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Who won what, Thursday April 23rd. The 7 at 7 added.

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436


Numbers seem to be stable at present, with the benchmark Main coming in at £16,560, very similar to last week's £17,130. The Mini made £4,410, just shy of the record Hitman Mini on March 26th of £4,700 but up on last week's £4,035.

Most of the others did better than last week, with Midnight Express in particular being over £3,000, which might be the first time it's ever done that.

In all, the £29,500 of guarantees on the featured MTT's came in 60% higher at £47,000.

£700 7 at 7 (£1,631)

£3,000 Bounty Hunter @ 7pm £4,300

£1,000 Bounty Hunter @ 7.30pm £1,660

£10,000 Hitman Bounty Hunter £16,560

£3,000 Mini Hitman Bounty Hunter £4,410

£2,000 MegaStack £3,220

£3,000 Sheriff £4,550

£3,000 Turbo BH £4,080

£1,500 Quickdraw £2,350

£1,500 Midnight Express £3,040


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436

    £700 guaranteed 7 at 7 Bounty Hunter (£1,631)

    Well now, look who won the 7 at 7. Question for readers - what do you think he'll spend those winnings on to improve his garden or house?

    @Enut 466000 1 £216.11 + £72.64 Head Prizes 8

    @rightmove5 0 2 £128.85 + £31.91 Head Prizes 4

    @ForeSight 0 3 £77.47 + £22.64 Head Prizes 7

    @brown08426 0 4 £61.16 + £61.91 Head Prizes 13

    @TURN_IT_IN 0 5 £51.78 + £22.87 Head Prizes 4

    @rich-a-64 0 6 £43.22 + £27.73 Head Prizes 7
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436

    £3,000 Bounty Hunter (£4,300)

    This went to @matisback. All the way back in 2013 he was 2nd overall in the MTT "Count" for that year on Sharky. If I were to ask you who played the most games here in 2013 you'd never guess in a month of Sundays, so I'll tell you - DivsDreams.

    @matisback 430000 1 £623.50 + £398.47 Head Prizes 8

    @Arrogant 0 2 £408.50 + £202.89 Head Prizes 7

    @wineli 0 3 £252.62 + £94.92 Head Prizes 3

    @hatearsena 0 4 £204.25 + £100.78 Head Prizes 4

    @mikey54 0 5 £166.62 + £174.03 Head Prizes 8

    @blodwin08 0 6 £139.75 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436

    £1,000 Bounty Hunter (£1,660)

    The winner has a fairly limited MTT background here so I looked him up purely out of curiosity. It seems that later in the evening he played 3 x £200 Heads Up Turbo's, which are fairly rare beasts I'd have thought, winning 2 of them. Very nice.

    MAKAKA in 2nd was also 2nd a few weeks ago in a £10,000 UKOPS BH.

    @Dandan1988 249000 1 £236.55 + £265.46 Head Prizes 16

    @Makaka 0 2 £151.89 + £51.22 Head Prizes 5

    @SQUIDGER 0 3 £94.62 + £17.34 Head Prizes 2

    @TWISTED290 0 4 £76.78 + £21.56 Head Prizes 2

    @cmorry67 0 5 £62.66 0

    @olive04 0 6 £52.29 + £72.66 Head Prizes 8
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436

    £10,000 Hitman Bounty Hunter (£16,560)

    The Main went to NooGooood, which started a run of 3 good scores in the evening. He might also hold the record for most cash won in a single Mini, when he collected £2,300 for winning a Mini UKOPS Rebuy on April 8th. That particular Mini made a jaw-dropping £9,710. Almost £10,000 for a Mini, barely believable.

    mnolan8317 is certainly making his mark, adding £1,600 to the £367 he collected when he won the 7.30pm BH on Wednesday.

    5th was Lightwood, his best score since 2nd in UKOPS 31 on April 7th.

