During the day Today I have set myself a new challenge
I will be playing low stake DYMs with a short deck (What do You Mean?) I hear you ask.
Well, I am going to see how many hands and DYM games I can win with four cards missing from my playing range J, Q, K, A. So I will be folding every hand which contains even one of these four cards. So my optimal playing hands will be suited & connecting cards.
I will post my results a I go - Wish me Luck.
How many games do you think I can win without using the J, Q, K or A?
0 ·
Won my first hand - This is a good start
1. This is a ridiculous challenge
2. Poket Pairs below 10 should not be highly rated
3. If you go All-in with pocket pairs pre-flop you are gonna get called with K7 off suit
Ok - Gonna give it one more shot - wish me luck
I did win a few hands but sadly this method is a big NO NO - So now I'm off to play some proper poker - see you all in the orfordable deepy tonight and maybe the 8.15 deepstack aswell.
Official Result : JQKA 5 - Pokertrev 0
are you going to be playing short deck in that too?
Aw, give the rest of us a chance.

I hopefully will be there. got some mothers-day shopping to do but should be back in time to make it.
See you on the final table i hope mate