Hello All,
Many may have seen me on the MTT tables over the last couple of weeks, so I thought I'd introduce myself and create a Forum Diary as I enter my 4th week of grinding. I don't expect this thread to be in any way interesting but it will certainly keep me focused on the tables. I will aim to update on progress once a week.
IntroductionI'm a 27 year old tax advisor living in Telford, Shropshire (originally from Widnes, Cheshire). Since graduating in Mathematics at The University of Manchester, I've been in and around finance roles until more recently I fell into a commercial property tax advisory role which I'm loving! I'm very much a numbers man, so poker has always been a natural interest to me. I've not really taken poker too seriously until recently in the hope that I can make a worthwhile side income. In truth, as long as I continue to enjoy playing poker anything above 0% ROI should be seen as positive.
Short and Long Term GoalsI will be aiming to play 5 evenings a week, but this may be affected by an imminent return to the office and with lockdown restrictions being lifted there will certainly be distractions where beer is concerned

I typically look to play a daily schedule that has an average buy in of no more than 1% of my current bankroll. So far, my first 2 weeks consisted of a mix £2.20 and £5.50 whereas week 3 saw a promotion to £11 tournaments (with some £2.20 tournaments being dropped from the schedule).
Starting bankroll = c.£150
Current bankroll = £694.53
If and when I reach a £1k bankroll, I would like to start withdrawing 10-20% of my weekly total buy in (irrespective of results) and a "commission" of profit in excess (if any). This will help me stay focused on volume, without becoming results orientated, whilst hopefully continuing to grow the bankroll with the view to progressing to £22+ MTTs before Christmas. The longer term goal would be to build a sufficient bankroll that could play any MTT schedule on Sky Poker, but there will certainly be a lot of hard work and studying before I get anywhere near that.
Outside of poker, I am currently saving towards a house deposit for my first home. Any withdrawal I make from Sky Poker will either go towards accelerating that house deposit process or to treat me and the missus (I think she will deserve something for her patience!)
Results (so far)Week 1MTT Played = 67
Total Buy Ins = £223.30
Avg BI = £3.33
Total Winnings = £602.33
Total Profit = £379.03
ROI% = 169.7%
Week 2MTT Played = 82
Total Buy Ins = £325.90
Avg BI = £3.97
Total Winnings = £480.64
Total Profit = £154.74
ROI% = 47.5%
Week 3MTT Played = 60
Total Buy Ins = £365.70
Avg BI = £6.10
Total Winnings = £385.84
Total Profit = £20.14
ROI% = 5.5%
My first daily schedule of week 4 as follows:
(those not highlighted may or may not be played)
Monday schedules are likely to be a slightly lower average buy in than a typical day due to the 3 FTT Tournaments that I like to play.
As an example of how a typical days results will look, please see below for Saturday 4th July:
MTT Played = 10
Total Buy Ins = £60.20
Avg BI = £6.02
Total Winnings = £124.25
Total Profit = £64.05
We ran well in a couple of tournaments but ran into trouble when it mattered close to the bubble. We did take 13th and 15th place finishes in two of the FTT tournaments, so fingers crossed that qualifies for something.
MTT Played = 10
Total Buy Ins = £55.60
Avg BI = £4.63
Total Winnings = £26.91
Total Profit = -£28.69
Start Bankroll = c.£150
Current Bankroll = £668.14
We are likely to be on tomorrow to chase the dragon again
Do you use formulas for the Avg BI/Sums etc?
Something to play with, my spreadsheet is basic to say the least.
GL at the tables and enjoy the diarying!
Yes, I use pivot tables, SumIfs, CountIfs, etc within the spreadsheet.
It's probably a little bit overkill, and a basic spreadsheet would be fine. The important thing is playing good poker on the tables
Having said that, I'd be happy to share my spreadsheet with you, if it helps you with ideas, etc
(again those not highlighted may or not be played subject to how deep I run the others)
I have dropped a couple of turbos from the schedule (7 at 7 and the Reload Rebuy BH) and brought back some slower paced £2.20s.