    I spotted a real blast from the past in 8th, YOUNG_GUN. We shared many a table at SPT's back in the day. In fact, my memory may be playing tricks - again - but I think the last time I bumped into him was at the hearing in London convened by the Alderney Gaming Commission into Full Tilt. That's such an odd thing to remember, it's either very right or very wrong. I might well look remarkably silly if he denies it. There's a thing.

    9th was HAYSIE. As nice men go - &, surprisingly, he is nice - he's perhaps the most awkward, obdurate, stubborn, cantankerous, pig-headed, mulish unreasonable player you'd ever want sat to your left on a poker table.

    @NooGooood 2760000 1 £2070 + £431.05 Head Prizes 10

    @mnolan8317 0 2 £1159.20 + £444.13 Head Prizes 14

    @collin11 0 3 £683.93 + £195.80 Head Prizes 11

    @chops77 0 4 £542.34 + £203.57 Head Prizes 7

    @Lightwood 0 5 £455.40 + £59.59 Head Prizes 2

    @rwitt 0 6 £368.46 + £123.44 Head Prizes 7

    @YOUNG_GUN 0 8 £207 + £76.51 Head Prizes 3

    @HAYSIE 0 9 £165.60 + £116.28 Head Prizes 5
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436

    £3,000 Mini Hitman (£4,410)

    As far as I can tell, the winner has a very limited MTT background here, though he won a 117 runner £1,000 BH a few days ago. One for the notebook.

    Another result for MAKAKA (6th), with Lord Plumpy in 8th & our palindromic friend BOBBOB in 9th.

    @Spero1979 1764000 1 £518.17 + £116.26 Head Prizes 14

    @PRhack93 0 2 £276.73 + £78.93 Head Prizes 13

    @SteYous 0 3 £165.38 + £45.39 Head Prizes 14

    @tom184 0 4 £134.50 + £28.63 Head Prizes 9

    @12petebond 0 5 £110.25 + £29.43 Head Prizes 9

    @Makaka 0 6 £88.20 + £6.79 Head Prizes 3

    @hhyftrftdr 0 7 £66.15 + £35.32 Head Prizes 10

    @BOBBOB 0 9 £33.08 + £29.52 Head Prizes
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436

    £2,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£3,220)

    In these featured MTT's alone this was Melty's 2nd win since Monday, plus he has had a 2nd & a 3rd. You know all about Melty of course, but how about this for a wonderful gesture?

    "Put your hands together for @chickMelt, please.

    He has offered to cover some buy-ins for £11-£33 MTTs and let me add anything I win from them to the donations. If I lose it all, he'll donate £26 himself."

    You can read about it


    Noogooood, who won the Main for £2,500 earlier, was 2nd this time, while Ghost33 entered into the spirit of things in 4th.

    @chicknMelt 1610000 1 £438.73 + £293.11 Head Prizes 12

    @NooGooood 0 2 £263.24 + £36.09 Head Prizes 4

    @zebulon10 0 3 £161 + £15 Head Prizes 2

    @Ghost33 0 4 £126.39 + £60.01 Head Prizes 7

    @Jscorgie 0 5 £107.87 + £92.41 Head Prizes 8

    @onecup 0 6 £90.80 + £43.13 Head Prizes 5
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436

    £3,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£4,450)

    Just one day earlier, Sheriff barely limped across the line, just £3,100. Last night? £4,450. Go figure.

    The very profitable Monty15 took this, following his 2nd in the £10,000 UKOPS 66 for £1,700. In fact this morning he made his very first Forum post on the Stay Or Go Quickfeet Challenge, details of which are


    Ironpump was runner-up, with another cash for NooGooood, his 3rd in short order. this time in 8th.

    @Monty15 445000 1 £667.50 + £262.60 Head Prizes 4

    @Ironpump1 0 2 £445 + £248.81 Head Prizes 6

    @sandhu05 0 3 £267 + £93.75 Head Prizes 4

    @kc8 0 4 £222.50 + £121.88 Head Prizes 6

    @Baboon26 0 5 £178 + £282.71 Head Prizes 11

    @AngFlush 0 6 £144.62 + £79.68 Head Prizes 2

    @NooGooood 0 8 £100.12 + £84.38 Head Prizes 4
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436

    £3,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£4,080)

    Nero fiddled his way to the win here, ahead of Palace Bloke.

