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Who won what, Tuesday June 9th

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,338


Reasonable numbers last night, though Summit went into the Overlay File after it fell 6 entries shy.

There were some site issues between 0100 & 0130, those have been reported on the containment thread. Very much hoping the work done during the scheduled Site Outage at 0530 this morning will have solved the problem, but there's no real way of knowing. Fingers crossed for a smooth & peaceful session this evening.

£3,000 BH £3,250

£1,000 BH £1,500

£10,000 Gold Rush Main £11,130

£4,000 Gold Rush Mini £4,065

£2,000 Mega Stack £2,140

£10,000 Summit £10,000

£3,000 Turbo £3,270

£1,500 Quickdraw £1,850

£1,500 Midnight Express £1,920


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,338

    £3,000 Bounty Hunter (£3,250)

    A big well done to BigH276, winning his 3rd headline MTT in under 3 weeks, & the 2nd time he's won this in 12 days. 2 x £3k BH wins, a Sheriff win & a 2nd in Mega Stack in the last few weeks is some going by any standards.

    whitters, wi & grinddd are all doing well lately too (grinddd won Sheriff on Sunday), and of course The Bates is no stranger to FT's.

    @BigH276 325000 1 £601.25 + £491.69 Head Prizes 13

    @whitters95 0 2 £357.50 + £73.55 Head Prizes 2

    @wi03 0 3 £243.75 + £144.20 Head Prizes 5

    @MattBates 0 4 £178.75 + £49.22 Head Prizes 2

    @grinddd 0 5 £130 + £152.64 Head Prizes 7

    @graham710 0 6 £113.75 0
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,338

    £1,000 Bounty Hunter (£1,500)

    Mattsmum was hoping to win this last Wednesday, but it all went wrong in the Final & he eventually exited 5th. No prob last night though & he got his victory this time.

    @Mattsmum 225000 1 £217.50 + £142.88 Head Prizes 6

    @vinny93 0 2 £142.50 + £74.17 Head Prizes 8

    @Stu33 0 3 £88.12 + £73.73 Head Prizes 7

    @peiratis88 0 4 £71.25 + £63.29 Head Prizes 6

    @nishg 0 5 £58.12 + £28.13 Head Prizes 3

    @fish369 0 6 £48.75 0
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,338

    £10,000 Gold Rush (£11,130)

    Cadleyx has not had a big score since December, when he ran 5th in the very same Gold Rush Main. It was a £6,000 Guarantee at the time, & he collected £390. Last night went much better & he took home a few bob shy of £2,000.

    Dooobs played a decent session & probably just about came out ahead with a 7th here. Bliiiiind continues to do well, 8th this time.

    @CadleyX 3710000 1 £1446.90 + £535.87 Head Prizes 15

    @ozzieowen 0 2 £834.75 + £328.06 Head Prizes 12

    @sandhu05 0 3 £506.42 + £99.23 Head Prizes 4

    @billalvo29 0 4 £406.25 + £88.29 Head Prizes 5

    @Shad443 0 5 £345.03 + £25.49 Head Prizes 1

    @BARBIE02 0 6 £283.81 + £128.15 Head Prizes 7

    @Doooobs 0 7 £222.60 + £117.60 Head Prizes 6

    @Bliiiind 0 8 £166.95 + £69.78 Head Prizes 5
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,338

    £4,000 Mini Gold Rush (£4,065)

    The Sharky graph of the winner bakersdoze has been flat & boring for some 2 years, nothing exciting and just above break-even, but it took off last night.

    I'm assuming bakersdoze is not a suggestion about bakers having a nap, more a reference to the old saying "bakers dozen", meaning 13. For students of the English language, it's really weird how sayings like that remain in circulation in this day & age - I doubt many kids even know what a dozen is. Some products are still sold by the dozen or half dozen, typically eggs & oysters, & I believe crates of wine are generally a dozen. At school we used to be caned in dozens, "6 of the best" or even 12, but never 10.

    @bakersdoze 8130000 1 £477.64 + £70.73 Head Prizes 7

    @72off5uit 0 2 £255.08 + £35.14 Head Prizes 6

    @bonthron18 0 3 £152.44 + £45.22 Head Prizes 10

    @KrazyKurt 0 4 £123.98 + £22.87 Head Prizes 8

    @redyellow 0 5 £101.62 + £24.28 Head Prizes 6

    @extraman 0 6 £81.30 + £42.28 Head Prizes 8
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,338

    £2,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£2,140)

    TheDent mostly seems to one-table & it works for him, 13th in Mega Stack on Monday then ran out the winner last night.

    Going back to English language, we all know what a "dent" is, typically on a cars body. When I first ventured up north I was quite surprised that they use the term dint rather than dent. Strange people, Northeners.

