Hi Sky team,
Was playing a couple of TDYMs last night with regulars and my single cheering squad showed up again to talk of HU matches, sharkscope and all sorts of other nonsense. The talk is very boring and goes nowhere. I know this person outwith Sky poker and I find he is a bit of a poker charlatan.
I won't be going to the sky support as its nails on a chalk stuff with myself running about getting info etc when my belief is not enough is being done to stop the circa 2005 poker cocky behaviour. We are talking about a good year of a bit of silliness and if Sky want to tackle it then that's up to them. I love the game of poker but hate a lot of personalities in the game.
Poker is a game I am very passionate about with the letdown being a few of the players. It shows a side of people that could be seen as undesireable.
Happy to play along however other players may be getting fed up with the back and forth. Using my real name is maybe the most tilting part of the exchanges.
I appreciate this is very minor however from what I can make out Sky don't appear to be making a big enough point of stamping out this sort of behaviour.
For clarity, I will not be going to live chat support about this as I have done on this one.
Have a good day all!
It used to be the case that you could report people to Sharkscope themselves and they could potentially ban that player from using their service. Might be worth a look.
I guess it was to see about Sky's side on this more than that though. I think there is a bigger issue at play and maybe worthy of a discussion.
Certainly the chat isn't a great bother as I am quite chatty when I get going. The boy is showing himself up big time and his name on Sky is the same as his real live name.
He's not the wisest given his character. Of poor character you could say.
I witness some abusive chat , not aimed at me , I easily screen recorded the table for a few minutes , only couple of clicks, no inconvenience.
I know how painful it if if you try to get chat ingame , with so much going on.
I emailed the recording to SKy support, it was all there ...
I took all the leg-work out and It didn't interfere with my playing. SKy only had to view the video.
I got this reply.
It was all in plain sight and the skyrep couldn't see it.
It's quite disappointing to see or hear of stuff like this given what's happening out there.
But yeah, if in the "right" frame of mind I will happily oblige with some trash talk :P
Anything illegal (homophobic, racist, collusive, etc) Life chat ban.
Anything really offensive ( hoping people get sick, die etc) Life chat ban.
Anything Angle shooting is a grey area (hate it myself but some would argue its a part of the game) Shouldn't be allowed but often is.
Anything else. Well imo it's fair game. We are adults who chose to play a game for real and sometimes large amounts of money. Table talk is as much a part of it as hand ranges, pot odds and bad beats.
I enjoy a bit of banter when playing live and if it degenerates into trash talking, which usually it doesn't, as long as its not illegal then bring it on.
To be honest I don't see any difference when its online, where you have the advantage of being able to just turn it off.
Yes, and I enjoy the live trash talk more than text trash talk. Can be good for the game in the right environment.
You can't kill anyone with your tongue or keyboard keys
It's someone with a bit of bravado with not much to back it up.
This person will be as white as a sheet the next time we cross live paths. He will be told exactly what I and others think of him as he is playing the "big time charlie" role.
He has been told softly, then less softly to put a sock in it. Then less softly, then more harshly. The message is not being received so he will be put straight at the next local poker game.
What EvilPingu says about SharkScope above seems to be still true. If you start a fresh search you receive this prompt;
So, yes. in my opinion this type of behaviour is bad for the poker economy and should definitely be dealt with to prevent it from happening/repeat occurences.
Good to have sharkscope. I like privacy so was happy to remove. It's not as accurate as we are lead to believe I don't feel.
Nothing wrong with pen and paper
NSFC - sweary words.
@BlairReid errr, sorry Walter. Have you had a look at this thread? Don't want other people with a similar username to their real live name to panic!
Do you have anything to sell or not sell? Any ideas? Any thoughts at all? Or is it a deathly silence as people will see who you truely are here?
Happy to respond to any valid questions in this thread
Many Thanks,
After losing a 50/50 for a medium sized pot
My real name isn't anything like my skypoker pseudonym? And I genuinely didn't think the abuse I gave you was SOOO bad...btw carryonabusingblairread.scot.uk is my latest website