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Hand advice pls

loosecamelloosecamel Member Posts: 154
vs 2 unknowns
DREAMHUNTESmall blind100.00100.006705.00
Aido_domBig blind200.00300.0024482.50
Your hole cards
  • A
  • Q
  • J
  • 8
  • Q
chillidamoUnmatched bet1195.0010625.002992.50
  • A
  • Q
  • K
  • Q
  • Q
  • J
  • 6
  • 9
chippsrusWinTwo Pairs, Queens and Jacks10145.0010145.00
loosecamelWinPair of Queens480.00480.00
I'm guessing a lot of people will say shove pre here, but as played do we call here? I know i'm pretty much always behind when 3rd player shoves, but getting like 4:1 and a bounty so just sigh called. Obviously dead to 910 and sets, felt at the time I was ahead of first player so more a question if second has enough random 10J/K10 that punt it in too.

Is this standard or am I setting fire to £££?

Thanks in advance


  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2020
    Hi @loosecamel

    Here's my 2 cents worth.

    Pre flop is fine. Although you can shove 17BB's (Sorry mis-read stack sizes originally thought it was 33 BB's eff)

    Raising to induce a shove with worse against aggressive opponents is fine imo, but the GTO guys would probably just shove, especially if oppo's are "STICKY" calling types.

    I like 440 rather than 400, but that's just me. no big deal either way as long as your raise sizing is consistent.

    The Cbet is fine, possibly slightly smaller, but then you probably have to fold imo as it was a rainbow flop, so no flush draws and, as such, one of them almost certainly has a made hand that beats you.

    If you are really lucky one has KQ and the other KT or QT, but most the time you are beat by at least one of them.

    Even if you did manage to hit an Ace or Queen on the turn/river, you may still not be good. So if beat, you are drawing very thin.

    Clearly in this case the Ace would have been good but a Queen not, it would be very rare for both the Queen and Ace to be good.

    Also when posting these you may get less "biased" responses if you just post the hand up the the "decision point" as below, although formatting lost.

    This way people aren't results orientated.

    Hope this helps.

    P.S. I mis-read your stack size with the original reply. I still feel the fold is best, but understand the call with your stack. I originally thought it was 32BB's eff, (which would make the fold to the flop re-raise easy) but it's just 17 BB's. Sky hand histories are a pain. @NOSTRI any luck with a visual re-player format, or is that put on hold?

    Appreciate it's probably a lot of work.

    Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance
    DREAMHUNTE Small blind 100.00 100.00 6705.00
    Aido_dom Big blind 200.00 300.00 24482.50
    Your hole cards
    loosecamel Raise 400.00 700.00 3055.00
    Arrogant Fold
    chillidamo Call 400.00 1100.00 6047.50
    chippsrus Call 400.00 1500.00 2815.00
    Aido_dom Call 200.00 1700.00 24282.50
    Aido_dom Check
    loosecamel Bet 850.00 2550.00 2205.00
    chillidamo Raise 4250.00 6800.00 1797.50
    chippsrus All-in 2815.00 9615.00 0.00
    Aido_dom Fold
  • SwogSwog Member Posts: 488
    edited August 2020
  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    StayOrGo said:

    @NOSTRI any luck with a visual re-player format, or is that put on hold?

    Gave up on that, I'm afraid. Too many complexities and issues to make work as well as I'd want.

    You have given me the idea to add an option to hide the outcome of the hand though.
  • loosecamelloosecamel Member Posts: 154
    StayOrGo said:

    Hi @loosecamel

    The Cbet is fine, possibly slightly smaller, but then you probably have to fold imo as it was a rainbow flop, so no flush draws and, as such, one of them almost certainly has a made hand that beats you.

    Also when posting these you may get less "biased" responses if you just post the hand up the the "decision point" as below, although formatting lost.

    Thanks for the reply StayOrGo, I think you're right with a smaller cbet as it will make it easier to get away from that hand if facing a lot of action and it still makes the pot enough so shove safe turns if I get just one caller.

    Also agree with not posting the result of the hand - will make sure to do that next time.

    I guess as played I was the one being too sticky, will try and learn from this.
  • destinycoddestinycod Member Posts: 35
    Could shove preflop, more preferable in bounty comps as people will call wider. I do like minraising here with this hand, being suited makes postflop play easier and I don't think any of your table are capable of putting you in very tough spots. If you feel the table standard is better then shoving is probably best.

    When you go 4 way to the flop, I think checking this hand is the best play. There are plenty of hands you are losing to (straights, sets, two pairs), and with more players in this is much more likely. I think checking entire range in this scenario is probably best.

    Betting isn't that bad though, your hand can get a lot of value from worse top pairs, pair+SD type hands and can shove a lot of safe looking turns for value. Betting smaller would also be better

    After you bet and get a shove and a call, I think you have to fold. Not great as you have put a big amount of your stack in already, but you're only ahead if your opponents both have put in pair+SD and worse top pairs.
  • loosecamelloosecamel Member Posts: 154
    Thanks for the input destinycod,

    I think checking this hand is the best play.

    If we x and see 1/3 or 1/2 pot bet and a jam from V2 do we still fold then? What if it went bet 1/2 from V1 and a call from V2?

