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Who won what, Friday July 10th

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

Good morning.

apropos nothing really, but I need somewhere to say this, so it'll have to be here.

Those of us who frequent this Forum get to see all sorts of posts, from the brilliant to the utter banal. Some are superb, & can be read again & again so as to appreciate their quality, some are incomprehensible.

It's easy to take our better writers for granted. They don't get paid to write here, & we rarely thank them. It's really rather odd how the world works sometimes.

All of which is the peg upon which I wanted to hand a bit of spam.

Many of you - most of you - won't read the daily MML League round-up that @NOSTRI does every single day. Writing the same report 7 days a week is not easy if you want to keep it fresh & readable. Some days it's just basic, other days it is sheer beauty.

Also not everyone enjoys Diaries, but we still have some beauties here. @Jac35 - Freddy Flounce - has a lovely natural style - and we have many others equally digestible.

A contender for the best writing ever seen on this Forum must go to @SR23 . In his saner moments - which are far & few between - he puts his virtual pen to paper in devastating style, as he did yet again yesterday. Oh, & if he ever appeared on Mastermind, his specialist subject would be Stuff (1985 - 2020).

Entertainment & enlightenment for free - it does not get better. Check those guys out.

So, on to last night. Sheriff & Turbo both missed by the tiniest of margins, everything else did reasonably well. The £8,000 BWBH still runs on Friday along with a £12,000 Main, so it's a punchy night for Sky Poker, but they did just fine.

We are seeing amazingly high numbers for July, to be honest, especially now sport has returned in all it's glory.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. You'll enjoy it even more if you check out those guys I mentioned.

£8,000 BWBH £9,800

£12,000 Avenger Main £12,500

£5,000 Avenger Mini £5,925

£1,500 Mega Stack £1,800

£2,500 Sheriff (£2,500

£2,000 Turbo £2,000

£1,500 Quickdraw £1,550

£1,500 Mid Ex £2,200



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    £8,000 Big Weekend Bounty Hunter (£9,800)

    I wish I knew more about the winner. He features so often in these reports, but I don't know a thing about him. He's among the best MTT-ers here, has been here some 4 years, but he's never once posted on the Forum. I have no idea what "peiratis" means & even now, after writing his alias so many times, I still struggle to spell it. I know he's a wicked player though.

    @peiratis88 490000 1 £1396.50 + £768.37 Head Prizes 8

    @manosalex 0 2 £896.70 + £313.47 Head Prizes 5

    @pacman821 0 3 £558.60 + £289.46 Head Prizes 6

    @supercrazy 0 4 £453.25 + £267.91 Head Prizes 4

    @BHudson 0 5 £369.95 + £312.30 Head Prizes 5

    @MRBLEWPIE 0 6 £308.70 + £37.50 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    £12,000 Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter (£12,500)

    I know very little about Jeffter either, but I do see him on the Forum now & then, & he seems to play a lot of small ball stuff - TPT etc., - & he always seems amiable & polite. So winning a hotly contested £12,000 Main Event for over £2,000 might just be a pretty big deal to him. Very well done Jeff.

    @Jeffter 1460000 1 £1631.25 + £390.02 Head Prizes 9

    @DONATE2ME 0 2 £962.50 + £384.02 Head Prizes 10

    @1jay1 0 3 £578.12 + £115.82 Head Prizes 4

    @GFKIJKLL 0 4 £457.50 + £80.32 Head Prizes 2

    @jakescol 0 5 £387.50 + £150.48 Head Prizes 6

    @SAXONTOM 0 6 £321.88 + £194.88 Head Prizes 9
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    £5,000 Mini Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter (£5,925)

    Try spelling the name of this winner without double & treble checking it. Again, a man of mystery to me, though he did win a UKOPS at Easter.

    Quick shout-out to@NoEa5yCa5h, who won his Free Entry via the Daily Forum comp. I think we can assume that £24 won't change his life, but it was a freeroll, & there's value in fun if we could only measure or quantify it. Sky Poker generously donate a lot of money to prizes, & it's the best thing ever (well, not quite, but you get my drift) when they pick up a few bob.

    @cdfgtyujk 2870000 1 £740.62 + £194.36 Head Prizes 16

    @Seb157 0 2 £414.75 + £68.78 Head Prizes 7

    @Yoozer 0 3 £244.70 + £38.27 Head Prizes 8

    @bluecall07 0 4 £194.04 + £95.94 Head Prizes 11

    @MattBates 0 5 £162.94 + £44.98 Head Prizes 5

    @jimblue 0 6 £131.83 + £79.40 Head Prizes 11

    @NoEa5yCa5h 0 45 £13.63 + £9.62 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    £1,500 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£1,800)

    I had the good fortune to meet & chat with Morris707 at an SPT & we shared tables for a goodly while. One of the most pleasant, articulate & well-adjusted young men I've had the pleasure of meeting in poker, & he's a credit to the game. I believe he runs with Groggs, another terrific lad. Birds of a feather.

