So just finished in the £100 deep stack.
Was doing ok but things went a bit sideways and I made the cardinal sin of flaming at a couple of players.
I want to apologise for behaviour that is unlike me. It's been a stressful few days, the ex's dog died during the night and I had to help get it to the vets and console a heart broken kid. I guess the shock finally hit me with one bad beat.
So sincere apologies to all and forgive my bad form and manners.
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Online can be a little toxic at times given the way people act like they can say anything without repercussions. Over the years the worst one I ever seen was something with the words "mother, cancer, eyes' in it. A little over the top that one.
Saw your post earlier on a thread which was a good post and the fact you acknowledged you maybe " weren't at your best" suggests to me at least it's not worth a sweat.