... is what people with no live experience say...
Played a tournament today, UTG min raises I pick up QQ on the button, I shove all in and the original raiser calls. He shows JJ ... Quality QQ vs JJ 80% fav. ... flop (in this order) J,J,K .. good game Flash thanks for coming!!
So before people moan about online bad beats just remember it happens just as much live as it does online.
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KQ suit of clubs v KK both raise and re-raised pre-flop. Then the flop come, 10clubs, Jclubs, Jhearts
another small raise battle takes place before the Ace of clubs is shown. Both players check, then a K on the river and the KK moves all in. Unfortunetly the Royal was already hit/
Of course people blame online sites for bad beats, but last weekend at the SPT Luton, heres just three i was involved in or saw on the day.
1. i had tens with only 5 bbs(early position), so i push and get called by kk(i know how could he lol), i flop a flush draw and hit it on the river.
2. same table 2 hands later. A push and the same vicitim calls again, he has AJ against QJ. This time he hits the J on the flop, but loses to a runner runner 4 flush. Twice in three hands. To give him great respect he didnt go on tilt.
3. in the £30 tourny, i have AA, put in a 3 times bb bet, get 1 call and a min reraise, so i push, caller folds, raiser calls, he has JJ the folder announces he folded AJ, the flops first card is the case J, some comments of how sick is that, i shrug my shoulders, say nice hand and move on.
All poker is rigged imo

Only ever played 1 live game, but was enought to get KK cracked by AQ
since this has turned into a bad beat thread here's mine lol
i have kk and raise 3x bb 1 caller
flop is 222 so i bet pot he calls
turn is 8 i go all in he calls his stack whuich was massive and shows ace six
the river is a 2.nooooooooooo
my worse beat ever and dont think i will get as bad as that again so its all up hill lol
at Luton i saw a few "bad beats" and "internet hands"
my favourite was raising with j6 in the blinds, flop comes j96 vs one player who holds KQ
turn is a 10 giving him the nut str8, and river..... is a 6 giving me a full house. happy days:)
You're throwing all your arms n legs away and u c ant do nothing but sit n watch, I always like a way out
The worst thing was he typed "unlucky m8" in the chat box
Isn't it annoying when you make a long reply and then think you click 'Edit Post', and then click YES, without realising you've originally clicked 'Delete Post'.......... It only happens online!
Well clearly iIn Response to Re: "It only happens online": Well clearly i meant the same percentage/ratio