    @Morris707 900000 1 £256.50 + £140.23 Head Prizes 7

    @RobRenzi 0 2 £158.40 + £53.36 Head Prizes 5

    @Card4Life 0 3 £98.10 + £63.43 Head Prizes 6

    @Nero543 0 4 £79.20 + £23.41 Head Prizes 2

    @FUNKYB31 0 5 £66.15 + £58.53 Head Prizes 6

    @miniman88 0 6 £55.80 + £21.21 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    £2,500 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£2,500)

    I have no way of checking it, but I shudder to think how many Sky Poker MTT's Redmond (lolufold) has won in his time here. Must be well into 3 figures.

    I spotted Gelders just off the FT too, hope you are in good nick mate, good to see you, so to speak.

    @lolufold 240000 1 £481 + £400.46 Head Prizes 9

    @mrrungood 0 2 £286 + £131.26 Head Prizes 6

    @ufud 0 3 £195 + £137.41 Head Prizes 5

    @MikeyW94 0 4 £143 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1

    @ozzieowen 0 5 £104 + £121.88 Head Prizes 6

    @Gambelo 0 6 £91 + £62.11 Head Prizes 3

    @GELDY 0 7 £75 Head Prizes 4
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    £2,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£2,000)

    The winner - not to be confused with the other "PJ" we have here - was 4th in BWBH a few months back so has a bit of form.

    @pj_guzdz 325000 1 £379.25 + £243.92 Head Prizes 9

    @stocks09 0 2 £225.50 + £53.09 Head Prizes 3

    @GFKIJKLL 0 3 £153.75 + £64.87 Head Prizes 4

    @duncan1979 0 4 £112.75 + £45.70 Head Prizes 3

    @TERENTIUS2 0 5 £82 + £42.19 Head Prizes 3

    @blablabla 0 6 £71.75 + £32.35 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    £1,500 Quickdraw (£1,550)

    GFKIJKLL is another I struggle to spell, but he wins more than his fair share, so maybe I'll get the hang of it eventually.

    I won't try to explain why I have posted the image below, suffice to say there is a connection with this result, & I used to have a framed version of that very photograph on my bedroom wall when I was an adolescent.

    @GFKIJKLL 155000 1 £310 + £364.83 Head Prizes 10

    @StayOrGo 0 2 £193.75 + £105.47 Head Prizes 5

    @duncan1979 0 3 £116.25 + £79.69 Head Prizes 4

    @ffbuwliens 0 4 £85.25 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1

    @cabbaz 0 5 £69.75 + £28.13 Head Prizes 1

    @gadger 0 6 £37.50 Head Prizes 2

    @minter123 0 7 £46.88 Head Prizes 2

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    £1,500 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£2,020)

    Darty was 8th in the BWBH but got some consolation here. He joined the Daily Forum Comp this week, selected 5 of the first 6 winners, then got knocked off his perch when no less than SIX entries somehow found a 40/1 winner yesterday. How do these things happen?

    @TheDart 303000 1 £282.30 + £172.90 Head Prizes 8

    @midnightma 0 2 £172.21 + £130.66 Head Prizes 11

    @FishDog77 0 3 £106.05 + £66.68 Head Prizes 6

    @Danbo406 0 4 £85.34 + £26.72 Head Prizes 3

    @Williskl1 0 5 £72.72 + £19.68 Head Prizes 2

    @mario1962 0 6 £62.62 + £15 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    £1,000 Eliminator Freeroll (380 entries)

    A bit disappointing this only got 380 entries, last Friday's one had 470. It's natural that entries decline as the week goes on once players see they can't win, but I really though this would get 500+ last night, as it all went very well last week. The Eliminator Freerolls give away £44,000. Makers you think. £44,000.

    It's not easy to work out the daily value per player, but with £11,000 per week on offer & (say) an average of 400 players per night (mostly the same 400), it must be a good few bob.

    It must be easy to cash in too, as HENDRIK62 cashed last night, & he's really hopeless.