    @TheDent 1070000 1 £299.06 + £184.14 Head Prizes 6

    @dejareay14 0 2 £182.44 + £48.28 Head Prizes 5

    @blablabla 0 3 £112.35 + £92.77 Head Prizes 8

    @LUCKYSAMMI 0 4 £90.42 + £26.04 Head Prizes 3

    @Bleurgh 0 5 £77.04 + £7.50 Head Prizes 1

    @gazzaluf05 0 6 £66.34 + £51.56 Head Prizes 5
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,338

    £10,000 Summit Bounty Hunter (£10,000)

    StayOrGo won a final table which was tough in all sorts of ways. As there had been some site issues last night I ended up watching most FT's to see if they played out OK, & the ones I watched were all fine. Sod's Law being what it is I missed this one but I gather it was all a bit difficult.

    @StayOrGo 470000 1 £1510.50 + £959 Head Prizes 10

    @ffbuwliens 0 2 £969.90 + £303.70 Head Prizes 5

    @NooGooood 0 3 £604.20 + £309.38 Head Prizes 6

    @Alvez11 0 4 £490.25 + £110.16 Head Prizes 2

    @goldnballz 0 5 £400.15 + £417.92 Head Prizes 8

    @heddoh18 0 6 £333.90 + £262.51 Head Prizes 5
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,338

    £3,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£3,270)

    @gaming123 545000 1 £465.98 + £294.82 Head Prizes 9

    @ZAPPSTER 0 2 £287.76 + £62.76 Head Prizes 3

    @blablabla 0 3 £178.22 + £76.65 Head Prizes 4

    @loololollo 0 4 £143.88 + £54.49 Head Prizes 4

    @NIHIGHGUN 0 5 £120.17 + £119 Head Prizes 9

    @leegibbo 0 6 £101.37 + £99.15 Head Prizes 5
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,338

    £1,500 Quickdraw (£1,850)

    A 2nd win in 6 nights for liverpool, adding Quickdraw to the Mega Stack he won last Wednesday.

    Tina made the final but came away empty-handed, which must be a bit of an anti-climax. Sometimes poker does not seem to be a fair game, & that must be true when you finish 6th in an MTT & go away with zilch.

    @liverpool 185000 1 £370 + £336.70 Head Prizes 7

    @nnm83 0 2 £231.25 + £173.44 Head Prizes 9

    @ffbuwliens 0 3 £138.75 + £49.22 Head Prizes 2

    @johnny_e 0 4 £101.75 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1

    @ozzieowen 0 5 £83.25 + £103.13 Head Prizes 5

    @karlluke 0 6 0
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,338

    £1,500 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,920)

    Well done Fabraclass, winning Mid Ex for the 2nd time in under a week. As I noted earlier, I watched most Finals last night, & this one ran completely smoothly as far as I could see.

    @Fabraclass 288000 1 £273.60 + £122.77 Head Prizes 4

    @changyai 0 2 £168.96 + £52.73 Head Prizes 6

    @FinalFlush 0 3 £104.64 + £99.15 Head Prizes 8

    @elvisg1972 0 4 £84.48 + £51.43 Head Prizes 4

    @rankers 0 5 £70.56 + £99.50 Head Prizes 11

    @gerrymav 0 6 £59.52 + £57.65 Head Prizes 5
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,338

    £750 Escalating Freeroll (439 entries)

    A couple of weeks ago, on that night when @MattBates bubbled everything, @LmfaoAllin posted a cracking photo, nicely sticking it right in The Bates eye. Karma is a thing of beauty, don't you think?

    @Jimbo98 1317000 1 £183.75
    @Card4Life 0 2 £103.12
    @FINGERS417 0 3 £63
    @Ross1810 0 4 £48
    @Stork8 0 5 £40.50
    @allinji770 0 6 £33
    @jcrazar1 0 7 £24.75
    @mongo229 0 8 £16.50
    @cdfgtyujk 0 9 £10.88
    @rockerboy 0 10 £8.25
    @giesahaun 0 11 £8.25
    @avonmum 0 12 £8.25
    @Dc1975008 0 13 £8.25
    @boozah 0 14 £8.25
    @safc71 0 15 £8.25
    @kevo137 0 16 £6
    @boggo 0 17 £6
    @BrayCorp83 0 18 £6

    @jutka9 0 19 £6
    @duffys123 0 20 £6
    @golfingjj 0 21 £3.75
    @eon1961 0 22 £3.75
    @8lade77 0 23 £3.75
    @MattBates 0 24 £3.75
    @Aerionz 0 25 £3.75

    @Pogue909 0 26 £3
    @RLT16 0 27 £3
    @thebookie2 0 28 £3
    @mrpunctual 0 29 £3
    @sjl1973 0 30 £3
    @Finalcard 0 31 £2.77
    @metapro 0 32 £2.77
    @Claudiak 0 33 £2.77
    @spam600 0 34 £2.77
    @rascal74 0 35 £2.77
    @kelvh1878 0 36 £2.62
    @TrebleAAA 0 37 £2.62
    @amazinal 0 38 £2.62
    @Luvdup 0 39 £2.62
    @mint2210 0 40 £2.62
    @bludreid11 0 41 £2.55
    @CU180 0 42 £2.55
    @Wilhelm 0 43 £2.55
    @itsuptoyou 0 44 £2.55
    @BigSugar55 0 45 £2.55
    @vinny67 0 46 £2.55
    @Mr_Shh 0 47 £2.55
    @franymac1 0 48 £2.55
    @sggs23 0 49 £2.55
    @timeforbed 0 50 £2.55
    @gpc70 0 51 £2.48
    @pomfrittes 0 52 £2.48

