Hi all,
So aside from this player losing a fair amount of games on tables I am on, I have no idea where this players accusations have come from; so thought I would post to get ideas from other players...
I couldn't/can't respond to the player in question as currently chat banned myself.
So, why does this person think i use software? (I don't).
Why does this person think I cheat? How? Who with? (I don't).
Where is the forum thread where they've discussed this with 5 other people on here? (I can't find it?).

There's always going to be some "Richard Cranium" who can't accept that.
Just switch off chat and continue to crush.
There will always be players who see another player play many tables at once, and they simply cannot comprehend the possibility that anyone could do such a thing - especially after and if they have look up their stats and see them to be a winning player. Their first instinct is to accuse. It just reeks of jealousy to me.
I'd take it as a compliment and move on.
Kind of thing that happens a lot
I bust someone earlier. They had a better hand pre but I flopped a fh
Jac35: ok flop that
19:37cyall: Joke
Jac35: ul cyall
cyall: Sky fuckkking **** cheating fuckkks
cyall: Cheers
Jac35: yep, they are def that
cyall: Gl
Jac35: gl
Would like to thank @SJspanky1 for speaking up (think he knows I can't chat) as this clown was doing it on every single table this evening.
How else could a DYM player finish 12th/661 in tonight's Mini without cheating? This is all the prove you need. Obv, it is two bots so the other one can somehow find and post on the Forum.
Jacquelyn 0 12 £15.53 + £20.34 Head Prizes 6
Case closed.