    @Nero543 680000 1 £570.18 + £181.37 Head Prizes 4

    @cpfc_2010 0 2 £347.82 + £225.92 Head Prizes 12

    @gaming123 0 3 £214.20 + £93.17 Head Prizes 5

    @dakky 0 4 £172.38 + £199 Head Prizes 12

    @Banjalinho 0 5 £146.88 + £63.50 Head Prizes 4

    @Stevo_me 0 6 £126.48 + £59.06 Head Prizes 4
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436

    £1,500 Quickdraw (£2,350)

    addo07 took the win, ahead of the consistent snoxx11 with Shelley7 in 3rd. Did you know that Shelley7 used to be a big time pool hustler? It's true. Read about it


    Sheriff winner an hour or so earlier Monty15 was 4th.

    @addo07 235000 1 £434.75 + £210.08 Head Prizes 4

    @snoxx11 0 2 £258.50 + £194.39 Head Prizes 6

    @Shelley7 0 3 £176.25 + £200.98 Head Prizes 8

    @Monty15 0 4 £129.25 + £105.47 Head Prizes 5

    @gazzaluf05 0 5 £94 + £46.88 Head Prizes 2

    @luckme002 0 6 £82.25 + £46.88 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436

    £1,500 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£3,040)

    The £1,500 Mid Ex made over £3,000, not sure that's happened many times before. The winner was StayOrGo who has announced his Heads Up Cup, details for which are


    @StayOrGo 456000 1 £414.20 + £170.56 Head Prizes 6

    @mmm111mmm 0 2 £248.52 + £141.63 Head Prizes 10

    @RobRenzi 0 3 £152 + £32.82 Head Prizes 3

    @Shrimpy28 0 4 £119.32 + £82.43 Head Prizes 7

    @MadMaggie1 0 5 £101.84 + £7.50 Head Prizes 1

    @DannyMcs 0 6 £85.73 + £69.83 Head Prizes 5
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436

    £1,000 Rewards Freeroll (1,734 entries)

    @UTRBABY 3468000 1 £100

    @brucie1972 0 2 £60

    @nylo 0 3 £40

    @ELGRINGO 0 4 £30

    @spam600 0 5 £30

    @crestste 0 6 £30
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,833
    Tikay10 said:

    £10,000 Hitman Bounty Hunter (£16,560)

    The Main went to NooGooood, which started a run of 3 good scores in the evening. He might also hold the record for most cash won in a single Mini, when he collected £2,300 for winning a Mini UKOPS Rebuy on April 8th. That particular Mini made a jaw-dropping £9,710. Almost £10,000 for a Mini, barely believable.

    mnolan8317 is certainly making his mark, adding £1,600 to the £367 he collected when he won the 7.30pm BH on Wednesday.

    5th was Lightwood, his best score since 2nd in UKOPS 31 on April 7th.

    I spotted a real blast from the past in 8th, YOUNG_GUN. We shared many a table at SPT's back in the day. In fact, my memory may be playing tricks - again - but I think the last time I bumped into him was at the hearing in London convened by the Alderney Gaming Commission into Full Tilt. That's such an odd thing to remember, it's either very right or very wrong. I might well look remarkably silly if he denies it. There's a thing.

    9th was HAYSIE. As nice men go - &, surprisingly, he is nice - he's perhaps the most awkward, obdurate, stubborn, cantankerous, pig-headed, mulish unreasonable player you'd ever want sat to your left on a poker table.