    @27lucky 0 53 £2.48
    @harry18110 0 54 £2.48
    @zinobino04 0 55 £2.48
    @JonyBrexit 0 56 £2.48
    @sadierose 0 57 £2.48
    @NEO76 0 58 £2.48
    @passplus 0 59 £2.48
    @jim1471 0 60 £2.48
    @JingleMa 0 61 £2.40
    @albertg 0 62 £2.40
    @Aran 0 63 £2.40
    @Taximan1 0 64 £2.40
    @elvisg1972 0 65 £2.40
    @chickdog13 0 66 £2.40
    @bbMike 0 67 £2.40
    @same1 0 68 £2.40
    @thedazzman 0 69 £2.40
    @Blueleader 0 70 £2.40
    @HelsBels24 0 71 £2.40
    @DONATE2ME 0 72 £2.40
    @poshcole 0 73 £2.40
    @TORREZ69 0 74 £2.40
    @YouMad 0 75 £2.40

    @LmfaoAllin 0 76

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,338

    £1,000 Rewards Freeroll (1,373 entries)

    I had to do a double take when I saw this result - 2nd was dragon1964. THE @dragon1964 ? Surely not. World's gone mad.

    @Carlos71 2746000 1 £100

    @dragon1964 0 2 £60

    @Dev666 0 3 £40

    @Shaun524 0 4 £30

    @carson88 0 5 £30

    @davidker17 0 6 £30
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    Tikay10 said:

    £2,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£2,140)

    TheDent mostly seems to one-table & it works for him, 13th in Mega Stack on Monday then ran out the winner last night.

    Going back to English language, we all know what a "dent" is, typically on a cars body. When I first ventured up north I was quite surprised that they use the term dint rather than dent. Strange people, Northeners.

    @TheDent 1070000 1 £299.06 + £184.14 Head Prizes 6

    @dejareay14 0 2 £182.44 + £48.28 Head Prizes 5

    @blablabla 0 3 £112.35 + £92.77 Head Prizes 8

    @LUCKYSAMMI 0 4 £90.42 + £26.04 Head Prizes 3

    @Bleurgh 0 5 £77.04 + £7.50 Head Prizes 1

    @gazzaluf05 0 6 £66.34 + £51.56 Head Prizes 5

    Surely it’s a ‘ding‘
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,338


    Yes, I've heard that one too, but it's neither a dint nor a ding, ffs. You'd never hear HM the Queen or Jacob Rees-Mogg saying dint or ding.
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited June 2020
    Tikay10 said:

    £10,000 Summit Bounty Hunter (£10,000)

    StayOrGo won a final table which was tough in all sorts of ways. As there had been some site issues last night I ended up watching most FT's to see if they played out OK, & the ones I watched were all fine. Sod's Law being what it is I missed this one but I gather it was all a bit difficult.

    @StayOrGo 470000 1 £1510.50 + £959 Head Prizes 10

    @ffbuwliens 0 2 £969.90 + £303.70 Head Prizes 5

    @NooGooood 0 3 £604.20 + £309.38 Head Prizes 6

    @Alvez11 0 4 £490.25 + £110.16 Head Prizes 2

    @goldnballz 0 5 £400.15 + £417.92 Head Prizes 8

    @heddoh18 0 6 £333.90 + £262.51 Head Prizes 5
    Was a great FT, shame about the tech issues, but we'll move swiftly on from that. Everyone took it well and it was played in great spirit.

    My friend @Alvez11 lost a massive race against me TT > AJ, otherwise it'd probably have been him on top of the podium.

    He's a class act, as are the others.
  • dragon1964dragon1964 Member Posts: 3,054
    Tikay10 said:

    £1,000 Rewards Freeroll (1,373 entries)

    I had to do a double take when I saw this result - 2nd was dragon1964. THE @dragon1964 ? Surely not. World's gone mad.

    @Carlos71 2746000 1 £100

    @dragon1964 0 2 £60

    @Dev666 0 3 £40

    @Shaun524 0 4 £30

    @carson88 0 5 £30

    @davidker17 0 6 £30
    Just a case of constantly lucky laddering.
    Tonight's 81st for £2 has put a ding in my confidence though.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited June 2020
    A dint is a perfectly acceptable alternative to dent, probably both derived from the old english dynt and it is in most dictionaries.

    A ding however is obviously a noise, like a ring. It's onomatopoeic.
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