Total Buy Ins = £55
Avg BI (Inc. Freerolls) = £3.93
Avg BI (not Inc. Freerolls) = £5.00
Good luck on the tables
Had a semi-fruitful time in IT for about 10 years so with my background type I may "have a play with it 1st"
I must commend your level of planning and organisation with regards to your sessions. The first word that tends to come out of my mouth after logging in to the Sky client is "err", so perhaps I should take a leaf out of your book for some more consistency!
Week 4 did not get off to a good start; being £124 down I decided to take Friday off! It so happened to be my girlfriend's birthday too!
It must have done the world of good as Saturday was my 3rd best session since starting the grind a month ago.
Day 5, Week 4 Session Results (11/07/2020):
6 ITMs, 3 FTs, and 1 Win saw me recoup some of the week's losses and one of my best sessions for a while. It can be really demoralising whilst going through a short downswing, but the day off seems to have really helped focus myself on tonight's session.
MTT Played = 13
Total Buy Ins = £62.70
Avg BI = £4.82
Total Winnings = £166.47
Total Profit = +103.77
Week 4 Results (w/c 6th July 2020):
I did say that I would stick to poker 5 days a week, so I am going to force myself to stay off the tables tomorrow. Even though I do like to play the Major Mini.
MTT Played = 65
Total Buy Ins = £286.83
Avg BI = £4.41
Total Winnings = £266.27
Total Profit = -£20.56
Results so far:
Start Bankroll = c.£80
Current Bankroll = £675.40
Nice progress.
It was really nice to share the latter stages of the Mega Stack with you (I think it was the Mega Stack anyway). I recall it being a fairly tough couple of final tables!
I don’t have that much experience on the tables (I think I’m <500 MTTs lifetime), so those experiences tend to be an eye-opener!
I would have been forced to drop the £11s had last night’s session followed recent trend in order to keep the Avg BI with 1% of Bankroll; which would have been a real shame given the playing experiences in tougher fields.
I see what you mean about the potential negative consequences of having to drop the £11 games. I actually made the decision about a year ago that I was going to take the maximum volume minimum ABI approach and so decided to drop anything over a $7.50 buy-in. This reduces the amount of time/likelihood of sharing tables with multiple good players but that lack of regular sparring with competent players could well have a negative impact on mine/yours/anyone's game.
Week 5 Day 1 (13/07/2020)
Week 5 got off to a good start with deep runs in FTT1 and FTT3; finishing 11th and 1st respectively. This is our second tournament win in as many sessions.
We dropped the £11 BIs for the first time in a while, as I felt shot taking and multitabling may not be a good combination. This is not saying they're off the schedule completely, but if I'm at max capacity in terms of tables, I'm likely to decline the higher stake buy ins.
I also decided to withdraw some of my bankroll and hold it within a recently-opened easy access savings account, rather than leave it all on Sky. For the purposes of this thread: current bankroll = money in savings + money on Sky.
MTT Played = 11
Total Buy Ins = £33.60 (lowest for a long time!)
Avg BI = £3.05
Total Winnings = £79.80
Total Profit = +46.20
Start Bankroll = £82.90
Current Bankroll = £723.90
Week 5 Results (w/c 13th July 2020):
We started the week well with a FTT2 win and the 2nd place token awards for the week. We had a really tough end to the week. However, in our final tournament of the week we were left with 1BB and had already written up my 6th placed finish for £17 and an overall loss for the week.
We then entered god mode and took down the tournament for £82!!
MTT Played = 47
Total Buy Ins = £164.20
Avg BI = £3.49
Total Winnings = £192.59
Total Profit = +£28.39
Results so far:
Start Bankroll = c.£80
Current Bankroll = £702.79
Very nice work Swog.
I have dropped the £11s from the schedule last week but hopefully bring them back in the not so distant future.
How is your poker going at the moment?