    @NooGooood 2760000 1 £2070 + £431.05 Head Prizes 10

    @mnolan8317 0 2 £1159.20 + £444.13 Head Prizes 14

    @collin11 0 3 £683.93 + £195.80 Head Prizes 11

    @chops77 0 4 £542.34 + £203.57 Head Prizes 7

    @Lightwood 0 5 £455.40 + £59.59 Head Prizes 2

    @rwitt 0 6 £368.46 + £123.44 Head Prizes 7

    @YOUNG_GUN 0 8 £207 + £76.51 Head Prizes 3

    @HAYSIE 0 9 £165.60 + £116.28 Head Prizes 5
    You are very kind.
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,634
    Question for readers - what do you think he'll spend those winnings on to improve his garden or house?
    A decent gardener? ;-)
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    LOL hi tikay, yep only just got out :) was always a pleasure sharing a table with you live and online.

    Hope you are well? @Tikay10 , i have been a bit quiet on here really mainly due to i play alot of pool and just been busy generally. Up until a few weeks ago the only poker i really play is once a year in vegas, i just dont find the time anymore,

    This week i fancied a flutter and did ok, so again last night, i am sure as i am stuck indoors you will see me from time to time. Maybe not so much on the forum as i dont play enough or take serious enough, But a nice little bit of form so far m probably mainly luck but tables were playing good and nice to come across a few regs and old faces.


    Does @DOHHHHHHH stilll play anyone, get in touch pal hope you are good
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436

    £1,500 Quickdraw (£2,350)

    addo07 took the win, ahead of the consistent snoxx11 with Shelley7 in 3rd. Did you know that Shelley7 used to be a big time pool hustler? It's true. Read about it


    Sheriff winner an hour or so earlier Monty15 was 4th.

    @addo07 235000 1 £434.75 + £210.08 Head Prizes 4

    @snoxx11 0 2 £258.50 + £194.39 Head Prizes 6

    @Shelley7 0 3 £176.25 + £200.98 Head Prizes 8

    @Monty15 0 4 £129.25 + £105.47 Head Prizes 5

    @gazzaluf05 0 5 £94 + £46.88 Head Prizes 2

    @luckme002 0 6 £82.25 + £46.88 Head Prizes 2
    YOUNG_GUN said:

    LOL hi tikay, yep only just got out :) was always a pleasure sharing a table with you live and online.

    Hope you are well? @Tikay10 , i have been a bit quiet on here really mainly due to i play alot of pool and just been busy generally. Up until a few weeks ago the only poker i really play is once a year in vegas, i just dont find the time anymore,

    This week i fancied a flutter and did ok, so again last night, i am sure as i am stuck indoors you will see me from time to time. Maybe not so much on the forum as i dont play enough or take serious enough, But a nice little bit of form so far m probably mainly luck but tables were playing good and nice to come across a few regs and old faces.


    Does @DOHHHHHHH stilll play anyone, get in touch pal hope you are good


    JJ still plays here yes but we rarely see him on the Forum these days.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,663
    Tikay10 said:

    £700 guaranteed 7 at 7 Bounty Hunter (£1,631)

    Well now, look who won the 7 at 7. Question for readers - what do you think he'll spend those winnings on to improve his garden or house?

    @Enut 466000 1 £216.11 + £72.64 Head Prizes 8

    @rightmove5 0 2 £128.85 + £31.91 Head Prizes 4

    @ForeSight 0 3 £77.47 + £22.64 Head Prizes 7

    @brown08426 0 4 £61.16 + £61.91 Head Prizes 13

    @TURN_IT_IN 0 5 £51.78 + £22.87 Head Prizes 4

    @rich-a-64 0 6 £43.22 + £27.73 Head Prizes 7
    Haha, thanks for the special mention @Tikay10, today I felt especially generous so did indeed pay the gardener, on his first day back since the lockdown and keeping a good social distance at all times, as well as donating to the fine appeals being run by @NOSTRI, @QUICKFEET & @waller02
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,663
    Tikay10 said:
    I have to admit our gardener does look very similar to Ted, I hope I look nothing like Ralph and I certainly don't have a crush on the gardener!
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