    And to further this, a question for you both @destinycod @StayOrGo, how would our play change if the scenario was slightly different;

    a) The board comes 8JddQ, does a flush draw makes us want to ultimately get it in on the flop any more than a rainbow board? And should we still check range?

    b) If effective stacks were 25bb or even 40bb?

    I think at 40bb I would be more inclined to bet decide than 25bb or when 4 way should we be playing a checking dominated strategy that is indifferent to effective stacks.

    Thanks in advance guys
  • Super_OliSuper_Oli Member Posts: 15
    I agree with most of what @StayOrGo said. Shoving definitely an option pre especially since you're sitting on 66% starting stack (assuming this was 5000chip start) so others will get better odds on hunting, but can go either way and min opening definitely fine here.
    Cbet size would be fine slightly smaller as you still set up on the turn if there was only 1 caller, but again not too important. I think the call/fold decision

    a) The board comes 8JddQ, does a flush draw makes us want to ultimately get it in on the flop any more than a rainbow board? And should we still check range?

    b) If effective stacks were 25bb or even 40bb?

    I think at 40bb I would be more inclined to bet decide than 25bb or when 4 way should we be playing a checking dominated strategy that is indifferent to effective stacks.

    a) 8JQddx flop i think is actually more straightforward cbet/call off vs 2 opponents. Too many draws or pairs +draws to consider folding, especially if its not deep into the tournament and preflop ranges seem fairly wide.

    b) I actually think checking is alright as you get deeper, multiway can be pretty dicey and i think it would be an overplay to go for more than 2 streets with top top. Plus you're not really looking to play for stacks once 30bb+. Then you can bet brick turns and rivers pretty comfortably depending on the actions behind. Since multiway you're gonna want to check a large part of your range anyway, so starting with a check with A Q at some frequency at least can be decent.
    Having said that, if its 3 unknowns and they seem sticky/fish type, i'd probably just bet the flop anyway and go from there, maybe making a nitty fold vs a call and a raise on the flop even on only 25bb, and almost certainly by the turn if vill barrelled >half, as it's hard to imagine any bluffs in this spot.
    Then barrel the turn for value on brick turns vs no aggression and just check the river unless improved to 2pair+

    Interested to see other peoples thoughts on that b) scenario
    I haven't posted before but looking to become semi active in these kinda posts to try and improve with others, hope my comment isn't too waffley
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189


    At last, great to see you here on the Forum Mr Oli, & congrats on your fine MTT record, you seem to feature most days in the Results Thread.
  • Super_OliSuper_Oli Member Posts: 15
    Thanks for the kind welcoming words @Tikay10 , i have to say i've always thought those results threads were great, especially when i'm in them of course! Hopefully one day i can reach the Melty/Bates levels of performance on there
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,384
    Hope you don't mind me putting this on here @loosecamel , but it saves having an extra thread of the same thing

    So this hand was 5 minutes into the SPT Semi, so tiny Blinds, and not a good time to be going Busto.........
    SzaryPolakSmall blind10.0010.003060.00
    chicknMeltBig blind20.0030.003040.00
    Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    • Q
    • 7
    • 2
    • Q
    it would be great for some help off the man himself @chicknMelt , especially if you could tell me what you had ;)

    .......but any help would be much appreciated

    I decided in the end Melty had either flopped the Flush (probably.... I think), or a Queen and a biggish Heart, so thought the best option was to FOLD, but being in position, should I have risked 600 chips to see the River?

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    What are you hoping to see on the river?
    Looks fine as played.
    Feels tight but maybe an argument for folding the flop with it being a sat?
    Without the Kh your hand has nowhere to go and you're only gonna face more bets on the turn and river.

    Would possibly Cbet a little less but other than that it's all gravy.
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,384

    What are you hoping to see on the river?
    Looks fine as played.
    Feels tight but maybe an argument for folding the flop with it being a sat?
    Without the Kh your hand has nowhere to go and you're only gonna face more bets on the turn and river.

    Would possibly Cbet a little less but other than that it's all gravy.

    Cheers Jon @hhyftrftdr ..... I thought in the end it had to be right to sigh....FOLD :/

    risking 600 chips into 1425 to see if K or Q drops on River, and then Andy @chicknMelt might have had a Q anyway....... If it had been against MisterPJ I would have played it, 'coz you just know the Kh would have dropped ;)
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    MISTY4ME said:

    Hope you don't mind me putting this on here @loosecamel , but it saves having an extra thread of the same thing

    So this hand was 5 minutes into the SPT Semi, so tiny Blinds, and not a good time to be going Busto.........

    SzaryPolakSmall blind10.0010.003060.00
    chicknMeltBig blind20.0030.003040.00
    Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    • Q
    • 7
    • 2
    • Q
    it would be great for some help off the man himself @chicknMelt , especially if you could tell me what you had ;)

    .......but any help would be much appreciated

    I decided in the end Melty had either flopped the Flush (probably.... I think), or a Queen and a biggish Heart, so thought the best option was to FOLD, but being in position, should I have risked 600 chips to see the River?

    I had K4hh misty, good fold :)

  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,384

    Really kind of you Andy @chicknMelt , thanks for letting me know........ Glad to see my first thought was right then, and Kh too .....VNH :)
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