Massive thanks to @chicknMelt for coming on the stream and being such a great guest. Also big thanks to all who tuned in and piped up with any questions along the way.
The whole thing is immediately available for replaying at the link below and I'll also have this up on Youtube in another day or so for anyone that would prefer to watch it there.
Thanks for all the nice feedback guys - it really is appreciated.
I've got nothing else officially lined-up as yet on the podcast front but they've been great fun and well received so I'm sure that won't be the last of them. Keep an eye on the forum and/or follow me on twitter to be kept informed of future episodes. I can also be found live every Monday on Twitch playing MTT's on Sky whilst pretending to know what I'm doing .
Massive thanks to @chicknMelt for coming on the stream and being such a great guest. Also big thanks to all who tuned in and piped up with any questions along the way.
The whole thing is immediately available for replaying at the link below and I'll also have this up on Youtube in another day or so for anyone that would prefer to watch it there.
Thanks again guys!
Good work!
I've got nothing else officially lined-up as yet on the podcast front but they've been great fun and well received so I'm sure that won't be the last of them. Keep an eye on the forum and/or follow me on twitter to be kept informed of future episodes. I can also be found live every Monday on Twitch playing MTT's on Sky whilst pretending to know what I'm doing