Hi everyone, hoping the community may help me.
I've been playing on Sky now for around 10 years, largely trouble free. A couple of years back I had issues where the client would keep crashing, in response and thanks to people on here I fixed it through removing and reinstalling the client and I think checking I had the most up to date version of Adobe. Since then the client will occasionally crash but has been very stable until this weekend.
For context I only use my PC for poker but last week I switched ISP from BT to Virgin, the speed has more than trebled since then and all my connections appear fine. Also on Saturday I did a Windows update (pushed down/forced restart). Since then I'll load up the client it will be fine for a bit then I will get the "network timed out" error. First one is a soft error however on the second one all tables freeze and I time out i.e. miss key hands/appear away. This appears to happen randomly like data packets are being dropped at times and the client cannot cope. I am not on Wifi but via a bridge (through power socket) to the router however I did test on WiFi and I'm getting the same issue. Also this error will occur even when I am not playing but just have the client open.
Genuinely unsure how to unlock this but with the rake promo kicking off I want to resolve before costing myself a fair amount of money so any guidance is gratefully received.
Ps. no issues on browser but I have issues with volume then as table sizes are larger than client and I can only fit six rather than eight tables on my monitor.
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You can try uninstalling Sky Poker, uninstalling Adobe Air, locate and delete Sky Poker and AIR folders, REBOOT and then reinstall Sky Poker which in turn will download and install the latest Adobe Air. That's the first thing to try.
wouldn't imagine the problem is to do with your internet connection although error suggests this, just done a ping test i get 384mbps dl 37 upload and I get it loads.
I have also noticed that I get logged out repeatedly when just using the forum (happened just now) and not even playing.
I went through the reinstall skypoker/adobe air routine but no luck.
Usually it just goes back to a main client box not logged in, but I did once get a red box pop up saying I had been logged out due to inactivity. Which is fun when I'm playing 3 mtts.