    @trip_andy 1140000 1 £100

    @spam600 0 2 £60

    @baddunn 0 3 £60

    @Appledawn 0 4 £40

    @fastfood 0 5 £40

    @bheallin55 0 6 £40

    @poker69 0 7 £40
    @loololollo 0 8 £30
    @SCOTFOX 0 9 £30
    @cerysanc04 0 10 £30
    @giesahaun 0 11 £30
    @ASHEAD22 0 12 £30
    @HENDRIK62 0 13 £20
    @BAITRUNNER 0 14 £20
    @splashies 0 15 £20
    @mikey67 0 16 £20
    @Asho28 0 17 £20
    @mrwhizz72 0 18 £20
    @nirvana29 0 19 £20
    @Dan_Turnip 0 20 £20
    @Cammykaze 0 21 £10
    @novice174 0 22 £10
    @kelvh1878 0 23 £10
    @Enut 0 24 £10
    @JACKDAW 0 25 £10

    @ffbuwliens 0 26 £10
    @kevo137 0 27 £10
    @nellel 0 28 £10
    @poppy765 0 29 £10
    @ZZBORT 0 30 £10
    @lfccarl 0 31 £10
    @brunoboy51 0 32 £10
    @montylife 0 33 £10
    @Robbo67 0 34 £10
    @bbMike 0 35 £10
    @Swimmr 0 36 £10
    @Corby77 0 37 £4
    @anyam 0 38 £4
    @teamclau 0 39 £4
    @flee318 0 40 £4
    @squeak13 0 41 £4
    @Wardma23 0 42 £4
    @SMARTGOAT 0 43 £4
    @broldo88 0 44 £4
    @raggy94 0 45 £4
    @carliahol 0 46 £4
    @TWODASH 0 47 £4
    @TopMan12 0 48 £4
    @Cherryt871 0 49 £4
    @brinna12 0 50 £4
    @BURTPUSSY 0 51 £4
    @sendit93 0 52 £4
    @mrpunctual 0 53 £4
    @tosca21 0 54 £4
    @junior10 0 55 £4
    @pegasuso10 0 56 £2
    @SILVO1 0 57 £2
    @phil_o 0 58 £2
    @BrettFavre 0 59 £2
    @shorzy 0 60 £2
    @equaliser 0 61 £2
    @ribeiro66 0 62 £2
    @mooreski 0 63 £2
    @razblue 0 64 £2
    @Puzzler 0 65 £2
    @gobbleoff 0 66 £2
    @KnoxTrot 0 67 £2
    @Dc1975008 0 68 £2
    @Gindog 0 69 £2
    @riken6398 0 70 £2
    @spacegoo 0 71 £2
    @albertg 0 72 £2
    @bludreid11 0 73 £2
    @krotom1 0 74 £2
    @disco45 0 75 £2
    @joe6565 0 76 £2
    @Lams183 0 77 £2
    @metz7 0 78 £2
    @ben170583 0 79 £2
    @IamAll_En 0 80 £2
    @luckygud 0 81 £2
    @sircryptic 0 82 £2
    @mondo1985 0 83 £2

    @bigballoo 0 84 £1
    @mint2210 0 85 £1
    @yazzy16 0 86 £1
    @kevwards 0 87 £1
    @Coybs 0 88 £1
    @chickdog13 0 89 £1
    @nsass1 0 90 £1
    @__IRE__ 0 91 £1
    @1jaysjacks 0 92 £1
    @MattBates 0 93 £1
    @catit 0 94 £1
    @HOLLYWHIT 0 95 £1
    @hammers13 0 96 £1
    @innit 0 97 £1
    @kevboy5510 0 98 £1
    @LAZLO1 0 99 £1
    @YouMad 0 100 £1
    @MRBLEWPIE 0 101 £1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    £1,000 Rewards Freeroll (949 entries)

    @scully06 1898000 1 £100

    @burden09 0 2 £60

    @fellrun50 0 3 £40

    @Picklechop 0 4 £30

    @The_Ruiner 0 5 £30

    @RackasKing 0 6 £30

    @dameflop 0 7 £20
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,631
    Tikay10 said:

    £1,500 Quickdraw (£1,550)

    GFKIJKLL is another I struggle to spell, but he wins more than his fair share, so maybe I'll get the hang of it eventually.

    I won't try to explain why I have posted the image below, suffice to say there is a connection with this result, & I used to have a framed version of that very photograph on my bedroom wall when I was an adolescent.

    @GFKIJKLL 155000 1 £310 + £364.83 Head Prizes 10

    @StayOrGo 0 2 £193.75 + £105.47 Head Prizes 5

    @duncan1979 0 3 £116.25 + £79.69 Head Prizes 4

    @ffbuwliens 0 4 £85.25 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1

    @cabbaz 0 5 £69.75 + £28.13 Head Prizes 1

    @gadger 0 6 £37.50 Head Prizes 2

    @minter123 0 7 £46.88 Head Prizes 2

    That would be Derek've done that pic once before....😊
  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397

    What you say in the opening of the Daily is one of the 2/3 main reasons for sticking with Sky Poker.

    It's great to see/read about people away from the tables and get a feel for the person underneath the poker 'persona' if you like.

    Diaries/streams and discord have been good for the Sky Community and from a personal point of view I am glad to have errr..... "opened up" a little over the LD period.

