Hi Guys,
My last post in the 'tournament strategy' section of the forum was of me discussing ICM/final table spots, and asking for feedback on some of my decisions. I've kindly been advised by
@Angmar2626 +
@asmithx to look up an ICM tool/calculator, which I have invested in and it has been eye openining in more ways to say the least.
I figured if I'm going to be going through some spots by myself, I may aswell live stream it and offer you to join. I like to hear people points of views, and think facilitating it on an open platform could be pretty bad-****.
As some of you may or may not know. ICM Poker Definition:
The ICM poker term stands for the Independent Chip Model.
In poker ICM allows you to convert tournament players stacks in chips into their money equity (as percentage of total or remaining prize pool). If you want to know more here a link:
https://www.icmpoker.com/en/blog/poker-icm-101-what-is-icm-poker/So I'll be online, LIVE ON TWITCH for some 'ICMIZER' TRAINING - SUNDAY 26TH APRIL @ 7PM-9PM
If you want your hands & spots to be looked at then you can submit via DM message on SKY or via email
When sending in hands please add:
1. The Hand itself
2. Player Types If Known (I.e TAG, LAG, PASSIVE-WEAK etc) - This isnt required for 'Game Theory Optimum', but IMO it's very important to take note, as push/shove/call ranges can drastically changer depending on Villan type sometimes.
3. What you want to know
If I get a bunch of these, I'll make time to prepare them so we can go through them more quickly & efficiantly.
Disclaimer: By no means am I qualified to hand out advice or poker coach. I'm kinda new to online tournament poker, but I do come from a solid foundation of cash game poker so not all is lost

See you on Sunday

I,ve been trying to get my head round ICMizer but gave up with it and found Poker Snowie to be more user friendly although you can,t do as much on it (Its mainly for cash games)
Oh okay cool cool.. Cash games are dear to my heart, I might have to check out Poker Snowie also then. I think I have seen somebody on YT giving an example once, did look pretty neat.
Seems an interesting idea.
Some insightful spots - If I were to do it again then probably could structure it abit better. Made it kinda interactive, like asking what we think the 'pushers' + 'callers' ranges were in certain spots. Then talking about how we would adjust vs certain types etc, yeah it was fun.
The video is up there if you want to have a look for yourself. I might do another one with poker snowie, maybe tomorrow. Come down for that if you're about.
Not big on software and solvers and it's been a bit of a stain to the game of poker. A part of the tradition has been lost however can't be left behind either.
Price of progress.
'Price of progress' Quite right indeed. If you cant beat em....
Some interesting spots last night (and suprising ones)
I,ll look out on here if your on tommorow
Would you pop my exit hand below from a £5.50 £2,000 BH into the ICMIZER please.
I am fairly certain I was correct to push, was the caller correct to call?
There was only 8 left at this point so I had cashed.
Will be interesting to see the numbers on this on a general basis.
Your shove looks like a fist-pump decision and the call is probably ok.
I think ICMIZER has a free trial so might be worth having a look at the software yourself and firing in a list of MTT hands.
Sunreel would have to give your shove a range I believe, what is your pushing range here?
With approx 7 bb's I'm interested to learn what my shoving range should be.
What do you mean by "a fist pump decision"?
With your stack and 8 left ICM isn't really of relevance. I assume we are 8/8 or close to.
ICMIZER 3 is saying:
SB Pushing Range72%
BB Calling range: 28%
Some of these shoves are like break even (0.00) or marginally profitable spots 0.04+ EV Which I think can go either way, so if this is what a slightly neater (0.05+) range would look like.
Any hand that is +0.30 could be considered 'fist bump' shove
I hope this helps.
P.s WD on the deep run!
Yes Matt I was about 8/8, the stacks were all pretty close, if I had doubled up it would have put me in top 3 approx.
Thanks mumsie, now I know what to do next time!