Nostri and I have been approached about running a new forum comp with MTT seats up for grabs. We would like your thoughts on the 2 possible options before we go into more detail. Which of the following prize/comp formats appeal the most to you?
New forum comp. 30 votes
A monthly Sunday Major entry for the overall highest points scorer in the period, with a weekly award of 1x Mini Major and 3x Mini Mains
Just weekly prizes of one 33 main, an 11 Mini Major, 2x 5.50 Mini.
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Great idea and questions .
How much are the mini majors £11 and the mini majors £5.50 ?
The Sunday Major ticket would certainly give you the highest ROI if you got a good run on. But the other option gives you more chances at winning a main event entry and more chances at a decent score in one of the other Mains, so is probably lower variance.
We honestly couldn't decide which people would prefer, so here we are.
Same reasons given by Nostri above
If there was a way to incorporate or add a £110 entry into the second option then that would be perfect. E.g. The person who had the highest weekly score of any of the 4 weeks, get's it or something. Maybe that's too much too ask, but entries to £33's personally are not as interesting to me as a £110. Obviously, different people will be happy with that, but that's my honest view. Can see why you had a quandary trying to decide!
What tournaments would contribute towards the league? Is there a list of these?
Also with the above quote, that is fair enough. I did enjoy the mini UKOPS, so would be keen on something competitive like this, as that really livened up the forum too.
It also means you don't have to "grind" for a whole month and can focus on (what would be extra volume for me) over a shorter period.
Though based on the results it has had the opposite effect.
I quite like option B though fwiw. It would be great if somebody who doesnt normally get chance to play a main win the seat and go really deep in it.
Please note that by voting in this poll you are contractually obligated to take part and help us make this a success.