.21 Head Prizes 6

    @The_Meg991 0 3 £133.35 + £60.29 Head Prizes 4

    @LiamRynn 0 4 £107.31 + £49.22 Head Prizes 6

    @Balfourbaz 0 5 £91.44 + £77.58 Head Prizes 7

    @tempest1 0 6 £78.74 + £15 Head Prizes 2
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    Tikay10 said:

    £2,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter(£3,700)

    This MegaStack has quickly established itself & now has a firm grip on the 8.45pm slot.

    What a result, too, Mearsyy returned to Sky Poker MTT's last week after a 7 year sabbatical and soon had things sorted.

    A very fine 3rd for the straight-talking & well-travelled NOSTRI, he's playing off a fairly limited 'roll so this was huge for him.

    One of the nicest guys I've ever met here is James, aka @LmfaoAllin who just missed the FT.

    @Mearsyy 1850000 1 £499.50 + £224.75 Head Prizes 10

    @macdaddy12 0 2 £301.55 + £94.96 Head Prizes 5

    @NOSTRI 0 3 £182.22 + £22.58 Head Prizes 2

    @Samzmad 0 4 £143.38 + £63.12 Head Prizes 4

    @hhamza162 0 5 £122.10 + £15 Head Prizes 2

    @geniusread 0 6 £101.75 + £96.46 Head Prizes 8

    @LmfaoAllin 0 7 £82.33 + £9.38 Head Prizes 1
    This sarcasm or you getting him confused with someone else?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,457


    Think I've got the right chap - young, good looking lad?
  • pompeynicpompeynic Member Posts: 2,834
    Hi @Tikay10 ,
    Hope you are well. One question I have always wanted to ask, no idea why it has taken me this long, is , why is the mini tournament £11 on Sunday when it is £5.50 every other night of the week? It must surely stop some people, on a restricted bank roll, from playing a tournament they would normally enter.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,457


    Hi Nick.

    I don't really know, probably because Sunday night is traditionally a bigger night all round. The Mains are £22 or £33 all week, then £110 on a Sunday, & the Mini goes up to £11 from £5.50.

    Yes, it's stops some from playing, but though I've never done the analysis, I think the majority who normally pay £5.50 stump up £11.

    I'm well thanks mate, hope you are too.
  • mnolan8317mnolan8317 Member Posts: 50
    @Tikay10 . I think there needs to be a special shout out to @morpheus10 for his effort in not only getting deep in the 20k gtd but getting into the tournament in the first place after he beat 450 players to win a freeroll.

    He is a small stakes grinder who has a modest average stake of just over 2 pound per game but eventually finished in 10th for 384 pounds and only busting after getting very unlucky with KK V AJ all in pre flop for a top 3 stack.

    Not a bad ROI at all.

    Congrats and very unlucky
  • LmfaoAllinLmfaoAllin Member Posts: 1,213
    Always said @Tikay10's reads were second to none. Astute just doesn't do him justice.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,457

    @Tikay10 . I think there needs to be a special shout out to @morpheus10 for his effort in not only getting deep in the 20k gtd but getting into the tournament in the first place after he beat 450 players to win a freeroll.

    He is a small stakes grinder who has a modest average stake of just over 2 pound per game but eventually finished in 10th for 384 pounds and only busting after getting very unlucky with KK V AJ all in pre flop for a top 3 stack.

    Not a bad ROI at all.

    Congrats and very unlucky

    +1 to that @mnolan8317 @morpheus10
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,392

    Always said @Tikay10's reads were second to none. Astute just doesn't do him justice.

    You're definitely right there James @LmfaoAllin ..... even on the American Greyhound Horse Racing ;):D

    4 very shrewd punters found both tonight's winners & are in great shape at the top of the table;





    WELL DONE Aaron @stack_u ...... I'm so pleased for you. Thoroughly enjoyed being on your table and contributing a few chips to usual :/
    ......... though obviously the Rebuy was the BEST move you made all night ;)
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