Sky Poker Stress balls that is and maybe a pen or two 
Evening all!!
I'm tonight's Play The Presenter Fairy (Makes a change from Orford eh?
and I have the power to grant you one free seat for Monday night's £5.5K Open at 8pm.
All you have to do to win that seat is correctly predict:
What my Bankroll will be at Midnight tonight.
ie. How much of a winner or loser I will be.
My BR is currently at 272.57 and I will be playing master cash all levels as the night goes on and maybe a few SnGs and DYMs later.
In the event that nobody correctly guesses, then the nearest will win (and in the event of a tie then the person who posted first will win)
Get your entries down here and GOOD LUCK!!
You can post your answers up to 11pm and feel free to drop in and donate/steal chips to help make your Answer the right one.
I also have a special Sky Poker prize that I will award to whoever has the best Star Wars Name.
To get your Star Wars Name you use the first three letters of you first name
add the first three letters of your surname
Then use the first free letters of the street you live on or grew up on
and the first three letters of your town
So mine would be LISLON PARPOR
Much luck!!!
I think you will have a winning night, and that your BR will be a comfortable £439.43
my star wars name is
And end of Bankroll £363.70
Bankroll £305.50 gl Lisa
trewhi cygtel
Sorry Lisa £189.33
I am the famous space pirate
Be afraid very afraid
£272.58p finishing bankroll, small profit on the night
WAHlston avenue
This would make me......EWA-WOO-WAH
Do I win £5?
Ill go for a end bankroll of £234.23 (sorry)
Star Wars Name = Garlaw Walket
Aargal Crosou
and im not back fully yet... just once or twice a week on a borrowed laptop with a dodgy connection, but beggers cant be choosers
Good luck
My Star Wars name is The Emperor - "You want this, don't you?"
Barbel Halshe (sounds more like a doll than Star Wars lol)
Good luck chicka xxx
Star Wars Name = SHAROB BECFEL