Nothing too general allowed, we're talking about the specific ups and downs of poker.
1. Timing the break perfectly by coming back from the fridge with 0:09secs on the clock.
2. "Buying" the small chips in live tournaments in the old days - this isn't like Monopoly, if you were given the role of banker, in this case, it meant you had the means to cope (chips).
1. Calling an all-in from an 8bb stack with ATs, only to find they actually woke up with AK.
2. Getting a walk with AA. Cosmic.
3. Calling up the hand calculator after something horrible has happened, just so you can quote the exact %'s to the other half when telling the story (plot twist: they aren't really listening). I just leave mine up at all times, it's easier.
4. The death of pot-limit hold'em.
Please add to the list.
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Raising 4 in a row with blind stealing hands, getting them all through, then wake up with Aces and get shoved and re-shoved on after raising the 5th hand in a row.
- Getting a walk holding junk - especially when blinds are higher/later stages of tournaments
- Having a sitout in a DYM tourney - especially on the bubble when you have more chips than them and/or they're sitting to your left or right.
- Players shoving on you when you hold the nuts
- AIPF with a higher pocket pair to see them hit their set on the flop, then you then hit yours on the turn/river
- Multiple stallers on the bubble of a large MTT - especially when the bubble has actually burst
- Players betting into a dead pot with air
- Losing an AIPF against the same cards (flush)
Trough:- hero call gone very badly
trough; losing a flip for 95%+ of your stack after getting impatient then getting AA next hand
trough: lasting ten minutes in said main , infuriating that
Having the nuts say a straight on the turn, money goes in and opponent has the freeroll with the same straight and the backup chance of the flush and they ... hit!
Much more likely in Omaha this situation of course however in HE it's a nasty one.