    Thanks to the diarists, discorders and streamers for taking this to the next level. Something to get on board with maybe.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    Tikay10 said:

    £2,500 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£2,500)

    I have no way of checking it, but I shudder to think how many Sky Poker MTT's Redmond (lolufold) has won in his time here. Must be well into 3 figures.

    I spotted Gelders just off the FT too, hope you are in good nick mate, good to see you, so to speak.

    @lolufold 240000 1 £481 + £400.46 Head Prizes 9

    @mrrungood 0 2 £286 + £131.26 Head Prizes 6

    @ufud 0 3 £195 + £137.41 Head Prizes 5

    @MikeyW94 0 4 £143 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1

    @ozzieowen 0 5 £104 + £121.88 Head Prizes 6

    @Gambelo 0 6 £91 + £62.11 Head Prizes 3

    @GELDY 0 7 £75 Head Prizes 4
    You can check this on scope, it shows in statistics. Scheduled MTTs, excluding sats. 24 wins.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    MattBates said:

    Tikay10 said:

    £2,500 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£2,500)

    I have no way of checking it, but I shudder to think how many Sky Poker MTT's Redmond (lolufold) has won in his time here. Must be well into 3 figures.

    I spotted Gelders just off the FT too, hope you are in good nick mate, good to see you, so to speak.

    @lolufold 240000 1 £481 + £400.46 Head Prizes 9

    @mrrungood 0 2 £286 + £131.26 Head Prizes 6

    @ufud 0 3 £195 + £137.41 Head Prizes 5

    @MikeyW94 0 4 £143 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1

    @ozzieowen 0 5 £104 + £121.88 Head Prizes 6

    @Gambelo 0 6 £91 + £62.11 Head Prizes 3

    @GELDY 0 7 £75 Head Prizes 4
    You can check this on scope, it shows in statistics. Scheduled MTTs, excluding sats. 24 wins.

    Thanks Matt, I really thought it would be a lot more than that. I'm not terribly au fait with the finer workings of Sharky, but it's something I can maybe try in future.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189


    I can't see where you find that info Matt. He's not Opted-In, but I can see from "Finish Positions, Final Table" he has over 50 wins, but presumably that includes Satellites.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,123
    Tikay10 said:

    £12,000 Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter (£12,500)

    I know very little about Jeffter either, but I do see him on the Forum now & then, & he seems to play a lot of small ball stuff - TPT etc., - & he always seems amiable & polite. So winning a hotly contested £12,000 Main Event for over £2,000 might just be a pretty big deal to him. Very well done Jeff.

    @Jeffter 1460000 1 £1631.25 + £390.02 Head Prizes 9

    @DONATE2ME 0 2 £962.50 + £384.02 Head Prizes 10

    @1jay1 0 3 £578.12 + £115.82 Head Prizes 4

    @GFKIJKLL 0 4 £457.50 + £80.32 Head Prizes 2

    @jakescol 0 5 £387.50 + £150.48 Head Prizes 6

    @SAXONTOM 0 6 £321.88 + £194.88 Head Prizes 9
    Well played @Jeffter
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited July 2020
    Tikay10 said:


    I can't see where you find that info Matt. He's not Opted-In, but I can see from "Finish Positions, Final Table" he has over 50 wins, but presumably that includes Satellites.

    the statistics tab, bottom left is wins. In filters exclude sats
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    MattBates said:

    Tikay10 said:


    I can't see where you find that info Matt. He's not Opted-In, but I can see from "Finish Positions, Final Table" he has over 50 wins, but presumably that includes Satellites.

    the statistics tab, bottom left is wins. In filters exclude sats


    Maybe it does not show properly on my (cheapie) subscription, but that says.....

    Wins: 4,440

  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    Tikay10 said:

    MattBates said:

    Tikay10 said:


    I can't see where you find that info Matt. He's not Opted-In, but I can see from "Finish Positions, Final Table" he has over 50 wins, but presumably that includes Satellites.

    the statistics tab, bottom left is wins. In filters exclude sats


    Maybe it does not show properly on my (cheapie) subscription, but that says.....

    Wins: 4,440

    You need to select scheduled
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    MattBates said:

    Tikay10 said:

    MattBates said:

    Tikay10 said:


    I can't see where you find that info Matt. He's not Opted-In, but I can see from "Finish Positions, Final Table" he has over 50 wins, but presumably that includes Satellites.

    the statistics tab, bottom left is wins. In filters exclude sats


    Maybe it does not show properly on my (cheapie) subscription, but that says.....

    Wins: 4,440

    You need to select scheduled

    Ahh, am getting there slowly.

    Wins: 52

    Just got to find how to filter out Satellites now, & I'll be there.
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